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Encyclopedia of right opportunism. About the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

By | 01/27/2025

Ⅰ. Marxism and opportunism

Practically everyone will be able to climb a small hill, but one can overcome Everest only by mastering a whole alpine science. Even more difficult is the conquest of socialism. This is the first social order in history, which is impossible to master, guided by superficial everyday ideas or the so-called “common sense”. This is a system that cannot develop properly by itself, cannot grow as the grass grows. Therefore, either based on a strictly scientific basis, it is really conquered, successfully developed and built, or, ignoring these fundamentals, they suffer a cruel defeat.

Such a necessary basis for the conquest and development of socialism is given by Marxism, whose fundamental difference from all other “isms” is precisely its strict scientific character. It would seem that we all studied and should know well the crystal clear statements of this great science about the revolutionary transformation of society. However, over the course of several decades, and in recent years especially, with all sorts of fake “true Leninists” and simply fierce enemies of the working class, so many involuntary and deliberate distortions were introduced into popular ideas about Marxism scientific communism.

First of all, it should be noted that, consistently relying on the materialist understanding of reality, Marxism insists on the existence of its objective laws and on the knowability of these laws. At the same time, Marxism teaches us “economic determinism”, showing that the most important social phenomena ultimately have their deepest causes in the economic side of society. This in turn makes possible a materialistic understanding of history.

The logical development of these fundamental moments inevitably leads to the affirmation of the paramount necessity of a class approach to all phenomena and processes in a class society, and at the same time the history of mankind is revealed as a history of class struggle.

Marxism marks the possibility of both evolutionary and revolutionary development. But consistently relying on dialectics, it shows that fundamental qualitative changes in the life of society, such as changes in socio-economic formations, although prepared in the course of evolutionary quantitative changes, however, are made in the form of revolutionary leaps. Therefore, Marxism calls boldly to face the harsh necessity of revolutionary changes of reality.

It should be noted that a revolutionary change of reality is necessary not only at the stage of taking power – during the revolution, but also at the stage of transforming the political, economic, cultural, moral foundations of life after the revolution. In economics, this should be expressed primarily in the decisive destruction of private ownership and the assertion of public ownership of the means of production, in overcoming commodity production and the market, in establishing unified state planning of the national economy with production orientation not on profit, but on meeting the rational needs of society.

At the same time, it is important to note that a revolutionary transformation means not only a radical transformation, but also certainly a fairly quick one. This means that after the seizure of power between capitalism and communism, the stage of socialism, in which there are still many dangerous elements of capitalism for the new system, must be passed decisively and optimally quickly. Otherwise, it is possible to seize the initiative by capitalist elements and roll back, which is what happened in the USSR.

Naturally, Marxism could not fail to develop a doctrine on the necessary conditions and guarantees for the revolutionary transformation of society, both at the stage of seizing power and at the stage of socialist development. The most important component of Marxism is the doctrine of the absolute need to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, both for the victory of the socialist revolution and for the successful construction of socialism in the future. In the transitional period between capitalism and communism, that is, under socialism, “the state … cannot be anything other than the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat” (K. Marx1). One of the most important foundations of Marxism, stemming from the recognition of the paramount importance of the class factor, is the study of the need for international solidarity of the proletariat. “Not to delimit the nation is our business,” Lenin argued, “but to rally the workers of all countries”2.

And finally, the Marxist-Leninist doctrine of the Communist Party as a revolutionary party of the new type and the doctrine of the proletarian revolution are of continuing importance.

The scientific rigor of the position of Marxism and all their interrelations is the greatest merit of this doctrine. It was this rigor that made it possible to create, figuratively speaking, such a unique “structure”, from the height of which reality is viewed deeper and clearer and comprehended. It should, however, be remembered that this scientific rigor inevitably led to the creation of a system, in its complexity adequate to the complexity of reality itself. And with this circumstance are connected quite certain moments of danger.

After all, if the very essence of Marxism consists in its full scientific character, then it is only necessary (no matter by mistake or by malicious intent) to introduce into it something false or to throw away some necessary position, as it loses this essence, and its merits. In this regard, unlike social democracy, monarchism, fascism and the like, there can be no semi-Marxism or some partial Marxism. And for this reason, there can be no “slightly non-communist”, as there can be no “slightly pregnant” woman. Here, as they say, or or!

Another point of danger is that the complex and perceived more difficult. And many, unfortunately, prefer to be content with very cheap populism.

That is why opportunism, which can be conditionally defined as “slightly corrected” Marxism, is a great danger for the cause of socialism. Depending on where, in what direction from Marxism they persuade us to deviate, they distinguish opportunism “left” – calling, not conforming to circumstances, rush forward, and “right” – most often persuading to trample on the spot, and if you go ahead, then by all means “by a slow, timid zigzag step”3.

At one time, I. V. Stalin, answering the question of which of these two slopes is worse, more dangerous, definitely pointed out the greatest danger of the slope that is currently the most widespread4. Today, without a doubt, we should state the greatest distribution and, consequently, the greatest danger of a right deviation, right opportunism, the most prominent representative of which is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation – the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, opportunism as “left” and “right” can be divided into two groups. To the first one, it is advisable to include opportunism “everyday”, generated mainly by such human defects as lack of education and underdevelopment of thinking, the power of private ownership of instincts, cowardice and the like. “Domestic” opportunism is the soil, the social base for the work of the second group of opportunism, which can be called “scholarly” opportunism (revisionism). Unlike the first, his actions are not naive, spontaneous, unprincipled, but, on the contrary, are carefully thought out and carried out in the name of clearly conscious ideas and goals. Figuratively speaking, “scientist” and “everyday” opportunism relate to each other, like a scientist theologian and rather naive parishioners, or like the head of a dragon and his torso.

As in any epoch of reaction, today all dragons of obscurantism raise their heads, and perhaps the most dangerous among them is opportunism. To defeat him, first of all it is necessary to defeat his head – “learned” opportunism, which, relying on human weaknesses, constantly maintains and multiplies them, constantly expands the swamp of “everyday” opportunism, organizes an entire party from it and blocks the development of the revolutionary workers.

In contrast to obvious enemies, “learned” opportunism pretends to be a friend of scientific communism, seeking, for the best of reasons, to “only correct a little bit” of it. Sometimes he doesn’t even correct anything, but “just” something “forgets”, “accidentally” confuses or substitutes. However, all these “small deviations” bring monstrous results.

The most striking example of the opportunism’s harmfulness is the activity of the CPSU of the times of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev. Were they initially conscious enemies or were they first victims of opportunism, which eventually led them to frank betrayal? It is important, rather, to understand that in order to become a traitor, it is sometimes sufficient, first unconsciously and even with the best of intentions, to take the path of opportunism.

At the same time, it is clear that the most different elements of the bourgeois way of life are inclining towards opportunism. Under the influence of gradual bourgeoising in the minds of many and many members of the CPSU, fertile ground was prepared for opportunism, which also has the important property that creates the illusion of a solid theoretical justification for ideological rebirth. Today we personally see to what extent it has reached. Even the terrible lessons of Gorbachev did not teach anything to hundreds of thousands of “communists” who, like flies on fresh shit, fly to the rich opportunism of the CPRF.

Ⅱ. Genetic certificate of the Communist Party

It is difficult to forget the “position” of the Communist Party of the RSFSR and its leader. In his worthy reports, Polozkov seemed to be in something for socialism, but in the other he was also for capitalism. These oddities of the “mysterious” party and its leaders become more understandable if we recall the outstanding revelations made by A. Prokhanov, the ruler of the thoughts of the “patriotic opposition”:

“For the PSC, the idea of the state was also central. Who is talking about Marxism?.. Everyone is talking about the state and the civil world … We hoped that this communist party could be transformed into a party of national interests5 , that is, a reform party, free it from the internationalist … ideology and take advantage of this potential the party, its structures, its organizational apparatus”6.

It is not difficult to see that it is all about the same revisionist plan – to use the “communist” screen for the restoration of capitalism. This general idea was used first on the basis of the CPSU, then the Communist Party of the RSFSR. The arrogant Yeltsin hurried to ban these organizations that were most useful to him, but soon realized the threat of the emergence of a genuinely communist movement and considered it urgent to initiate the creation of a new pseudo-communist party.

I. Rybkin admitted that

“Already at the end of August [1991] … a conversation took place at a meeting held by the Chairman of the Supreme Council and at which the President met with him. He said that it is desirable to hold an extraordinary congress of the party to make it to capture key positions reformist wing”7.

Thus, it turns out that the initiators of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were Yeltsin and Burbulis, and Rybkin was charged with working to create a party of bourgeois reforms under the communist flag. After a compromise decision of the constitutional court in the “case of the CPSU” Rybkin became one of the leading organizers of the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, at which in February 1993 G. Zyuganov was elected one of the six deputy chairmen of the CEC of the Communist Party.

Zyuganov was the main ideologue in the Polozkov Communist Party of the RSFSR and his election as leader of a new pseudo-communist party was highlighted in the A. Prokhanov newspaper with undisguised delight:

“They did not come to revive the party for the love of communist utopias … Former Politburo member Gennady Zyuganov said what he sees as a revived Communist Party: as a party of patriots, a party of national interests and popular traditions, but not book dogmas. And this strategic line was the most acceptable to the Congress, for the CEC unanimously elected Zyuganov put at the head of the party”8.

This is how the anticommunist relay found its logical continuation: from Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev to Polozkov and from Polozkov to Zyuganov.

Below we discuss the provisions of the Program of the Communist Party. They are unnatural for the Communists, but they are quite natural for pseudo-communists with the genetics discussed above. For the time being we will touch upon only one program statement made back in September 1993 in a letter of the Presidium of the CEC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “On the Place of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Political Life of Russia”. This document states that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation takes from Marxism (!) Only a criticism of a bourgeois state and the idea of familiarizing citizens with the government of the country. The rest of the richest content of Marxism Zyuganov’s “communist” party … does not take. But it is well known that the essence, the main advantage and difference of Marxism lies in its scientific character, including the organic integrity and the close interdependence of its individual provisions. Therefore, to take something, but not to take something from Marxism means to try to break the inseparable, it means not to accept Marxism at all, to stupidly and discredit it and, moreover, to simply kill Marxism and deceive the working class.

In the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation it is said that this party “leads its ancestry from the RSDLP – RSDLP (b) – RCP (b) – VKP (b) – KPSS – KP RSFSR”. It is necessary to fully agree that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is indeed a direct relative of the CPSU after the decades of the Stalin, when it was so mired in the deepest swamp of right-wing opportunism that a whole science had already formed in the international communist movement that specifically studied the process of restoring capitalism in the USSR Of course, we should completely agree with the fact that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a blood relative of the CPSU of the Khrushchev-Gorbachev modification, as well as a relative of the Polozkovskaya Communist Party of the RSFSR. But insisting on the kinship of the Communist Party with the communists of the heroic epochs of the Revolution, industrialization, World War II and the restoration of the national economy is not just a mistake, it is cynicism, which cannot be forgiven.

Ⅲ. Who orders the music

With a cursory acquaintance with the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, comparing it with the recent program documents of this party, one may get the impression that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has noticeably moved. Indeed, the sharpest criticism from other communist parties and from within the CPRF itself has placed its leadership in the face of the need for an urgent choice: either to lose their seats, or … to create the illusion of venting.

We must pay tribute to the illusionists. They worked on the glory. But, as they say, black dog can not be washed white. And the maximum that they managed to do was to remove some too anti-communist attacks and start a more subtle game, bringing the Program in line with the world standards of modern revisionism. However, opportunism is opportunism, its donkey ears still stick out.

For example, our illusionists conceal their sympathies for capitalism very poorly. In the “Minimum Program” section, they make an absolutely correct statement that “under the current anti-people regime, socio-economic and political stability in society is impossible.” But a simple question arises: to which one should this regime be changed or, to put it in a more precise Marxist language, what social structure should be established for stability to become possible? (By the way, stability is stagnant, but continuous, and best of all, rapid growth is needed). For some reason, there is no direct answer in the Program. However, it follows from the text that this means only a change of the management team in the form of the appearance of the so-called “government of national trust”. Or, to put it simply, replacing the “bad capitalist” with the “good capitalist” Apparently, it is for this reason that the illusionists limited themselves to the “Minimum Program” and “forgot” about the “Maximum Program”. For in the latter one would have to not only say about the intention to conquer socialism, but also clarify: when, which way and which one.

None of this is not! Even “ after coming to power,” the Communist Party of the Russian Federation intends, for example, to leave the parasitic commercial banks, but does not even suggest raising the question of the dictatorship of the proletariat, of the power of the working people. Under such conditions, all statements about good intentions, the implementation of which this party, allegedly intends to pursue with “all legitimate”9 means, turn into a deliberate deception of the working class.

Indeed. How, under capitalism, can “return to citizens of Russia guaranteed socio-economic rights to work, rest, housing, free education and medical care, and secure old age”? How does the Communist Party of the Russian Federation intend to “suppress crime” under capitalism, which is by its very nature criminal, and therefore inevitably generates crime? How will the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “seek stabilization and price cuts” under capitalism, if even in the richest capitalist countries, which parasitize due to the robbery of backward countries, prices are rising? And here, of course, the question arises, how do the authors of the Program still imagine capitalism?

The program begins with the words that they are trying to get us back to “barbarous, primitive capitalism”. Apparently, the authors of the Program to this day are in the thrall of lies about the possibilities of some kind of innocent “civilized” capitalism and some kind capitalists. In a prisoner of lies, with the help of which the bourgeois democrats recently confused our destitute man in the street.

The program emphasizes that the Communist Party is against the bad thieves. At the same time, it sounds like “a very terrible threat” to “take control of state property appropriated against the public interest”. Awesome wording! Come understand why not just take away the loot, but only “take control”? And how is it possible to rob society in accordance … with its interests?

From the Program, we learn that the Communist Party’s allies should also consider entrepreneurs, that is, those very predators, in the name of whose dirty interests such monstrous crimes against the working class were committed. Of course, such allies offer distinct advantages. Thus, the cost of organizing the congress amounted to 500 million, of which only the payment for the Column Hall of the House of Unions cost about 100 million. But after all it is known: who pays, that and orders music. Apparently, this is the main reason for the “weirdness” of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, because all its “music” has been written, ordered and paid for by businessmen.

