Tag Archives: war

The victory of the armed people’s movement in Myanmar is unstoppable

By | 05/20/2024

Armed groups of national minorities and people fighting in different regions in Myanmar against the fascist Tatmadaw junta have achieved successive victories. From separate efforts, the unity and coordination of the armed anti-junta groups have increased. Simultaneous and, in some parts, coordinated offensives from late 2023 have also accelerated. They are confident in significantly weakening, if not completely overthrowing, the despised regime this year. National minorities have been fighting… Read More »

On the draft Call for a day of mobilization against the wars of capital

By | 02/20/2024

Recently, the European Coordination Committee of the ICOR sent out a draft Call for a day of mobilization against the wars of capital. Unfortunately, this draft actually distorts the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and propose a completely invalid analysis. For starters, the allegation that the war in Ukraine began just on February 24, 2022, is completely wrong. Actually, this war began in the spring of 2014, when the Kyiv chauvinistic neo-Bandera regime tried to suppress the national liberation movement in the southeastern border region with… Read More »

Briefly about the motives, justifications, goals and consequences of the special military operation (SMO) of Russia in Ukraine

By | 03/17/2022

The question of the motives for the operation should not really be asked of Russia, because Russia was not that who chose here. The operation was forced by the following circumstances: Ukraine’s ongoing attacks on the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR), where, by the way, almost a million citizens of the Russian Federation live; NATO’s continued expansion to the east; President Zelensky’s statement on the possibility of withdrawing from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum). The real manager of this conflict… Read More »

The Thorny Way to Freedom (The Chechen Problem, the Recent Attack in Moscow and the Contemporary Russian State)

By | 10/14/2014

By Dar ZHUTAYEV and Denis SELIVYORSTOV, Russian Maoist PartySpecially for Umut Yayıncılık To the memory of the hundreds of innocent Russian civilians,including women and children,as well as Chechen freedom fighters,butchered in cold blood by the semi-fascist Russian regimein the early morning of October 26, 2002 This article is sadly underdocumented. Before the October 23 attack in Moscow, there was quite a developed Chechen Internet culture, with a lot of various Web sites in different languages, some… Read More »