
Let ‘Em Send Me to the Bughouse Again!

By | 02/01/2021

I wanna live back in the USSR,I vote for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.And let the buggers send me to the bughouse again –There they give you downers—and free of charge, that’s the best of all! — Russian shitkicker radical commie underground poetry. It’s a quiet night here, by Shchukinskaya metro station. If you look out the window, you can see the twin towers of the swanky Aliye Parusa apartment complex, painted a really eerie… Read More »

Q: Another “Communist” Party? A: No. The Vanguard of the Russian Proletariat and Oppressed Peoples!

By | 06/30/2015

The list of totalitarian sects, punk get-togethers and gatherings of psychos that compose the sector of the Russian political arena quite presumptuously calling itself Communist reminds one of the ancient Jewish Cabbala or Umberto Eco’s post-modern excursions. We’ve got the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), the Russian Communist Workers’ Party (RCWP), the Russian Party of… Read More »

William Go Home!

By | 06/29/2015

RMP representatives carried this text to the United Kingdom Embassy in Moscow on September 11, 2001 To:His ExcellencySir Roderic Lyne, KBE, CMG,Her Majesty’s Ambassador in the Russian FederationCopy:Richard Turner,Head of the Press and Public Affairs Section (PPAS),British Embassy in the Russian FederationFrom:Russian Maoist Party (RMP) Your Excellency! We always put a very strong emphasis on the ideals of… Read More »

Greetings to the Seventh Congress of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD)

By | 06/29/2015

In the homeland of Marx and Engels, a country that has now unfortunately turned into one of the citadels of world imperialism, there will gather together people that are sincerely convinced in internationalism, brotherhood of peoples, democracy, revolution and Communism. Convinced in the things that constitute the essence of the teachings of the thinkers of… Read More »

Reply of the Russian Maoist Party to the Call for the Anti-Imperialist Camp 2003 “Resist the Attack of the New American Fascism”

By | 06/26/2015

The Russian Maoist Party sincerely greets all the genuine revolutionary, anti-imperialist, progressive and democratic forces that have gathered in Assisi, Italy, this September to take part in the Anti-Imperialist Camp 2003. At the same time, we regret to state that we are unable to sign the Call for this Camp and, therefore, to take part… Read More »

Russian Maoist Party greets Santa Barbara Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) on W.E.B. Du Bois’ birthday

By | 06/26/2015

The Russian Maoist Party extends its warm fraternal greetings to the MIM and RAIL comrades at Santa Barbara and wants to congratulate you this February 23, 2001, on two dates, one connected with North America and the other with Russia, but both extremely important to all true communists worldwide. The first is, of course, the… Read More »

The Thorny Way to Freedom (The Chechen Problem, the Recent Attack in Moscow and the Contemporary Russian State)

By | 10/14/2014

By Dar ZHUTAYEV and Denis SELIVYORSTOV, Russian Maoist PartySpecially for Umut Yayıncılık To the memory of the hundreds of innocent Russian civilians,including women and children,as well as Chechen freedom fighters,butchered in cold blood by the semi-fascist Russian regimein the early morning of October 26, 2002 This article is sadly underdocumented. Before the October 23 attack in Moscow, there was quite a developed Chechen Internet culture, with a lot of various Web sites in different languages, some… Read More »