At times this music is quite subtle and can fool inexperienced hearing. For example, such a passage:

“… The Communist Party of the Russian Federation proceeds from the conviction that the fundamental dispute between capitalism and socialism, under the sign of which a stormy ⅩⅩ century has passed, is not historically completed.”

Someone might get the impression that it was written by courageous and inflexible communists. But how! After such a victory of capitalism, they say that the dispute is not over … Meanwhile, the Communists, at least just literate and honest, should first of all state that this historical dispute is over, and capitalism lost it, because capitalism could not overcome its organic contradictions, nor in no way he was able to peacefully and respectfully solve neither economic, nor social, nor national, nor cultural, nor environmental problems of the epoch. At the same time, socialism, to the extent with which, despite the frenzied resistance of all the forces of the old world, was accomplished, it solved these problems, and in a number of cases it solved brilliantly10.

The current restoration of capitalism in the USSR gave a convincing comparison of the effectiveness of the two systems. What was before and what has become now with the country! As far as what was created in the era of socialist construction, despite the onset of the forces of capitalism in the post-Stalin period, still for many decades provided a certain level of welfare and social guarantees for the Soviet people.

What kind of historical controversy can there be after all? Did capitalism, at least in something (except, of course, meanness and cynicism) show its superiority, especially in the historical dimension? The most that can be said is about a purely temporary, rather simply explainable and preventable failure of the historical process.

But it must be said that the wording of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on the incompleteness of the dispute between capitalism and socialism is not at all accidental. For all its outward optimism, it actually makes it possible to question all the obvious advantages of socialism for decades. This formulation also sets the stage for doubts about the loyalty of Marxism and for justifying the various opportunistic “improvements” of Marxism.

Ⅳ. The substitution of socialism “patriotism”

A characteristic method of opportunism is the substitution of concepts, goals of the communist movement, and scientific Marxist analysis with various fashionable, but antiscientific considerations.

More recently, the leaders of the Communist Party were more frank. Almost without any disguise, they tried to substitute the socialist goals for “purely patriotic”, behind which not only the interests of Russian capital, but also the dilapidated church-monarchical aspirations were very strange for the end of the century. So, for example, there were attempts to establish in the public consciousness the motto characteristic of tsarist Russia: “Unity, spirituality, statehood”. What is translated from the language of the evil to the frank means: “For the faith, the king and the fatherland.”

These key concepts are stored in the Program. But under the pressure of criticism, they seem to be relegated to the background, to a strategic reserve. So, as traditional and basic Russian values are listed: “… the community, collectivism (Cathedral), the patriotism, the close relationship of the individual, society and the state (statehood), the desire to embody the highest ideals of truth, goodness and justice (spirituality), equality and equivalence all citizens regardless of national, religious or other differences (nationality)”.

Obviously calculated ambiguities, uncertainties and simple forgeries are self-evident here. One might ask, for example, why in the Party Program, which claims to be a Communist, the notions of community and collectivism should be crowned with a church term – “unity”? One may ask: is there a higher ideal of truth, goodness and justice in the world than the exemption from the exploitation of man by man? Apparently, there is no greater manifestation of spirituality! Then what does the Communist Party Program mean by the concept of spirituality? Exemption from the exploitation of man by man, or is it … trivial religiosity in the name of perpetuating this exploitation?

And when in tsarist Russia was it such a traditional value as “equality and equal value of all citizens”? Were the serf peasant and landowner, batrak and fist, worker and bourgeois or gendarme, alien and Russian intellectual equal in rights? … Why do we need all these dilapidated Church Slavonic tricks and stretches in the Communist Party Program?

The answer to these and other questions that arise is that the Program resorts to such tricks to first equate the concepts of socialism and “Russian patriotism” in the minds of the working class, and then quietly leave only “patriotism” as the thoughtless consent of the oppressed to serve their oppressors.

This substitution is summarized in a very beautiful, but, to put it mildly, not at all scientific statement that the “Russian idea” is a deeply socialist idea. Such populism can sometimes be suitable for salon conversations over a cup of tea of the clever intelligentsia, meeting passions, poetic images, but in no way suitable for the Communist Program, which must be scientific.

No doubt, it is nice to read Russian that “Russia has made a unique contribution to the development of mankind thanks to the peculiarity of the public consciousness and state structure…”. But, since we are talking not only about socialist Russia, but about Russia in general, that is, about Tsarist Russia, it is surprising that praise to tsarism and the public consciousness connected with it. The history of Poland, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and even Tsarist Russia itself has not yet forgotten about the royal ramrod, the rack and the gallows, the unbridled tyranny of landowners, landowners, unbearable oppression and plunder of the wild Russian bourgeoisie.

There are quite a few such touching identifications of socialism and tsarism in the CPRF Program. In particular, it is argued that “the geopolitical successor of the Russian Empire was the Soviet Union”. “Geo” – yes. But the “political successor” – is simply a blasphemous fiction, with a head outstanding psychology of the authors. After all, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the epoch of Lenin and Stalin not only was not the political “successor” of tsarism, but radically rejected the principles of royal politics!

Alas, too much indicates that not socialism is the ruler of thoughts for the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It seems that socialism is only temporarily and formally, as in the days of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, sticking to the text of the document in the name of a smooth transition to something else. At the same time, at this stage, obviously, the desire to push socialism somewhere to the side of the program goals.

“The party is fighting for the unity, integrity and independence of the country, the well-being and safety of its citizens, the physical and moral health of the people…”, – says the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Only after this listing is added that also “…for the socialist path of development.” Why is socialism hidden in the end of the Communist Program? Accident? Formulating the “main goals” of the party, the Program again puts socialism on the margins after democracy, justice, equality, patriotism and responsibility. Although it is clear that without socialism all these beautiful words turn into completely empty, and sometimes simply reactionary abstractions. Is it not quite clearly expressed the desire to hide socialism away from the center of attention in the so-called Communist Party slogan: “Russia, labor, democracy, socialism!”?

All this is not so harmless as it might seem at first glance. In an effort to find an opportunity to “softly” get away from socialism, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation exploit the natural strengthening of patriotic feelings that arise in response to the brazen economic plunder and insult to the national dignity of the people by Western capital. At the same time, they strive to create the illusion that the initial achievement of any “purely patriotic” goals will certainly facilitate later the achievement of socialist goals. However, in the present conditions, patriotism without socialist fulfillment may well lead to unbridled fascism. The struggle is simply “for a great power”, and not for the great socialist fatherland, the struggle for some kind of “sobornost” (Unity of the worker with the parasite), and not for the dictatorship of the proletariat, will unambiguously turn into another cynical deception of the working class. Therefore, such patriotism is false patriotism. Of course, such a line, despite some near-communist words, is only an anti-communist line, by virtue of its complete anti-science.

And finally, if we assume that the authors and supporters of this Program are really not against socialism, but “only” want to focus it exclusively on the interests of the nation and in the spirit of some “national idea”, then we should not forget that such a “tilt” of socialism in nationalism will inevitably lead to the terry national socialism with all the ensuing consequences. It is very important in the current state of the Communist Party to catch and prevent the threat of such a degeneration.

Ⅴ. The fight against anti-people power… according to the laws of this power

No one can deny that the history of class society is the history of class struggle. It is possible, however, contrary to this truth, to persuade the classes to stop the struggle, not to strive to establish their rule, singing at the same time some unrelated to the class struggle, peaceful ways of resolving fundamental class contradictions. Since there are no such ways, such chants, which help perpetuate the exploitation of man by man, are very beneficial for the bourgeoisie, which creates its dictatorship, and it pays well for such a service. Therefore, right-wing opportunism still polishes the technology of duping the working class.

The CPRF program in this regard is not a surprise. For a long time, it is known, for example, how G. Zyuganov doesn’t like the Communists, who do not change their Marxist views, how much he has in common with favorite expressions like “left orthodoxy”, “civil accord”, “civilized development” and the like with bourgeois democrats. We remember his words about the need to create such a party, “which would cut off the extreme leftist orthodoxy of those who remained ideologically in the past century.” There is no doubt that this is primarily about Marx and Lenin.

In order not to have any doubts about the determination of the new liquidators of Marxism, the CEC Communist Party CEC11 letter specifically emphasized the renunciation of the most important provision of scientific communism about the dictatorship of the proletariat: “Dictatorship of any class would ultimately lead to a historic catastrophe.” Since the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie has long been stinking in the country, and with an abundance of clearly fascist features, it is not difficult to understand that the Communist leaders of the CPRF frightened the inhabitant with the dictatorship of the proletariat.

It was. In the current Program, there are no such shameful statements. Moreover. The authors even allow themselves to use the thoughts of “some writers remaining in the past century” (Marx, Lenin) to make a very correct remark that “Russian history fully confirms the view of the role of revolutions as the locomotive of history”. However, the right opportunist nature of the Program remains the same as in the fundamental ideas of the party ideologists. Indeed! Of course, it is true that “the historical process takes place in evolutionary and revolutionary forms” and, of course, it’s good that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “supports those that really correspond to the interests of working people.”

It would seem – clear! Since socialism corresponds to the interests of working people and since theory and practice show that the transition to socialism is such a transition of quantity to quality that is accomplished leapfree, that is, through revolution, the Communists must clearly understand the need for a revolutionary transformation of society. It would seem that after the bourgeois lesson of Yeltsin in October 1993, it is impossible not to understand that the capitalists will never voluntarily, according to the results of some kind of voting, power and property will not give up. An, no! These “communists” against all odds, “seeking revolutionary changes, stand for peaceful methods of their implementation.” For greater importance and the impression of scholarship, it’s added that “the party opposes bourgeois and petty-bourgeois extremism”.

These accusations of “extremism” should be considered. The fact is that from these very same personalities we often heard quite fair statements that war is being waged against our people today. Moreover. By some indicators of distress, it has already surpassed the results of all past wars. It is permissible to ask who, then, should be a real patriot, a defender of the Motherland? Of course, he must be a man, without regard to danger, giving all of himself to the struggle against the class enemy. But this is an extremist! Such extremists were the pilot Nikolai Gastello, the partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the heroic Komsomol members of the Krasnodon underground … It was these and these extremists that brought the Victory to our socialist homeland.

Why is the CPRF program engaged in introducing the notion of “extremist” as a negative image so inappropriate in real present circumstances for the purposes of criticism? It would be more correct in today’s situation to expose indifference, cowardice, cowardice, empty demagogy, lousyness. Moreover, the bourgeoisie of all countries constantly and unsuccessfully introduces the inhabitants in the consciousness that the fighters for the interests of the proletariat are unfair “extremists” and “terrorists”. Naturally: with common goals, terminology is the same. So the Communist Party Program infects people’s minds with disinformational metastases, and for “scientific” it “clarifies”: “bourgeois extremism”, “petty-bourgeois extremism”.

For reflection: riot police already beat up and kill unarmed civilians under the current dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is completely legal, and protection against these killers is illegal, “extremism” Bankers and capitalists legally rob the workers, and protection against these robbers — strike and other actions of the working class — is, according to the logic of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, “extremism”.

What does the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation suggest instead of revolutionary “extremism”? We read: “To remove anti-popular mafia-bourgeois circles by legal methods from power…”. Legal methods! So, in accordance with the laws that protect the interests of the anti-people regime. So it turns out that the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation contrasts revolutionary “extremism” with idiocy. And idiocy without end and edge. For if the current bloody regime of “bad capitalists” (and not capitalism itself) is removed from power, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation gathers through soul-giving speeches and votes, then naturally, with “good capitalists” (? !!!) “to ensure civil peace in society, the resolution of differences and contradictions in a legal way, based on dialogue.” All the same nonsense!

Of course, many members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sincerely dream of socialism, but without a struggle for it, “for so”, and if with a struggle, then in comfortable conditions and with the indispensable permission of the authorities for this struggle. But bourgeois power does not consist only of idiots! Bourgeois power graciously resolves the struggle against it, but only in the only parliamentary way that will never yield any socialism. As any love talk with a woman will not give a child.

The struggle against the bourgeois government according to its laws, that is, actually under its leadership, is the road to nowhere, the cynical deception of the working class.

Ⅵ. Tricks with the working class

Since only the working class can be the force capable of destroying the exploitation of man by man through the exercise of his dictatorship, every genuinely communist party has the task to make the working class aware of this historical mission and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. The task of right-wing opportunism, on the contrary, is to prevent this. But since opportunism plays the game under the guise of scientific communism, it therefore, formally, cannot abandon declaring the decisive role of the working class.

How to be? Opportunism, as a rule, finds a way out in all kinds of “deepenings”, “improvements”, “refinements” of Marxism. The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is an excellent illustration. Here it is interesting and important not only to state the facts of lies, but also to trace the very technology of deception.

“In the socio-economic sense,” we read in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, “technological progress coincides with the process of the socialization of labor.” Does it and how? Here, the authors allow “little” trick. Cunning helps to hide the “small”, but very important inaccuracy. The trick is. that the categories “productive forces” and “production relations” that are fundamentally used in Marxism are replaced by the terms “technological process” and “socialization of labor”. Use the authors of the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation the first terminology – and it would immediately be evident that there is no smooth and permanent coincidence between the development of the “productive forces” and the “production relations”. However, a literate reader should still notice the insidious inaccuracy. Indeed, in fact, technological progress does not just coincide unhindered, but in economic terms, it urgently requires the socialization of labor. The implementation of this requirement at a certain stage begins to be hampered by the lag of production relations, namely the presence of private ownership of the means of production, which inhibits the necessary socialization of labor. As a result, a crisis arises and deepens, which can be overcome only by a revolutionary change in the relations of production.

“Small” inaccuracies and tricks are used in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to get around this crucial moment and present the situation in such a way that, since everything is perfectly matched, the development of society can roll forward smoothly and without any shocks.

But that’s not all. The laces of opportunism trudge further:

“The socialization of labor is the main material cause of the inevitable offensive of socialism. The driving force of this transformation was and remains the working class.”

The pressure on the inevitability of the arrival of socialism here is used to assert in the consciousness of the absolute uselessness of any revolutionary actions. Like, all by itself formed. This is an old sedative, well mastered by the CPSU. The classics of scientific communism thought otherwise! Engels, for example, emphasized that “…the economic situation does not automatically have its impact, but people make their own history”12.

In what sense, then, is the working class as a driving force? Since the CPRF program denies the revolutionary transformation of society and the dictatorship of the proletariat, praise to the working class is pronounced … as the driving force of technological progress. Thank you for your kind words, but this is fundamentally wrong. The presence of the working class, of course, is a necessary condition, but science and scientists are the direct driving force of technological progress. What’s the matter? The clue is simple. All these laces are needed in order, on the one hand, to remove the question of revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. On the other hand, to report in the greatest respects to the working class.

But the most interesting begins further, when our illusionists, quite skillfully, having laid a false line of thought in the foundation of their reasoning, construct their own version of events. It turns out that “in the course of scientific and technological progress, the working class of the city and village is transformed.” Moreover, in the opinion of the CPRF, this transformation consists in the fact that it is elevated in professional and intellectual respects.

Paper, of course, can endure any fantasy. However, in life we see something quite different. Restoration of capitalism, lowering the level of industrial relations, not only destroyed any scientific and technical progress, but also caused a landslide in reverse. Naturally, this does not happen and there can be no increase in the professional and intellectual level of the working class. On the contrary, there is dequalification, and sometimes just savagery of the working class.

Professional degradation even more captures the intelligentsia. Here is the Law Program, saying that “a significant part of the engineering-technical intelligentsia is joining the ranks of the working class .” However, further follows the incorrect statement that “as a result of the counter-flows, the forward detachment, the core of the modern working class, is formed.” It is not true because, in professional terms, general degradation prevails, and not at all some counter flows.

Why do we need all this lime? In order to divert attention from the actual processes of social insight and growth of the organization of the working class, to remove the question of whether the real working class can fulfill the avant-garde role, passing into the state of the proletariat itself, which realized its common interest, that is, the interest of the proletariat – a class that has nothing to lose besides their own chains. In order to replace instead of this revolutionary class, the avant-garde has long been known for its conciliation and simply betrayal of a stratum of all kinds of “labor aristocracy”, “blue-collar workers” or selfish worker “democracy”. After that, there are utter nonsense. It turns out that “further replenishment of its ranks (the core of the working class).

How sweet is that! Everything (including the bloodsucking bourgeoisie) at the discretion of the CPRF dissolves in the working class and there will be no classes! The main thing, without class struggle! And the communists, it turns out, there is nothing to worry about! With such tricks, the CPRF program “closes” not only the question of the leadership role of the working class, but also of classes in general, class struggle in particular, and, of course, revolution in particular. Comments, as they say, are superfluous.

Ⅶ. “Philosophical Mists”

All this is not new. Such “views” are basically the essence of the rehash of the well-known theories of “post-industrial society”, “convergence” and the like, claiming that humanity based on the development of scientific and technological progress and culture is about to peacefully overcome all the contradictions of life. These theories strive at all costs to get away from the scientific Marxist methodology, presenting the socio-historical process in idealistic coverage. At the same time, they strive to replace the concept of socio-economic formation with the concepts of “civilization” and “culture”, seek to avoid considering the dialectics of productive forces and production relations, replacing it with a fruitless illusion about the possibility of conflict-free development of scientific and technological progress.

In our time, especially after the scandalous collapse of the “philosophical” Gorbachevism, a demonstrative departure from science and a simple repetition of the asss of theories long ago rejected by life itself has become quite difficult. Therefore, having chosen the path of abandonment of scientific communism, the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was obliged to cover this refusal with at least something that produced the impression of some kind of scholarship. To this end, the leaders and theorists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are beginning to spread thick “philosophical” fogs.

Instead of the crystal clear Marxist doctrine on the development of society, we are being offered a theory of a certain way of “sustainable development”, developed even “in international scientific, public and political circles”. At the same time, it is stated that “in the overwhelming majority of countries, including in Russia, work has been launched to formulate national strategies for sustainable development, taking into account general civilization trends, existing productive forces, and especially spiritual traditions and aspirations of society”.

After reading this frivolous abstruse text, many questions naturally arise. First of all, what kind of “international scientific, public and political circles”? International Monetary Fund? And what are “generalized tendencies”? The Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation shortly before this fragment mentions a tendency towards the division of the world’s population into “golden billion” and mercilessly exploited by it with the help of the “new world order”.The rest and bulk of humanity. We have known this generalized civilized trend, inevitably associated with the nature of capitalism, for a long time. The past world wars and the current imperialist robbery are associated with this tendency. What does the Communist Party Program mean? The need to focus on the nightmares of the capitalist “civilization” as something positive? Or it means the opposite – the flight from this civilization, which is why it is developed specifically national strategies, that is, strategies for the principle of “save yourself as you can”? Finally, to the “sustainable equilibrium” of what does the CPRF intend to lead us?

You can expect anything. For when you read this program, the impression is that you are swinging on a swing. Here you are pretty Tsarist Russia and the USSR … as its successor, the revolution as the engine of history and … the Communist Party of the Russian Federation against the revolution, socialism and … all forms of ownership, the working class as the driving force and … a completely incomprehensible role and fate of this force.

But, thank God, (as some “atheist communists” now seriously say), the authors of the Program, having supported the reader in this bunch of “highly scientific” fog, finally report that the socialist development is optimal for Russia…

Thank! Rolling up to stupidly on the swing of the Communist Party, having eaten enough of all their eclecticism, seeing all these tricks with the working class, it is impossible not to wonder: Do the authors of the Program understand the essence of socialism? Moreover, do they not want to fool once again the working class with this version of socialism, after which the communists will not have a hundred years of faith then? You ask this question and you understand that this is the way it is! To do so, they spread their “philosophical fogs”, hoping only that among the utterly muzzled people there would be no one who would exclaim: “But the king is naked !!!”.

Ⅷ. The substitution of Marxism Bogdanovism

Since scientific communism proceeds from the determining role of the economic basis, the builders of socialism must first of all clearly understand what exactly the socialist economy should be. The program of the Communist Party is obliged not only to indicate the necessary general principles, such as public ownership of the means of production and its management through state planning, but also to show on which concrete mechanisms the socialist economy should work in order to reveal its advantages over the capitalist economy. At the same time, the very nature of such – economic – part of any communist program is the most important criterion of the communism of the entire program.

What is the economic part of the program of the Communist Party? Let’s face it – there is simply no economic basis of a communist nature in this program. Recall that the Communist Party, with its “socialism”, despite scientific communism, is not going to destroy private ownership of the means of production. The Communist Party promises only “domination” of social forms of ownership.

Why is it still necessary to leave private ownership of the means of production? Why does the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at any cost, even after the victory of its “socialism”, want to have the coexistence of antagonistic forms of ownership, which in the end cannot be peaceful? Perhaps, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation still has not defined its opinion on the fact which form of ownership is more economically effective? But why then rush to be called the Communist Party?

The reference to the fact that due to the low level of productive forces today, “as under Lenin,” it would be necessary to reconcile with private traders, would be untenable. After all, despite all the demo bourgeois robberies, we still have this level “slightly” higher than after the end of the Great Patriotic War. But then the indicators in the economy we had on the envy of the whole world, and it was precisely because we did not focus on the private trader. Or do you need a private trader “for divorce” in order to multiply new and new private traders, to multiply private-ownership psychology and, ultimately, to create new personnel for the “fifth column”? Or, even worse, the friendship with a private trader already so tied the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, that it is simply not able to break out of the vicious circle?

It should be noted that the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is about domination not even public, but social forms of ownership, that is, not the domination of a single public ownership, but the domination of all these “partnerships”, cooperatives, joint-stock companies and other anarcho-syndicalist a rabble who, in Lenin’s phrase, is “a complete rejection of socialism”13. Lenin’s rightness was fully confirmed by the experience of replacing socialism with its imitations in many countries.

The CPRF program promises us that “the wasteful nature of capitalist production and consumption will gradually be completely overcome. On the basis of the progressive movement of a new society, the principle of the universal saving of resources will prevail in the life of people…”. But at the expense of what will happen? After all, the “explanation” of the type “on the basis of the progressive movement” absolutely nothing explains. Rather, the opposite.

Indeed, it is hardly possible to call the program a declaration of the type “the nature of labor productivity will change, the systems of public transport, communications, information, health care, nutrition will rise to a new level … society will move from industrial to post-industrial technologies”, “conveyor technologies will give way to flexible automated ones” and like that.

It is very important! But all this has happened and will continue to happen in capitalist countries, and not even in the most developed ones. Where are the fundamental, socialist differences? Unless these, purely technological, organizational questions should constitute the main task of the party and be put into its Program? Obviously, the main task of the party is more fundamental. It can not be reduced to interference in the actual organization of production and technology. First of all, the main task of the party is to bring production relations to a higher level, which is able to create the necessary conditions for the rapid development of productive forces.

The program of the Communist Party leads the party to the loss of its main and fruitful function, which was very typical for the Communist Party of the last decades.

This replacement of the scientific approach to the construction of a socialist economy with the second edition of the “fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna” is not at all an accidental and innocent mistake. This is a deliberate relapse of the long-time opportunist tradition, leading at least from Bogdanov, later supported by Bukharin and sharply criticized by JV Stalin in 1952 in Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. Criticizing Yaroshenko, Stalin showed that the profound mistakes of Yaroshenko stem from the false assertion that under socialism there are no contradictions between production relations and productive forces. Therefore, Yaroshenko believed that any independent role of the relations of production under socialism disappears. They allegedly simply enter into one of the moments in the organization of the productive forces. Thus, in his conclusions, he robbed socialism of its economic basis, and in political economy its main task, connected with the study of production relations, imposing production science, planning, technology on this science. Naturally, at the same time, he and the party took away its main task, Stalin convincingly showed that the contradictions between the productive forces and the relations of production under socialism certainly exist, since the relations of production lag behind and will lag behind the development of the productive forces. One of these contradictions is, for example, the contradiction between the dominant national ownership of the means of production in industry and the existence of property of a lower level of socialization (collective farm). Naturally, it was up to the state policy determined by the party, whether such contradictions would be resolved peacefully and without losses for a socialist society or their development would lead to a sharp conflict.

Stalin warned in time that if the policy of ignoring the importance of production relations recommended by Yaroshenko with the substitution of scientific categories of political economy for “rational reasoning” about the rational organization of productive forces, the conflict is inevitable, will be implemented . As is known, such a conflict occurred and ended with the strangulation of socialism.

In the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we see precisely these, calculated for the average man, the general “sound reasoning” at the level “it is necessary to do well and not to do it badly”. But we do not see the main focus and absolutely necessary for the successful construction of socialism to expand and deepen the socialization of the means of production, to overcome the marketability of the economy and profit orientation. This is quite understandable if we recall the insurmountable craving of the Communist Party’s ideologists towards “the coexistence of all forms of ownership”. Therefore, in order to disguise the ideological vacuum, the opportunists are forced to fill their Program with all sorts of enthusiastic words about the transition from industrial to post-industrial technologies and the like. Of course, all these words cannot claim to be called the economic program of the Communist Party.

“Trying to reduce all this complex and diverse business, which requires major economic changes, to the ‘rational organization of the productive forces,’ means replacing Marxism with Bogdanovism” – J. V. Stalin.

Ⅸ. Falsification of history

The “analysis” offered by the CPRF Program to “explain” the causes of the collapse of socialism is extremely indicative. Here, on the one hand, there are, of course, curses addressed to the decayed top of the CPSU, shadow capital and other anti-people forces. On the other hand, the fundamental root causes and specific mechanisms for the collapse are carefully hidden. Opportunists, of course, will not criticize for deviating from Marxism. Lovers of “all forms of ownership” they will never see evil in a market economy, the first steps towards which were taken not under Gorbachev, or even in 1965, but almost immediately after Stalin’s death. As a result, the proposed “analysis” at times strikes with clearly deliberate inconsistencies, inaccuracies, naiveties, and sometimes strikingly recalls the bourgeois-democratic demagogy with which people were fooling at the dawn of “restructuring”.

For example, the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation says that after the establishment of the power of the working people the transition to a planned economy on the basis of public ownership was carried out, a cultural revolution was carried out, industrialization was carried out as soon as possible. It is noted that the victory over fascism and the successful restoration of the national economy proved the historical justification for such accelerated development. That’s right. It would seem that it only remains to emphasize that, since it was precisely the organic advantages of socialism and their correct use that made such a successful construction possible, then this should be followed further, in every possible way deepening the socialist content of life – above all, by increasing the level of socialization of production.

But no! Here our “statesmen” give a reverse course. They regret that this path was “forced” (?!), The path of “rigid centralization and nationalization was improperly (?!) elevated to the absolute and accepted as a guiding principle.” They regret that “as a result, the free amateur organization of the people was increasingly restricted, the public energy and the initiative of the working people were not demanded”.

Let’s tell the truth. In this beautiful phrase it sounds not at all some abstract longing for some abstract initiative and energy. It does not sound a longing for initiative and energy in the matter of socialist transformations. Here, the same philistine longing of the Communist Party for “all forms of ownership.” Frankly, longing for private property and profits.

Even Marx and Engels emphasized that the very essence of socialism consists in the destruction of private property. The living experience, in particular the experience of the tremendous victories of the Stalinist economy, shows that it is the depth of socialization that reveals the possibilities of realizing the enormous economic advantages of socialism. But ordinary people cannot overcome private owners in themselves!!!

On the other hand, isn’t the self-evident nightmare to which the replacement of the remnants of the scientific management of the socialized economy by the “free action of the people” led to ? When, in favor of international capital, were the “public energy and initiative of the working people” demanded in the black business of inflating anti-communist hysteria, private ownership psychology, the collapse of the state, privatization and other types of theft and robbery?

Of course, the Communist Party ideologues will say that it was necessary to take initiative, energy and initiative for creation. Right. But for what specific plans should act in this direction? Does he have the Communist Party?

The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation fairly states that the pathos of the Third Program of the CPSU adopted in 1961 (“Overtake and overtake!”) was not implemented. That the main task of socialism has not been resolved is to realistically, in practice, socialize production. It may seem that even the authors of the Communist Party understand this. But alas, it can only seem! For in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation itself, it is black and white inscribed that it is realistic to socialize production, in their understanding, it means … “to switch to the self-government of labor collectives.” The long-familiar Düringovsko-Shlyapnikovsko-Yugoslav model, which represents anarcho-syndicalism, has nothing to do with scientific socialism, with all the ensuing consequences that are clearly visible from Yugoslavia to Russia today!

Not surprisingly, the Communist Party ideologists, even after the pogrom committed by the Gorbachev region, see the trouble of our past development in the fact that in our time of Khrushchev, Brezhnev was taken as a model of an allegedly “outdated type of development of productive forces”. Moreover, by “outdated” without any evidence, contrary to theory and facts, Stalin type of development is meant.

In fact, everything is just the opposite. The trouble was that in the post-Stalin period a consistent rollback began from the advanced type of development of the productive forces. So, after a series of actions preparing the development of market relations and market consciousness, in 1961 an absolutely necessary and adequate criterion for evaluating production efficiency to reduce production costs was removed and appropriate to the nature of socialism. Since 1965, the notorious “economic reform” has already been launched, forcibly reorienting production to the pursuit of monetary profit. This “reform”, which marked the beginning of a forced transition to the market, was enough to ensure the collapse of socialism. However, it is about this most important reason for the collapse of the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, of course, does not say a word! “The workers did not feel the owners.” It is hard to believe that this is said in 1995, when millions of workers realized with their own ridge, into which the bog pulled their bourgeois zlatousta.

It is not by chance that the criticism of the CPSU is superficial in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the Program, there is not even an attempt at periodization, of highlighting characteristic stages in the history of the CPSU and the USSR. This means that there is no analysis of our history. Instead, we find a fairly common type declaration “in the CPSU originally existed opposite trends – the proletarian and petty-bourgeois, democratic and bureaucratic,” “formed two wings, and in fact two tendencies”, that “only by taking into account these circumstances, it is possible to make an objective assessment such leaders of the Party and the state as I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov, N. S. Khrushchev and G. M. Malenkov, L. I. Brezhnev and A. N. Kosygin”.

Immediately questions arise. Which of these figures should be attributed to the positive, and who to the vicious course, and why? When exactly vicious tendencies won, why, what was their essence? No replies. This is not an accidental omission and is due to the fact that any concretization is fraught with the possibility of identifying very undesirable moments for the leadership of the CPRF.

Let us take, for example, the indication of the Program that one of the most important reasons for the collapse of the USSR was the party’s monopoly on power and ideology. Yes, there really is a serious problem. At first glance it may seem that it concludes two sides of an insoluble contradiction. The first is that there is no other way to really build socialism, except through the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership of the communist party. The theory speaks about it, practice has proved it. The second is that any state, including the dictatorship of the proletariat, cannot exist without the monopoly of the ruling party on power and ideology, much less develop. Not for nothing so valued in the capitalist countries, when the party that won the election, can form a one-party government – what is this if not a monopoly on power? And the so-called “freedom of the press” in capitalist countries – if not a monopoly on ideology? Or is the bourgeoisie’s monopoly on power and ideology a good thing, but the same is bad for the proletariat?

If we base our analysis on the contradiction thus formulated, then it is not difficult to sink into the clique of the most artistic bourgeois democrats from 1988–1989, who, posing as true guardians of socialism, “regretted with pain in their hearts”…

In fact, in the post-Stalin period, the monopoly of the CPSU on power was exercised if its leadership had only communist phraseology and talk, but not Marxist science. It was a non-communist monopoly. Therefore, there are problematic issues, but they are completely different.

In fact, did such “reforms” of Khrushchev correspond to socialism, as the beginning of the reorientation of industrial enterprises in pursuit of profit, the transfer of MTS to collective farms, and even more so the rejection of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the announcement of the CPSU as a nationwide party? All these undertakings corresponded to bourgeois, market ideology.

Indeed, the Communist Program should have noted that in the post-Stalin period, the Communist Party and the monopoly on power were in the hands of false communists, opponents of the proletariat, communism, Marxism. This fact and the reasons that led to this, are a deep, comprehensive, scientific analysis on the part of the Communists.

Instead, in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in a familiar populist manner, bourgeois democrats and their lackeys talk about their own, luring them somewhere, but never without telling where.

For example, they say that “self-government in production” is necessary. What is its essence? The program is silent. Next comes the “democratization of elections.” In what sense: “democratization”? If in the sense of the dictatorship of the proletariat, then there are no objections. But the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is categorically against the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie remains. There is no third in nature. But we have already taken to the bourgeois democratization, when the availability of money allows pushing anyone into the deputies: from just mentally ill people to outright thieves. What does the Communist Party Program mean? Next comes the “freedom of speech.” What word? Anyone? Thank you, have heard a lot! This style is quite suitable for the bourgeoisie, but for the communists…

Of interest is the statement of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation that there was “the desire of the advanced sections of society to carry out reforms long overdue in the country.” What are the layers? What kind of reforms are we talking about? We remember the indignation of the rise of the Soviet bourgeoisie that was ripe among the masses of the working people. We remember the regret that Lenin is not with us. We remember the talk that private-ownership psychology is beginning to openly reveal the fangs and that it is time for Aurora to be brought to the Kremlin. That is how really advanced, but, unfortunately, completely unorganized segments of society thought. The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation unequivocally means completely different strata of society and other reforms. This becomes apparent when the Communist Party Program is terribly angry at the Gorbachev leadership not at all because it opened the way for a private trader, but because only… “in words the equality of all forms of ownership was hypocritically proclaimed.”

The repetition by the CPRF Program of bourgeois-democratic demagogy about the harmfulness of the communist monopoly on ideology and power means that this party, with its “socialism”, craves the market not only in the economic, but also ideological. What for? The craving of the masses for socialism is becoming more and more obvious. This seriously scares the fake communists and makes them look for effective antidotes in advance.

“For treachery of the party, for ignoring national interests, for the destruction of our Fatherland,” the Communist Party Program says, “Gorbachev and Yakovlev, Yeltsin and Shevardnadze are responsible.” And that’s it? !!! The rest are “true party members”??? If we submit the names of class enemies personally, it is necessary to continue the list to discuss, first of all, from among all representatives of the party nomenclature: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Polozkov, Belov, Kuptsov, Zyuganov and so on.

It is necessary to say the whole and complete truth, no matter how bitter it is. The true depth of the tragedy is not only that the ideas of communism were consistently betrayed by the leaders of the CPSU, the Communist Party of the RSFSR, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The main thing is that the degeneration, betrayal of the “party members” was massive. How else can one understand the indisputable fact that out of 18 million “communists” today, at least 600,000 people are not even called themselves communists?

Why is the Communist Party Program silent about this? What are the “true party members” all the same and why are they trying to brighten the truth? As for the “true party members”, apparently, everything is simple. As such, the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation calls all the members of the CPSU hiding in the gaps. They are granted indulgences. And they, inspired by the absolution of sins, are felled in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, where, without doing anything and without risking anything, we can consider ourselves to be “a true Leninist.” This is the traditional method of the CPSU of the last decades. This is a kind of “social contract”: the tops close their eyes to the petty untidiness of the bottoms so that the bottoms close their eyes to the greater untidiness of the tops. And everyone is happy! This is the fundamental principle of the organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which should be written down directly in the Charter of this party.

The first reason that made all this possible is the deep bourgeois rebirth of the party masses, not just the upper classes. And not only the party masses, but also the working class and the entire population. This rebirth was most strongly promoted by the introduction into the consciousness of millions of CPSU members of anti-communist metastases of right-wing opportunism: market utopias, bourgeois-democratic illusions, the psychology of anti-Stalinism, the preference of the so-called “common sense” of the uncompromising scientific nature of Marxism and the like.

Right opportunism is one of the main (but not the only) reasons for the defeat of the Communist Party, socialism, the proletarian Fatherland. Naturally, the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation cannot recognize this, and therefore is forced to engage in falsification of history.

Ⅹ. Proletarians of all countries – disconnect?!

The CPRF program ends with the following enumeration: the Communist Party’s banner is red, the Communist Party’s anthem “Internationale”, the Communist Party’s symbolism is a symbol of the union of workers of the city, village, science and culture – hammer, sickle and book, the Communist Party’s motto is “Russia, work, democracy, socialism”.

This short list cleverly disguises, but at the same time accurately expresses the right-opportunist essence of the CPRF. This is the very essence of the methodology of “scholar” opportunism – the struggle against scientific communism in a communist mask.

So the banner is red. What is depicted on the banner? What will be shown? It remains unsolved.

Anthem – “Internationale.” It would seem beautiful!? But the КП Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation made literally an astounding decision: to cancel the slogan “Workers of all countries, unite!”. It turns out that the Internationale is taken as a hymn in order to “compensate” for the removal of this most important communist slogan.

Эмблема КПРФSymbols of the Communist Party. After 40 years of growing domination of opportunism, it may indeed seem logical to someone to designate all allies in the symbolism. For this, they say, it is possible to add a hammer and sickle with a book – a symbol of workers of science and culture. Apparently, now the intelligentsia has emerged as a separate class. Only in the class of oppressors, or the oppressed? And where are the military, students, pensioners? Is it not logical to add, say, a tank, a desk, a crutch? And if you consider that the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation officially as its allies also calls entrepreneurs and priests, then in the symbols of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on a full basis should also be included purse and censer. Of course, the party leadership will not allow such a jumble in its symbolism. If something changes, it is more likely along the path of reduction. The logic of opportunism suggests the following way: remove the hammer and sickle…

Sickle Hammer was therefore a symbol of the Communist Party, because it briefly expressed the most important condition for ensuring the victory of socialism – the vanguard role of the working class in alliance with the peasantry. The symbol of the Communist Party delicately blurs this main condition. He brings to the fore the intelligentsia, which, with the exception of a rather thin layer of people devoted to the ideas of communism, is capable of fulfilling only the role of a force supporting the class in power. That is, to serve the interests of any ruling class!

Motto: “Russia, work, democracy, socialism!”. What is “Russia”? Even the capitalist suits? Even work on the world of the world, the Program blesses the Communist Party? Today the word “democracy” came into use as a scolding. Therefore, the Communist Party was forced to replace it with the equivalent word “democracy”. Democracy means the equal right to power for all. But as soon as the equal right to power is proclaimed theoretically for everyone, that is, for the oppressed and the oppressor, the robber and the robbed, the toiler and the bloodsucker rich man, so instantly the power is in the hands of the strong, in the hands of the oppressor, robber, the rich.

That is why the exploiters of all times and peoples and their lackeys so protect “democracy” and “democracy of the people” – this lie, invented back in the era of slavery. “Democracy”, “democracy” is a uniquely powerful lie, under the beautiful banners and slogans of which the greatest popular movements and legendary tyranoborts perished. That is why it is so important to expose this deception, to overthrow the millennial myth of democracy. The working class must firmly grasp that the so-called democracy is in essence and in fact nothing more than the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the death of social justice. To win social justice, it is necessary not only the destruction of the power of the bourgeoisie, but also of the bourgeoisie itself, which can only be accomplished by the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The founders of scientific communism warned, and the practice fully confirmed their correctness in the fact that if there is no proletarian dictatorship, then ultimately there will be no socialism. Therefore, the Communist Party’s motto, perched on the margins, after “Russia, labor, democracy”, the word “socialism” should not inspire anyone and mislead.

A unique blasphemy on the part of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is that this frail opportunist devisic expelled from the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation the great and truly communist motto “Workers of all countries, unite!” Without the realization of this thought, socialism cannot win a final victory.

Marx and Engels considered the final victory of socialism in a particular country impossible at all. For it was believed that if this country is isolated from the rest of the world, then it will fatally lag behind in scientific, technical and economic progress. If the socialist country is not isolated, then socialism perishes in it in an unequal “cold” war with a strengthened capitalism through the penetration of bourgeois influences. The output of the classics was seen only in a more or less simultaneous world revolution. This was an absolutely correct, scientifically grounded conclusion for a certain stage of historical development, and not at all the machinations of fake communist Trotskyists, as the CPRF Program presents.

However, the operation of the law of the uneven development of capitalism, which has passed into the stage of imperialism, contributed to a social explosion and revolution in Russia. The experience of successful construction and defense of socialism in the epoch of Joseph Stalin showed the fundamental possibility not only of coexistence in the world of socialism with capitalism, but also of the victory of socialism at a large historical stage. And yet, despite convincingly demonstrated the greatest advantages of a socialist economy, the final gain in economic competition turned out to be a matter of extraordinary complexity.

After all, capitalism in the most developed countries largely builds its well-being at the expense of merciless exploitation of the colonial and underdeveloped countries. Socialism developed almost exclusively at the expense of its own efforts and moreover, in many respects being in a rather rigid blockade, it helped many nations fighting for their independence. It is clear how difficult it was to “catch up and overtake” in such unequal conditions of competition.

The growth of the national liberation struggle of the colonial and dependent countries, characteristic of the post-war decades, significantly undermined the parasitic economy of capitalist predators. Naturally, at the same time, in these parasitic countries, social conflicts are exacerbated in a similar situation, since the opportunity to extinguish them due to the gratuitous transfer of resources from exploited countries decreases. It should be borne in mind that since the national liberation movements oriented towards socialism achieve the greatest success in the struggle against imperialist oppression, the liberation struggle of peoples under the slogans of socialism and under the leadership of the communists becomes more and more characteristic of modern world practice. In this way, in such conditions, the slogan of Marx and Engels “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” as if gaining a second wind and becoming even more relevant than before. Previously, this slogan actually referred only to Europe, where there was a fairly mature working class, and aimed at accomplishing in fact only the European Socialist Revolution. Now this slogan calls for combining the efforts of all national liberation and revolutionary communist movements in the name of their growing into a single communist movement with subsequent breakthroughs of the front of capitalism and the establishment of a socialist system in an increasing number of countries. Therefore, today this slogan sounds on all continents of our country, in fact in a slightly different form: “Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!”14.

Under the conditions when there are powerful international organizations of the bourgeoisie, such as the UN, NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the European Parliament, transnational corporations and others coordinating the strangulation of national liberation and communist movements, a demonstrative rejection of the international solidarity of the proletariat is a direct betrayal of the cause of socialism. Only international proletarian solidarity can and must be opposed to the international efforts of the bourgeoisie.

This betrayal of the Communist Party is not by accident. It is especially organic for the ideology of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, for which so-called patriotism is so characteristic, with attempts to detach Russian socialism from the scientific communism of the world revolutionary process, to “justify” Russian socialism with some mysterious “Russian idea”.

Such an ideology puts all members of the Communist Party in a very dangerous position, from which there are literally two steps to national socialism with the declaration of Marxism – “anti-Russian doctrine”, communism – Jewish conspiracy, and the like.

ⅩⅠ. The bustle of the brilliant “elite”

It has long been no news that, compared to other, literally mendicating communist parties, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party that is very rich materially. Another distinctive external feature of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the oversaturation of its ranks by the noble “chicks” of the CPSU, high-ranking political, economic and cultural figures in the past and individuals in prominent positions in today’s society.

The overwhelming majority of these high chiefs, charming folk artists, deep writers, cleverest scholars, seeminglytalented, educated and even highly moral, did not endure at a critical moment, did not reach Marxism, turned out small mentally and spiritually, and therefore stately and stupidly flowed the banner of right-wing opportunism, along the usual, beaten track of the CPSU.

But now and then there is a huge difference. After all, now – this is after the terrible lesson of Gorbachev, who so mercilessly explained in practice what the rejection of Marxism and capitulation to bourgeois ideology leads to. Now it is after that tremendous and painful analysis of each communist, an analysis that in all details revealed all the abominations in theory and practice that were palmed off instead of, but under the guise of Marxism, brilliant insights of various “loyal Leninists” and great victories of “humane socialism.”

But even now, this glittering big-name “elite” is adopting a program that is astounding by deviations from the most important principles of scientific communism.

All these digressions are difficult to enumerate, but the main ones are certainly the following:

  1. Waiver of the destruction of private property and the establishment of only a single national property. What does not make it possible to realize the advantages of a socialist economy on the basis of nationwide planning and lays the foundation for the constant reproduction of the bourgeoisie and the conditions of the new counter-revolution.

  2. The refusal of the unconditional priority of the class approach to the phenomena of social life. What deprives Marxism of its main qualities – scientific and revolutionary, turning it into pseudo-Marxism – a means of ideological disarmament of the working class.

  3. The rejection of the dictatorship of the proletariat under the sowing of bourgeois illusions of “democracy and democracy”, which paves the way for the establishment of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

  4. The rejection of internationalism. What is a betrayal of the cause of socialism on a world scale, facilitates the replacement of socialism by various bourgeois-nationalist aspirations, up to social-chauvinism and national socialism.

This is what the fuss of the brilliant “elite” has led to! And these are only the most important moments. They are like big branches growing from a huge trunk of right opportunism. And so from these large branches there are so many medium and small, and so many poisonous fruits that ultimately form the richest arsenal of means, covering everything necessary to fight Marxism, revolution, socialism.

The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can be safely called an encyclopedia of right-wing opportunism.

What is the Communist Party? Whose interests does she really express? The CPRF, before it, the CP of the RSFSR and the CPSU of the last decades is the result of the deepest rebirth of a very large mass of party members, accomplished under the influence of bourgeois ideology, in whose arsenal right opportunism always occupied a particularly important place. As a result of this rebirth, the Communist Party increasingly expressed the interests of the rapidly growing Soviet bourgeoisie and that morally disintegrated part of the intelligentsia, which valued the values of the bourgeois consumer society above all.

Today’s Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party ideally expressing the interests of domestic capital, for it solves the main vital problem for it – the problem of gently submerging the working people in capitalist slavery under the anesthesia of lulling compromising ideology.

This party challenged the most important Marxist position that only the working class can lead the struggle forsocialism and bring it to the bitter end. Trying to refute this position, the opportunists cling to the fact that “today, they say, the working class is not revolutionary.” Well, that’s right. But only today! And genuine communists distinguish temporary, transitory states from the basic and insuperable development trends. In this regard, it is worth remembering Marx’s words that it’s not so important what the working class is at the moment, like what it will inevitably be due to the economic conditions in which it is put.

No, it’s not at all thoughtless idealization, not “holy faith”, but the correct understanding of the laws of social development makes the communists in the working class see the force that will lead socialism to victory.

Marxism is a powerful weapon in the struggle for the victory of socialism. But he, unfortunately, is not enough to win. Just as Odyssey’s bow could shoot only from those who could pull it with a string, so Marxism can bring victory only to those who can not only theoretically comprehend it, but also put its principles into effect. It is beyond the power of even the most intelligent and honest intelligentsia. Only the working class can do this.

  1. K. Marx. Critique of the Gotha Program.–
  2. V.I. Lenin. More about the division of school affairs according to nationalities // PSS, vol. 24, p. 237. The quote is given inaccurately, in fact, the phrase ends with the words “workers of all nations.” –
  3. Quotation from the satirical poem “The Hymn of the Newest Russian Socialist” (1901) by Narcissus Tuporylova (L. Martov) on the motive of “Varshavyanka”. Lenin was popularized in his work Social Democracy and the Provisional Revolutionary Government (PSS, v. 10, p. 15 ).–
  4. Probably, the following reasoning is meant: “Argue about what bias is the main danger, bias towards Great-Russian nationalism or bias towards local nationalism? Under modern conditions, this is a formal and therefore empty argument. It would be foolish to give a ready-made recipe for the main and non-principal danger suitable for all times and conditions. There are no such recipes in general in nature. The main danger is the deviation against which they stopped fighting and which they were given, thus, to grow to the state danger” (report to the party congress on the work of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) On January 26, 1934).–
  5. The delicate name of the national capital – B. G.
  6. Interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda 03.09.1991.
  7. Interview to the “General newspaper” No. 41/66, 1994.
  8. Day No. 7/87/1, 1993.
  9. That is, permitted by the bourgeoisie – B. G.
  10. For example, the Stalinist ecological revolution. See the newspaper of the labor movement “Arguments and counterarguments” No. 5, 1995.
  11. “Publicity” No. 32, 1993.
  12. F. Engels. Letter to V. Borgius (January 25, 1894).–
  13. “…The greatest distortion of the basic principles of Soviet power and the complete rejection of socialism is any, direct or indirect, legalization of workers’ property in a separate factory or individual profession for their particular production, or their right to weaken or inhibit orders of state power” (V. I. Lenin. The Democratism and Socialist Nature of Soviet Power // PSS, vol. 36, p. 481).–
  14. The Comintern put forward the slogan “Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!” The Comintern put forward in the interests of the development of the struggle against imperialism. Lenin said (at the meeting of the Moscow organization’s organization of the RCP (B.) on December 6, 1920): “Of course, from the point of view of the Communist Manifesto, this is wrong, but the Communist Manifesto was written under completely different conditions, but from the point of view of the current policy that’s right.” –

Supplementary Theses on the National and Colonial Questions

By | 10/28/2024
  1. To determine more especially the relation of the Communist International to the revolutionary movements of the countries dominated by capitalistic imperialism; for instance, India and China, etc., is one of the most important questions before the Second Congress of the Third International. The history of the World Revolution has come to a point when a proper understanding of this relation is indispensable. The great European War and its results have shown clearly that the masses of non-European subjected countries are inseparably connected with the proletarian movement in Europe, as a consequence of centralised World Capitalism (for instance, the sending of colonial troops and huge armies of workers to the battle fronts during the war, etc.).

  2. One of the main sources from which European Capitalism draws its chief strength is to be found in the colonial possessions and dependencies.

    Without the control of the extensive markets and vast fields of exploitation in the colonies, the capitalist powers of Europe cannot maintain their existence even for a short time. England, the stronghold of imperialism, has been suffering from over-production since more than a century ago. But for the extensive colonial possessions acquired for the sale of her surplus products and a source of raw materials for her ever growing industries, the capitalist structure of England would have crushed under its own weight long ago. By enslaving the hundreds of millions of inhabitants of Asia and Africa, English Imperialism succeeds so far in keeping the British proletariat under the domination of the bourgeoisie.

  3. Super profit gained in the colonies is the mainstay of modern capitalism, and so long as the latter is not deprived of this source of super-profit, it will not be easy for the European working class to overthrow the capitalist order. Thanks to the possibility of the
    extensive and intensive exploitation of the human labour and natural resources in the colonies, the capitalist nations of Europe are trying, not without success, to recuperate from their present bankruptcy. By exploiting the masses in the colonies, European Imperialism will be in a position to give concession after concession to the Labour aristocracy at home. Whilst, on the one hand, European Imperialism seeks to lower the standard of living of the home proletariat by bringing into competition the productions of the lower paid workers in subjected countries, on the other hand it will not hesitate to go to the extent of sacrificing the entire surplus value in the home country, so long as it continues to gain its huge super-profits in the colonies.

  4. The breaking up of the colonial empire, together with the proletarian revolution in the home country, will overthrow the capitalist system in Europe. Consequently, the Communist International must widen the sphere of its activity. It must establish relations with those revolutionary forces that are working for the overthrow of imperialism in the countries subjected politically and economically. These two forces must he coordinated if the final success of the World Revolution is to be guaranteed.

  5. The Communist International is the concentrated will of the world revolutionary proletariat. Its mission is to organise the working class of the whole world for the overthrow of the capitalistic order and the establishment of Communism. The Third International is a fighting body which must assume the task of combining the revolutionary forces of all the countries of the world.

    Dominated as it was by a group of politicians, permeated with bourgeois culture, the Second International failed to appreciate the importance of the colonial question. For them the world did not exist outside of Europe. They could not see the necessity of co-ordinating the revolutionary movements in Europe with those in the non-European countries. Instead of giving moral and material help to the revolutionary movements in the colonies, the members of the Second International themselves became imperialists.

  6. Foreign imperialism, imposed on the Eastern peoples, prevented them from developing socially and economically side by side with their fellows in Europe and America. Owing to the imperialist policy of preventing industrial development in the colonies, a proletarian class, in the strict sense of the word, could not come into existence there until recently. The ingenious craft industries were destroyed to make room for the products of the centralised industries in the imperialistic countries – consequently the majority of the population was driven to the land to produce cereals, fodder, and raw materials for export to foreign lands. On the other hand, there followed a rapid concentration of land in the hands of big landowners, of financial capitalists and the State, thus creating a huge landless peasantry. The great bulk of the population was kept in a state of illiteracy. As the result of this policy the spirit of revolt, latent in every subject people, found its expression only through the small educated middle class.

    Foreign domination has obstructed the free development of the social forces; therefore its overthrow is the first step towards a revolution in the colonies. So to help overthrow the foreign rule in the colonies is not to endorse the nationalist aspirations of the native bourgeoisie, but to open the way to the smothered proletariat there.

  7. There are to be found in the dependent countries two distinct movements, which every day grow farther apart from each other. One is the bourgeois democratic national movement, with the programme of political independence under the bourgeois order, and the other is the mass action of the ignorant and poor peasants and workers for their liberation from all sorts of exploitation. The former endeavour to control the latter, and often succeed to a certain extent, but the Communist International and the parties affected must struggle against such control and help to develop class consciousness in the working masses of the colonies. For the overthrow of foreign capitalism, the first step towards revolution in the colonies, the cooperation of the bourgeois nationalist revolutionary elements is useful.

    But the foremost and necessary task is the formation of Communist Parties which will organise the peasants and workers and lead them to the Revolution and to the establishment of Soviet Republics. Thus the masses of the backward countries may reach Communism, not through capitalistic development, but led by the class conscious proletariat of the advanced capitalist countries.

  8. The real strength of the liberation movement in the colonies is no longer confined to the narrow circle of the bourgeois democratic nationalists. In most of the colonies there already exist organised revolutionary parties which strive to be in close relation with the working masses. The relation of the Communist International with the revolutionary movement in the colonies should be realised through the medium of these parties or groups, because they are the vanguard of the working class in their respective countries. They are not very large today, but they reflect the aspirations of the masses, and the latter will follow them to the Revolution. The Communist Parties of the different imperialist countries must work in conjunction with these proletarian parties of the colonies, and through them give moral and material support to the revolutionary movements in general.

  9. The Revolution in the colonies is not going to be a Communist Revolution in its first stages. But if from the outset the leadership is in the hands of a Communist vanguard, the revolutionary masses will not he led astray, but go ahead through the successive periods of development of revolutionary experience. Indeed it would be extremely erroneous in many of the Oriental countries to try to solve the agrarian problem according to pure Communist principles. In its first stages the Revolution in the colonies must be carried on with a programme which will include many petty bourgeois reform clauses, such as division of land, etc. But from this it does not follow at all that the leadership of the Revolution will have to be surrendered to the bourgeois democrats. On the contrary, the proletarian parties must carry on vigorous and systematic, propaganda of the Soviet idea, and organise peasants’ and workers’ Soviets as soon as possible. These Soviets will work in cooperation with the Soviet Republics in the advanced capitalistic countries for the ultimate overthrow of the capitalist order throughout the world.

NDMLP Statement to the Media

By | 09/28/2024

In the elections held last week for the 9th Executive President of Sri Lanka, the National People’s Power had put forward pro-people policies emphasizing the interests of the people and succeeded in having its leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake elected and sworn in as President.

The basis of this victory can be seen as the culmination of the wave of the Aragalaya popular struggle that was transformed into votes of the toiling masses. This voting has eliminated has side-lined the traditional ruling class forces from the stage of executive power. Hence the New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party considers the people who voted in anticipation of structural changes, Anura Kumara Dissanayake who was elected President thereby, and the National People’s Power are deserving of praise and welcome.

Besides, although the country has nominally freed itself from colonial rule, it is still a country in neo-colonial stranglehold. As a result of it, the country and the people had been pushed into a grave political, economic and social crisis. The resources of the country and the toil of the people have been wrung by foreign powers with the consent and support of local capitalist forces with feudal roots that held state power. Although there were struggles against it, they were frustrated by the ruling classes. Those who came to power in the name of Sinhala Buddhist national sentiment bowed to the upper class elite and foreign imperialist powers and wrecked the interests of the country and the livelihood of the people. To conceal it and divert the attention of the people from it, the local ruling classes and foreign imperialist and regional hegemonic forces developed the national question into enmity and hostile contradictions among nationalities, and thereby served their class interests. As a culmination of the process, the country was subject to a grave political and economic crisis and propelled into bankruptcy. The livelihood of the people hit rock bottom.

Aragalaya was the surge of popular struggle that was born amid this climate of crisis and drove out the then rulers from the arena of political power. But that uprising was deflected by foreign imperialist and regional hegemonic forces to place Ranil Wickremesinghe once more in power through the back door and hold on to power for two years.

It is as delivering a counter blow to that the people have brought the National People’s Power to power by electing Anura Kumara Dissanayake President. Hence the New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party emphasizes the importance of the need to find a just solution to the national question while acting to find proper solutions to the severe economic crises faced by the people.

At the same time New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party assures that it will be firmly on the side of the people, the interests of the country and its nationalities in opposing the ruling local reactionary forces and the foreign imperialist and regional hegemonic forces that inspire them to oppose whatever steps that may be taken to uphold national interests and take pro-people measures.

The Party also affirms that it will join hands with the people to support whatever just actions taken by the new government and oppose whatever ids anti-people.

SK Senthivel
General Secretary, New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party

NDFP: Zelensky Visit Part Of US Aim to Portray Marcos Jr As Poster Boy For War Versus China

By | 06/14/2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent visit to Malacañang is part of US imperialist war designs to portray Marcos Jr. as the new poster boy for its proxy war versus China. The Marcos Jr. media stunt exposes US imperialism’s use of puppet regimes such as the Philippines and Ukraine to advance its geopolitical ambitions. By aligning Marcos Jr. as a parallel of Zelensky, the US is positioning the Philippines as a key player in its broader strategy to counter its imperialist rival–China.

In similar fashion to the US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine, where the Zelensky puppet regime is pitted against Russia, the US seeks to use the puppet Marcos Jr. government to foment anti-China sentiments and hoodwink the Filipino people into thinking that the US will protect the Philippines in the event of an all-out war. In reality, the US only seeks war against China to secure its own hegemonic interests in Asia Pacific.

The US plans to invoke the lopsided Mutual Defense Treaty as a pretext to wage an all-out imperialist conflict and open another proxy war front in the region. The recent Balikatan war games, the pre-positioning of its war arsenal in the so-called “Luzon corridor” and the looming US-PH aerial war games are all meant to provoke an armed response from China and lay the justification for Biden’s planned attacks.

To justify its reckless warmongering the US government aims to fabricate the same narrative as a ‘defender of small states’ when in fact it continues to instigate, design and finance wars and in the process commit horrendous war crimes from Palestine, Ukraine to the Philippines.

The recent verdict of the International People’s Tribunal which found the Marcos Jr. and Duterte regimes guilty of war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law underscored the direct role of the US government in the implementation of so-called ‘counterinsurgency’ operations in the Philippines. The atrocities committed by the Marcos and Duterte regimes with the full backing of the US government is akin to the war crimes committed against the peoples of Ukraine, Palestine and other peoples fighting against imperialism and for national and social liberation.

Marcos Jr. on the other hand has consistently served as a willing accomplice by further opening the Philippines via the Visiting Forces Agreement and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement to increased US military presence and intensified operations. His connivance with the US risks dragging millions of Filipino lives into a destructive conflict, manipulated by a foreign power that has historically shown no regard for the sovereignty and well-being of the people in its satellite regimes. The visit of Zelensky, orchestrated by Washington, should be seen for what it is: a step towards the Philippines’ deeper entanglement in a conflict that serves the interests of US imperialism, not of the Filipino people.

General Declaration On Mao Zedong Thought

By | 06/05/2024

Comrade Mao Zedong, the great communist thinker and leader, was born on 26 December 1893. In celebrating his 100th birth anniversary, we hereby make this declaration in order to extol his great contributions to the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism and point to their continuing significance, vitality and urgency in the contemporary world situation.

We call upon the revolutionary parties of the working class, the international proletariat and all the oppressed nations and peoples, and all the proletarian revolutionary fighters of the world to study and put into practice more resolutely than ever before the basic teachings of Mao Zedong.

Comrade Mao Zedong inherited, upheld, defended and extended the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism, brought this to a new and higher level of development and bequeathed to us the immortal and powerful legacy of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought or Maoism. He stands alongside the great communists Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

Major Contributions to Marxism-Leninism

Mao adopted the fundamental principles in the three components of Marxism (materialist philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism) as laid down by Marx and Engels and contributed to the further development of these.

In materialist philosophy, Mao made a great contribution. Following Lenin’s identification of the law of unity of opposites as the most fundamental of the laws of contradiction, he elaborated on this law and thereby deepened our understanding of materialist dialectics.

He averred that social practice encompasses production, class struggle and scientific experiment and is the source of correct ideas. He demonstrated the dialectical relationship between knowledge and social practice as well as that one between the perceptual and the rational levels of knowledge in the process of cognition.

He agreed with all his great Marxist predecessors that in general the forces of production are primary to the relations of production and the mode of production is primary to the superstructure. But in the process of sustained revolutionary change, the new relations of production and the new superstructure can play the primary role. The former release the forces of production from the old fetters and the latter enhances the mode of production.

Mao pointed out that class character is determined not only by the ownership of the means of production, role in the production process and the distribution of the social product but also by the mode of thinking by which social production is carried out. He comprehended the dialectical relationship between social being and social consciousness and laid stress on the need for continuing revolutionization of consciousness and the process of cultural revolution.

He defined culture as the reflection of economics and politics. It has a dialectical relationship with these. In his theory of art and literature, he called for the reflection of the revolutionary class struggle and for the revolutionary workers, peasants and soldiers to take their place as heroes. He was for revolutionary romanticism and wrote poetry along this line. He declared that art and literature are important methods to educate the masses.

He was inspired by the teachings of his great predecessors regarding historical materialism, particularly the state and revolution in class society. He resolutely espoused the revolutionary essence of Marxism. He asserted that the proletariat must wage the class struggle, seize political power and establish the socialist state as a class dictatorship of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

In revolutionary practice, he stressed the importance of the concrete analysis of concrete conditions, social investigation and mass work, combating all forms of idealism, subjectivism and Right and “Left” opportunism and taking the mass line in order to transform correct ideas into a material force.

He grasped the critique of capitalism and outline of scientific socialism by Marx and Engels as well as the critique of monopoly capitalism or modern imperialism and the realization of socialist revolution and construction by Lenin and Stalin.

He extended and further developed our knowledge of Marxist political economy and scientific socialism by learning the positive and negative lessons from building socialism in the Soviet Union, by leading the criticism and repudiation of modern revisionism and capitalist restoration in 1957, by unmasking the class character of the Soviet modern revisionists and the degeneration of the Soviet Union from being socialist to being monopoly bureaucrat capitalist, by revealing its general tendency towards social-fascism, by opposing the neocolonialism of the two superpowers, U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism and, most important of all, by engaging in socialist revolution and construction self-reliantly in China and in the spirit of proletarian internationalism.

Mao integrated the universal theory of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete semicolonial and semifeudal conditions of China and carried out the Chinese revolution under the class leadership of the proletariat and within the context of the world proletarian-socialist revolution. In leading the new democratic revolution to victory in a country as vast as China, containing one-fourth of humanity, Mao is undeniably a great communist thinker and leader whom the world proletariat and people can be proud of.

In the course of the Chinese revolution, he was guided by the teachings of the great Lenin regarding the building of the communist party as the advanced detachment of the working class. And he introduced the rectification movement as the method of ensuring the ideological, political and organizational strengthening of the proletarian revolutionary party.

He excelled as the master of political and military science in accordance with materialist dialectics. He successfully pursued the theory and strategic line of protracted people’s war. To this day, his military writings are unsurpassed in comprehensiveness and richness of experience in revolutionary war. These guided the revolutionary forces at various stages and in various forms of armed struggle to victory on so vast a scale.

He directed the communist party to engage in a revolutionary united front in order to arouse the people in their millions. At the same time, he ensured the vanguard role, independence and initiative of the working class party. Before nationwide seizure of political power, he built organs of political power along the line of the united front. Upon total victory, he established the people’s democratic state with the proletarian class dictatorship at its core.

Upon the basic completion of the new democratic revolution through the seizure of political power, Mao proceeded to lead the socialist revolution and construction and improved on the example of the pioneering experience provided by the Soviet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin. The communist party maintained its leading role in the socialist state with multiparty support and strived to revolutionize all aspects of society.

Mao engaged in socialist construction, transforming private into public ownership of the means of production; planning a self-reliant economic development in a well-balanced and well-proportioned way; using agriculture as the basic factor, heavy and basic industries as the leading factor, with light industry as the bridge; and raising the standard of living and culture steadily from one level to a higher one, with the highest priority given to meeting the basic needs and improving the lot of the working people.

Mao’s line of socialist revolution and construction through the Great Leap Forward, “walking on two legs” and building the communes, was tested and proven correct when it did not only overcome the imperialist blockade, the revisionist sabotage and the natural calamities but resulted in strengthening the industrial foundation of China and produced the bumper crops and ample manufactures for agricultural production and the people’s consumption.

Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, China was a bulwark of the world proletarian revolution. In accordance with the principle of proletarian internationalism, the Chinese communist party, proletariat and people of all nationalities did everything they could to unite and strengthen the international communist movement along the general revolutionary line against imperialism, social-imperialism, modern revisionism and all reaction.

They unselfishly supported the Korean and Indochinese peoples in their heroic and victorious struggles for national liberation against the wars of aggression launched by U.S. imperialism, rallied the oppressed nations and peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America against imperialism, social-imperialism, colonialism, neocolonialism and racism and roused the proletariat and people in the capitalist and revisionist-ruled countries to fight against monopoly capitalism in order to advance the cause of socialism.

Mao Zedong analyzed the basic changes in the situation of the class struggle on a global scale and adopted the correct foreign policy of socialist China concerning the concrete reality of three worlds and promoted the international united front against imperialism, social-imperialism and all reaction in line with the principle of proletarian internationalism and in opposition to the revisionist line of liquidating the world proletarian revolution.

Mao’s Greatest Achievement

What may be regarded as Mao’s greatest achievement and greatest contribution to Marxism-Leninism is the theory and practice of continuing revolution under proletarian class dictatorship to consolidate socialism, combat modern revisionism and prevent the restoration of capitalism.

Mao resolutely pointed out that the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is the main contradiction in socialist society in an entire historical epoch. He asserted that class struggle is the key link in the progress of socialist society. If this key link is abandoned, then the waning of proletarian revolutionary consciousness results in the peaceful evolution of socialism to capitalism.

In view of the Soviet experience under Stalin, Mao declared that there must be a recognition of the distinction between contradictions among the people and between the people and the enemy and that the contradictions among the people must be correctly handled in the manner which he clarified.

Mao took into account the problems which his great predecessors required to be solved in socialist society, such as the vestiges and persistent influence of the old exploiting classes; the contradictions between the working class and the peasantry, town and countryside, and mental and physical labor; the spontaneous generation of the bourgeoisie by petty commodity production; and the force of old habits and customs.

But it is to the great honor of Mao to be at the forefront in the struggle of the international communist movement against modern revisionism centered in the Soviet Union, to systematically study and pose the problem of modern revisionism and capitalist restoration and to put forward a series of principles to solve the problem.

He had the advantage of studying the bureaucratic bourgeois currents in the Chinese Communist Party, state and society as well as the growth abroad of modern revisionism and capitalist restoration in Yugoslavia, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He pointed out the actual and potential factors of capitalism that undermine and destroy the factors of socialism in socialist society.

He called on mass vigilance and active resistance against individual selfishness and corruption, against the retrogression to the “theory of productive forces” of the classical revisionists Bernstein and Kautsky, against the persistent ideas and influence of the old exploiting classes, against the petty bourgeoisification of the bureaucracy and the new intelligentsia and against the rise of the new bourgeoisie.

He called for the proletariat and the people to make the socialist relations of production progressively dissolve the private ownership of the means of production, to put proletarian revolutionary politics in command of production and to revolutionize all aspects of the superstructure.

The practical application of the theory of continuing revolution under proletarian class dictatorship through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution succeeded for ten years from 1966 to 1976 and created the most extensive democracy ever experienced by mankind. But after Mao’s death, the counterrevolutionary Right or capitalist-roaders could make a coup d’etat and carry out the restoration of capitalism in the People’s Republic of China. This must be studied and analyzed by applying the positive revolutionary outlook and method used by Karl Marx in studying and analyzing the brief success and eventual defeat of the Paris Commune of 1871.

Nonetheless, the theory of continuing revolution under the proletarian class leadership remains valid even as the positive and negative lessons from its practical application must be drawn. The failure of the Paris Commune never invalidated the theory of proletarian revolution and proletarian dictatorship and provided the lessons that would guide the eventual victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The correctness of Mao in posing the problem of modern revisionism and capitalist restoration through peaceful evolution and in putting forward the theory of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship is proven by the crisis, weakening, disintegration and collapse of the revisionist ruling parties and regimes and the ceaselessly worsening capitalist conditions of exploitation and oppression in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The collapse of the social-imperialist superpower confirms the analysis of Mao who in 1964 pointed out, “The coming to power of the revisionists is precisely the coming to power of the bourgeoisie.”

The coming to power in China of the revisionists opposed to Mao and the reversal of Mao’s theory and practice of continuing revolution under the proletarian class dictatorship have resulted in the restoration of capitalism. China is now ruled by the corrupt bureaucrat bourgeoisie and the comprador big bourgeoisie, supported by the privileged stratum of petty bourgeoisified forces in urban areas and rich peasants. The Chinese bourgeoisie is exploiting and oppressing the Chinese proletariat and people and China is being opened widely to the penetration of imperialist capital.

The state has been disemboweled of its socialist character and the communist party of its Marxist-Leninist character. It is only a matter of time that the Chinese modern revisionists and capitalist-roaders will drop off their “socialist” masks as a result of internal contradictions and the pressures of neocolonialism, as in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. But we also hope that someday the revolutionary heirs to Mao’s legacy, who are the genuine Chinese communists, the proletariat and the rest of the people, will rise up once more to overthrow their oppressors and exploiters.

Without Mao’s theory of continuing revolution under proletarian class dictatorship, the proletarian revolutionary parties and the international proletariat would be at a loss today in the face of the resounding disintegration of the revisionist ruling parties and regimes; the ideological and political offensive of the imperialists, their petty-bourgeois and reactionary lackeys; and the foolhardy insistence of neorevisionists that the development of Marxism-Leninism stopped with either the great communist Lenin or Stalin or even with the revisionist Brezhnev or Gorbachev.

The crisis of overproduction of the world capitalist system is now raging, unleashing unprecedented oppression and exploitation and pushing the proletariat and people to wage revolutionary struggle. This crisis is accelerated by high technology in the hands of the monopoly capitalists, by the extraction of superprofits by fewer but bigger supermonopolies, by cutthroat competition and by the use of high finance and high technology to kill jobs and to further depress the neocolonial client-states.

The resurgence of the anti-imperialist and socialist movement is necessitated and justified by the crisis. But the question always arises, will the new wave of new democratic and socialist revolutions be able to keep and develop socialism when it reemerges in several countries before the global defeat of monopoly capitalism?

The great Mao provided the answer with the theory of continuing revolution under proletarian class dictatorship. This theory is of great historic significance for having inaugurated a new and higher stage in the development of the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism. This is the stage of Mao Zedong Thought or Maoism.

Armed with this theory, the proletariat and people who succeed in making socialist revolution in various countries can know what is the problem to face and solve in order to develop socialism until such time that on a world scale imperialism and all reaction can be defeated and the ultimate goal of communism can be reached.


In this declaration, we uphold the great red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought or Maoism. We are resolved to study and put into practice this theory, carry out a counteroffensive against the ideological and political offensive of the imperialists and all their anticommunist lackeys and to arouse, organize and mobilize the proletariat and the people in a resurgent revolutionary movement for national liberation, democracy and socialism against imperialism and all reaction.

The proletarian revolutionaries who adhere to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought are today the most resolute, most advanced and most consolidated detachment of the international proletariat. They understand most comprehensively and most profoundly the disintegration and collapse of the revisionist ruling parties and regimes, the ever worsening crisis of the world capitalist system, the impending resurgence of the anti-imperialist and socialist movement and the certain future of socialism and ultimate victory of communism in the world.

It is the special revolutionary and internationalist duty of all proletarian revolutionaries, their parties and organizations to promote the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought; win over other parties and organizations which are honestly desirous of learning about the fall of modern revisionism and fighting for socialism against monopoly capitalism; and generate the resurgence of the anti-imperialist and socialist movement of the proletariat and people in a new period of revolutionary struggle in the world.

Signed by representatives of parties and organizations, and by individuals at the International Seminar on Mao Zedong Thought, Gelsenkirchen, Germany on 6-7 November 1993 and subsequently.

For issuance to the public through the mass media on 26 December 1993, 100th birth anniversary of Mao Zedong.

Partial list of signatories (as of 26 December 1993)

Approving Parties and Organizations


The victory of the armed people’s movement in Myanmar is unstoppable

By | 05/20/2024

Armed groups of national minorities and people fighting in different regions in Myanmar against the fascist Tatmadaw junta have achieved successive victories. From separate efforts, the unity and coordination of the armed anti-junta groups have increased. Simultaneous and, in some parts, coordinated offensives from late 2023 have also accelerated. They are confident in significantly weakening, if not completely overthrowing, the despised regime this year.

National minorities have been fighting Myanmar’s fascist military even before the February 2021 coup that ousted the civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi. They have long carried out struggle in the states of Kayin and Kachin in the eastern part; in Rakhine state which opens to the Indian Ocean; and in the northern state of Shan, which borders China. After the coup, national minorities from Sagaing and Magway regions also fought, as well as those from Chin state in the northwest, and national minorities from Karen (also called Kayah) state around the border with Thailand. These groups are just some of the more than 20 armed ethnolinguistic groups in Myanmar today. Many of them have been struggling for decades for the right to self-determination against national oppression by Myanmar’s reactionary state and military.

By 2023, the Three Brotherhood Alliance had recaptured much of the territory from the junta forces. This is after they launched Operation 1027 from October last year. The alliance seized from junta forces important towns on the Myanmar-China border where trade flows between the two countries. Hundreds of detachments and camps were defeated by coordinated attacks during the first 10 days of the offensive. Thousands of soldiers, including several senior Tatmadaw officers, surrendered to the alliance.

The Karen National Union and Karenni Nationalities Defense Forces have also liberated large territories since it launched Operation 1111 in November 2023. Together with other armed groups, it seized important institutions and agencies, including the police station in Loikaw, the Karen state center, in December 2023. On April 24, the Karenni State Interim Executive Council declared that it has 90% of the state under its control.

At the same time, the resistance of the Chinland Defense Forces to oust the junta forces from their territory is increasing. On April 29, it captured the headquarters of the Tatmadaw battalion that controls the part of the Irrawady river that is a key portal to the Kachin capital.

In Naypyitaw, Yangon and other urban centers of the country, the People’s Defense Forces (PDF), the armed group established by the National Unity Government from youth groups and activists, is intensifying its attacks. On April 5, the PDF conducted a coordinated attack using 28 “kamikaze drones” at the house of junta leader Min Aung Hlaing, the main military headquarters and a major airbase, all in the capital Naypyitaw. Before this, many camps, detachments and checkpoints were overrun by armed groups using small drones.

Armed groups carry out widespread and intensive offensives due to the support of the democratic sectors of the majority Bamar people, and national minority groups. Combining regular and guerilla warfare, they are able to stretch Tatmadaw forces and strike at them from various sides.

In response, the fascist Tatmadaw intensified its attacks on the states with the strongest resistance. Using planes, helicopters and drones, it indiscriminately bombs and attacks civilian communities. These led to the displacement of 2.8 million individuals, the deaths of at least 6,000 civilians including many children and women. An estimated 25,000 have been arbitrarily arrested by the junta since 2021.

On the draft Call for a day of mobilization against the wars of capital

By | 02/20/2024

Recently, the European Coordination Committee of the ICOR sent out a draft Call for a day of mobilization against the wars of capital. Unfortunately, this draft actually distorts the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and propose a completely invalid analysis.

For starters, the allegation that the war in Ukraine began just on February 24, 2022, is completely wrong. Actually, this war began in the spring of 2014, when the Kyiv chauvinistic neo-Bandera regime tried to suppress the national liberation movement in the southeastern border region with an overwhelming dominance of the Russian population. The policy of decommunization and forced assimilation provoked armed resistance, partly supported by Russia. The  reunification of the Russian regions of Crimea and Donbass with Russia was as natural and fair as the Risorgimento in Italy or the unification of China.

The actual end of the ceasefire and the resumption of active warfare did not occur on February 24, 2022, too. Back on February 16, 2022 the neo-Bandera regime, incited by the imperialist Biden administration, intensified firing of Donbass, forcing thousands to flee. The special military operation that followed was Russia’s forced response to this treacherous and inhumane attack. It is completely groundless and erroneous to describe this forced defense of Russia as an “imperialist” war on its part.

The draft rhetorically asks:

“Which war against ‘Nazism’ on the part of Russia, when Putin and his entourage, who want to revive the tsarist empire, are supported by Russian Nazis and in turn support far-right organisations throughout Europe?”

This short phrase is filled with a misinterpretation of reality. The authors of the draft substitute Marxist-Leninist analysis with a mere narration of fibs about “wanting to revive the tsarist empire”, invented and disseminated by NATO gang leaders in order to demagogically cover up their own imperialist expansion, the desire for a bloody redistribution of the European oil and gas market and an attack on international security in the Eastern European region.

Here it is stated that “Putin and his entourage… are supported by Russian Nazis.” It almost looks like all Russian fascists support Putin and only Russian fascists support Putin. But this is obvious nonsense. The truth is that some Russian fascists support Putin. But this is only a very small part of the truth. If you want fully understand the situation, you must also be aware of the following circumstances.

Firstly, many, if not most, Russian fascists support the neo-Bandera regime. There are many known Russian fascists who even fight on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Russia as in so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps” (RVC) for example.

Secondly, even if we do not take into account the RVC, the support of the neo-Bandera regime by Ukrainian fascists is much more widespread and systemic.1

Thirdly, while Putin is forced to confront Ukrainian fascism, he gives the support of the entire Russian people and proletariat, which certainly and overwhelmingly are not “Russian Nazis”!

The supporting Putin by few Russian fascists should not be used as a pretext to devalue or hush up these much more important facts.

It also states that “Putin and his entourage… support far-right organizations throughout Europe.” This allegation is also largely sly. It aims to create the impression that this is systematic support for neo-Nazi gangs, but in fact this is not the case.

Firstly, you should understand that there was talking about right-wing parties indeed, but they are legal in the EU and are even allowed into parliaments. Secondly, there was not talking about any systematic support, but about some episodes of relatively limited interaction. Thirdly, these accusations are invented and kept discussing by journalists of fortune of the ruling bourgeois parties in the interests of winning in political competition. Most of these accusations have always suffered from a lack of reliable evidence.

Fourthly, the largest and most dangerous gangs of neo-fascist murderers in modern Europe are the neo-Bandera armed formations in Ukraine and their elimination is one of the goals of the Russian special military operation.

The authors of the draft confuse Marxist-Leninist analysis with bourgeois public relations, in which the popularization/discrediting of certain political figures is used to distract attention from the objective role they play in current circumstances. However, even if all these accusations against Putin were true and proven, this would not cancel the fact that “Putin and his entourage”, as capitalists, were vitally interested in peaceful trade with the EU, and instead is forced to confront the real fascism and NATO expansion thanks to obvious intrigues by the USA.

To demand “raise the banner” “against both camps of clashing powers” in such conditions means to profane Marxism-Leninism and harm anti-fascist solidarity, just as some so-called “left communists” did during the Second World War. Anyone who understands the actual situation in the region understands that Russia’s “revolutionary defeatism” now means nothing other than neo-Bandera genocide against the people of Donbass. The authors of the draft are trying to draw us into the swamp of the “green” and pseudo-left lackeys of the USA. Communists must not allow themselves to be deceived by “leftist” phrases.

  1. In addition to Russian and Ukrainian neo-fascists, other European neo-fascists are fighting on the side of the neo-Bandera regime: French Groupe Union Défense, Bulgarian National Alliance, CasaPound Italia, «Немецкий добровольческий корпус» and German Der Dritte Weg

Get Up, Stand, Feed the Cat

By | 02/19/2024

Get Up, Stand, Feed the Cat

Heavy shelling. Ground up, burnt sight.
A used to be house and used to be people inside.
Over the ruins walks a tailless cat
and screams sad.

The cat’s cry freezes next to a blue lip.
Stop lying dead, try to sit, grip.
Your corpse is not any good meat.
Don’t die, you aren’t something cats eat.

A nearby sniper is taking a peek.
Riddled by bullets, wracked van.
The cat nuzzles the dead cheek
of a used to be man.

Get up, walk to a used to be flat.
It is now void – a hole instead
Filled with silence of a used to be peace.
Get up, stand, feed the cat.

On Russia’s military presence in Latin America

By | 06/26/2023

In short.

The draft call of the ICOR on the World Day of Peace on September 1, 2015 included a number of clearly Russophobic propositions. There was a ridiculously exaggerated assessment of the Russian military presence in Latin America and the Caribbean among them. The Russian Maoist Party immediately pointed out the mistakes of the draft and asked to convey our criticism to the other member parties of the ICOR. The ICOR office, however, delayed this for almost a month while the project was being signed.

After that, we had a discussion with Comrade Alejandro Tapia from Colombia (apparently, he was one of the authors of the draft and responsible for this assessment. During this discussion, some facts of Russia’s military-technical cooperation with the countries of the region came to light. However, this evidences turned out to be categorically insufficient for the fantastic formulation included in the ICOR call as “establishing military bases, patrolling at the borders, rivers and oceans and joint military exercises” of Russia “in different parts of the Latin America and the Caribbean”. Finally our opponent interrupted the discussion.

On August 3, 2015, Torbasow wrote to ICOR criticizing the draft call for Anti-War-Day 2015, mainly regarding the fragment about the situation in Donbass, but also containing the following remark:

“… the call contains inaccuracy, speaking of ‘the military maneuvers of USA and Russia in different parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.’ Russian imperialism probably has such dreams but currently has no military bases in Latin America and does not hold military maneuvers there. The statement that ‘Russia has regained strength as an imperialist state’ is an exaggeration too. In fact, Russian imperialism is far from the old social-imperialism, with its Warsaw Pact bloc, numerous satellites in Eastern Europe and Asia, and military bases around the world.”

On August 22, Torbasow sent an additional letter:

“Please confirm whether our opinion (2015, August 3) on the Call has been sent to all member parties of ICOR, as we requested.

We have noticed that the Call was corrected and became a little bit better. However, it remains unacceptable until… there are the fantastic tales about Russian military expansion in Latin America. We support exposures ‘our own’ imperialism, but our people… would just laugh at us if we tell false facts.”

After another reminder, the ICOR office replied:

“We will translate your Statement on the Ant War call in Spanish and then send ist to al member organizations.”

On August 29, Torbasow tried to insist:

“Please send it immediately in English. It had to be sent immediately. You know perfectly well that it is especially important while the signing procedure proceeds. Our comrades in other parties of ICOR are making their decision under the circumstances of a lack of information. Please, do not conceal our observations from their view. The inhibition of the redistribution of our criticism is the wrong treatment.”

On August 30, in response to the allegation “that Russia trains the military forces of Venezuela and made an agreement for joint maneuvers,” Torbasow writes to ICOR:

“Please, could you specify the exact facts of ‘establishing military bases, patrolling at the borders, rivers and oceans and by joint military exercises’ by Russia ‘in different parts of Latin America and the Caribbean’? Where and when military maneuvers by Russia were held? Where there are Russian military bases in Latin America? We would like to discuss clear evidences.”

On August 31, Torbasow reported to the RMP:

“I sent my critical remarks in Russian and English to ICOR on August 3 with a request to forward them to other member parties of ICOR. And the call is timed to September 1. When do you think they sent them out? August 4 would be the wrong answer.

So I wait and wait, no response. Asked to confirm receipt, then again. Finally, on August 28, the ICOR office answered me that yes, they received it, they will translate it into Spanish and send it out. August 28. A call timed to  September 1. Already two and a half dozen signatures, and none of these parties have seen my comments.

I was writing already without much hope, I say, send it out immediately in English. You, I say, perfectly understand that after meat, mustard, it is nonsense. After that, they did not hesitate, and they sent out my critical remarks on August 30. August 30th. The call timing to September 1.

Along the way, S. Engel added that ‘justified objections were taken into account’ (well, indeed, minor points were corrected, I reported to you about this), but ‘that Russia trains the military forces of Venezuela and made an agreement for joint maneuvers is a fact.’ That is, the training of several dozen Venezuelan military experts in Russia and the agreement on joint maneuvers (which I am not yet sure that exists, and certainly not yet implemented, otherwise everyone would know) should pass for ‘establishing military bases, patrolling at the borders, rivers and oceans and by joint military exercises’ by Russia ‘in various parts of Latin America and the Caribbean’. Hem.”

On September 9, in the party’s mailing list, Torbasow added:

“There were maneuvers, although the statement about ‘joint maneuvers’ is some exaggeration. In fact, Russian participation, apparently, wasn’t massive.

In addition, there is such a message: ‘Russia and Venezuela will hold naval exercises in the Caribbean.’ It looks like more massive participation. It seems possible, because such maneuvers already took place in 2008. It is curious, however, that after March references to this event, which expected in the second half of the year, almost none. And it seems that the US isn’t very worried. Maybe these maneuvers were canceled or postponed. The ‘Pyotr Veliky’ is reportedly getting up for scheduled repairs, and such repairs take about three months.”

Subsequently, the RMP, through the ICOR, received a letter from Alejandro Tapia from the Communist Party of Colombia ‑ Maoist. The letter defended the correctness of the call’s assessments regarding the Russian military presence in Latin America, so it can be assumed that they came from him.

On June 2, 2016, RMP sent to ICOR the letter “On the military presence of Russia in Latin America and the Caribbean (for Com. Alejandro Tapia)”:

“We are very appreciative for Comrade Alejandro Tapia’ clarification letter. Unfortunately we could not find any evidence of several statements in this letter, so we aren’t sure that they are correct. Could the author like to kindly indicate the sources in confirmation of these allegations? Then this letter would be really useful.

Here is a list of statements that require evidence of:

  1. In 2014 the air forces of USA and Mexico and of Russia and Venezuela performed joint patrol maneuvers in Nicaragua’.

  2. In 2015 the construction of a base for logistic support of ships and airplanes of the Russian Federation was started on the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast’.

  3. In Nicaragua Russia has a military training camp “Marshal Shuckov”, a factory for war material, a camp for drug control and the multipurpose cross country vehicles GAZ-2975 Tigr’.

    We are aware that just the army of Nicaragua has the training center of Marshal Zhukov training center under the brigade of General Sandino and that the police of Nicaragua disposes of armored vehicles GAZ-2975 bought from Russia, but this is not something that ‘Russia has’.

  4. In 2014 Russia performed anti-drug maneuvers at the sea border to Colombia together with the Nicaraguan army’.

  5. Russia’s project was discussed to build military bases in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba in exchange for oil, mining, technology and food purchases’.

    We are unaware of these discussions, but the director of the Latin America Department in Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Schetinin officially declared that ‘We have no any plans of opening military bases in Cuba. That was never on the table.’.

  6. In 2013 Brazil agreed on a treaty for five years about purchasing 12 helicopters for 150 million dollars, in 2014 on a treaty amounting to billions for an anti-missile system’.

    We know about the helicopters, but as concerning the treaty of 2014 – if the author meant the delivery of SAM systems Pantsir-S1, the conclusion of the contract was delayed for a long time, and Brazil refused it finally.

    We hope for further explanations on these issues.”

On August 7, Torbasow sent the following letter to ICOR:

“We are grateful to Comrade Alejandro Tapia for the links he provided. We have carefully studied the respective articles and compared their evidences against the allegations which we doubt. Let us return to these statements and see whether they can be considered confirmed.

  1. In 2014 the air forces of USA and Mexico and of Russia and Venezuela performed joint patrol maneuvers in Nicaragua.

    This event is said by two articles1: Nicaragua autoriza a EE.UU. y Rusia patrullar zona que Colombia perdió por fallo de La Haya. We ourselves have now found confirmation of these maneuvers in the Russian sources: «ВМФ России провел антинаркотические учения в Карибском море».

    However, it was not the military maneuvers of Russia but the international maneuvers against the drug traffics. No cruisers or aircraft carriers of Russia took part in it but ‘the communication ship Victor Leonov and ocean rescue tug Nikolay Chiker’. Accordingly, we are sure that this case is not a sufficient evidence of military expansion and a lot of military patrols, this would be an incorrect exaggeration.

    Another article you pointed out (“Bomba geoestratégica para EE.UU.”: Rusia y China preparan el canal de Nicaragua) is based on the allegations of Russian nationalist publicist Prokhanov, known for his inclination for rumors and fantasies. There are no confirmations of its allegation about ‘the agreement on the Russian military ships patrol the waters of the Caribbean’ in the authoritative sources. Perhaps he, as usual, had wishful thinking.2

  2. In 2015 the construction of a base for logistic support of ships and airplanes of the Russian Federation was started on the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast.

    In 2014 Russia performed anti-drug maneuvers at the sea border to Colombia together with the Nicaraguan army.

    In 2014 [Brazil agreed] on a treaty [with Russia] amounting to billions for an anti-missile system.

    We had not found any confirmations of these allegations in the articles you referred.

  3. In Nicaragua Russia has a military training camp “Marshal Shuckov”, a factory for war material, a camp for drug control and the multipurpose cross country vehicles GAZ-2975 Tigr.

    The two articles3 (RIA Novosti: Rusia ayudará a Nicaragua a modernizar el Ejército.) actually referred to ‘el campo de entrenamiento para las tropas terrestres’ and ‘fábrica para la desmilitarización de municiones (planta de desactivación de municiones)’, but they do not alleged that these belong to Russia! These belong to Nicaragua, these are not the Russian military bases. Therefore the allegation about the Russian military bases in the America has not been proven too.

  4. Russia’s project was discussed to build military bases in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba in exchange for oil, mining, technology and food purchases.

    Such information is given in two articles you referred (“Negocian” base rusa en  Nicaragua and Centroamérica, en el punto de mira de Rusia). They refer to ‘la cadena rusa de Televisión RT’. The site of RT really gave such information. But you did not to take into account that this information was disproved later. Also there are no any further factual evidences for it.

  5. Three other articles (¿Qué hay detrás del episodio de los aviones rusos?, Rusia solidifica su presencia militar en Centroamérica a través de Nicaragua, Rusia, sigilosa al movilizar sus buques en AL) do not contain any proof of the allegations which we doubt.

Once again I want to emphasize that we are not questioned nor Russia’s economic presence in Latin America, nor the arms supply.”

At this point, the discussion was interrupted.

  1. One of these was posted on and is currently unavailable.
  2. Later, we could to find some evidence (however, also in unofficial sources), that Nicaragua “allowed Russian warships and aircraft to visit the country during the first half of 2014 and patrol the territorial waters of Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea and in the Pacific Ocean until June 30, 2015”, and, according to another source, “allowed Russian warships to enter two of its ports (Pacific Corinto and Atlantic Bluefields)”. Presumably there were in the interests of protecting the Nicaraguan Canal project, which caused great displeasure of the United States who controls the Panama Canal. Whether any patrolling actually took place is unknown, and the canal project has somehow stalled.
  3. One of these was posted on and is currently unavailable.

Sri Lankan crisis: what was wished, what arrived, and what shall be

By | 06/10/2023

Aragalaya: the Roots

When the mass protests dubbed ‘the Aragalaya’ started in Colombo in February, not many suspected a foreign hand, for public disaffection with the government was strong because of its mishandling of the economy had led to shortages of food, fuel and many essential items including patent medicine. Prices were on the rise amid shortages marked by kilometres long queues for fuel for cooking and transport. The government was at a loss to address the problems, which would have been eased somewhat had there been planned procurement and distribution of essentials.

Much of the state’s inability to meet emergencies was inherited. Road transport of goods was almost fully private by late last century. The state owned railway, once the main island-wide bulk transporter of liquid fuel was undermined decades ago in the interest of private road transporters. Streamlined collection and milling of paddy by the Paddy Marketing Board was wrecked to serve rice milling monopolies. Most services under state control were left to rot by mismanagement under political appointees. The economy itself rapidly changed from a mainly farming and plantation crop economy struggling to industrialize to one exposed to predatory foreign investment and unhindered inflow of foreign goods, paid for by the export of labour on a large scale. (Over 2 million of a population of 21.6 million work abroad, mostly in the Middle East.)

Anti-union legislation, whipped up communal feelings and the civil war together had blunted the will for political protest. The JVP’s second insurrection (1988-89) was a disaster not just for the JVP, but also for all democratic opposition. The two JVP insurrections and the war were used to beef up the police and defence forces, which remain as strong as they were during the peak of the war. The war was fought on borrowed money. The country’s economy was in a state of ruin and none but a few lone voices were bothered by indebtedness, as there were many lenders for consumption. Thus, unlike before 1978, there was no public protest about rising prices and declining standard of living for the many as long as there was no shortage of goods.

The JVP, now nominally the strongest ‘left’ party, with its Sinhala chauvinism still intact, has become yet another opportunist parliamentary political party. In a hurry to share power, it compromised with Mahinda Rajapaksa to back his presidential bid in 2005 and become partner in the SLFP-led electoral alliance. It paid a heavy price by way of a three way split of the JVP and loss of credibility among earlier supporters. Mahinda took advantage of the military victory over the LTTE in May 2009 to sideline his rivals. Corruption and abuse of power caused his defeat in 2015. But the chaotic rule by the UNP-led alliance with the SLFP as junior partner that defeated him helped his brother, Gotabaya, an absolute novice in politics and a notorious Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist, to become president and Mahinda to be elected prime minister.

A global economic crisis was over the horizon when Gotabaya became president in 2019 November and the country’s economy began to feel its impact amid the global panic stirred by the said COVID-19 pandemic. Gross mishandling of COVID-19, was marked by a casual attitude initially followed by overkill including lockdowns, exaggeration of infection and mortality data, and mandatory vaccination, and led to loss of earnings from tourism and remittances from expatriates. It was compounded by the serious loss of work for casual and self-employed workers. This led to the closure of many urban small businesses, mostly forever. Thus it was well known in 2021 that an economic crisis and a financial crunch were impending, well ahead of the Central Bank declaring early this year that foreign reserves were at critically low levels. The financial crisis led to shortages of imported food, fuel and pharmaceuticals among other essentials.

An earlier comment in Marxist Leninist New Democracy has noted that economic trouble was to be expected owing to the global economic impact of the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’. Among other serious mistakes, unduly harsh steps by the government to control infection further hurt the economy. Many fail to see the current problem as the outcome of opening up the economy in 1978, the resultant ruin of the national economy, and the tendency to borrow to feed an uncontrolled consumerism. Even as a financial crunch approached, non-essential goods including luxury motor vehicles were imported and the rich received tax concessions, in keeping with the pattern since 1978.

The China Bogeyman

Pro-Western and Indian media pundits denounce debts owned by China (just 10% of all foreign debt and mostly for development projects) ignoring big lenders like ADB, Japan and the World Bank and, notoriously, market borrowings from private investors in the West owning nearly half of the debt). An anti-China agenda in South Asia was initiated at the dawn of the century with the claim of a Chinese naval build-up in the Indian Ocean (the Necklace of Pearls). Unfounded charges aggressive intentions followed, and gathered momentum as Sino-Lankan ties improved in the face of US bullying of the government. Prior to the general election of 2015, the UNP, the main opposition party, declared that the Port City in Colombo was an ill-considered project which it will abandon when it came to power. It also denounced the Chinese built Hambantota Harbour as a white elephant and humiliated the Chinese built airport nearby by storing paddy in its warehouses. A leading figure in the UNP boastfully cited an African anti-China newspaper ‘The Namibian’ to deride Chinese credit as ‘loan traps’.

The UNP’s empty boast eventually came to naught although the UNP-led alliance won the elections. The Port City project resumed after an avoidable 17-month long construction delay. What the government achieved was a loss of goodwill.

Much of print and Internet media are under the influence of the West, partly owing to long time reliance on global media empires for foreign news. Tamil media pander to anti-left Tamil nationalists, who in turn pander to the Indian establishment.

There is reason to believe that some state officials deliberately act to give China a bad name. Experts in coal thermal power noted that frequent breakdowns at the Chinese built coal power station on the west coast was unusual for a Chinese coal power plant, as China leads the world in coal power technology. The power plant has since operated smoothly, but sections of the media even report a routine maintenance closure as a breakdown. Such mischief impacted on consumers suffering daily power cuts due to petroleum-based fuel shortage. Nothing is spared by some to attack China, and the ‘Chinese virus’ tale was a boon to them amid ones like aggression against Taiwan (not much on Tibet or Xinjiang nowadays), Chinese ‘organic fertilizer scandal’ (the scandal really being a state laboratory falsifying results to claim that the fertilizer had lethal bacteria contaminants), and China’s debt trap to seize Hambantota harbour (where 85% of the shares transfer of the harbour were transferred to a Chinese company to raise funds to service loans owed mainly to private lenders). The Chinese Naval research vessel episode of August is now spun by Indian media to claim that China provoked a dispute by arm twisting Sri Lanka to allow its vessel into Hambantota, whereas Indian arm twisting forced Sri Lanka to cancel a prior agreed visit by the Chinese vessel to provoke the crisis. Indian news media reporting has been most disgraceful since Indian humiliation in the Galwan Valley border skirmish of June 2020.

In the past several years, India went out of its way to wreck Sino-Lanka relations by pressurizing the government to cancel legitimate commitments to China, the last bring the failed effort to keep out a Chinese naval research vessel. Every time India had its way, insensitive Indian media gloating embarrassed Sri Lanka.

The US has been most vicious and uses the print and electronic media and the Internet to slander China. US diplomats and regional officers breach diplomatic norms to warn the Sri Lankan government against Chinese assistance and security threat to Sri Lanka.

Despite charges of a Chinese loan trap, India is the country that shamelessly uses loans and grants to pressurize Sri Lanka. It took advantage of the recent financial predicament of Sri Lanka to secure projects for Indian companies, bypassing normal procedures of scrutiny― the most shameful being the recent offer of two renewable energy projects to the Adani Group, a political ally of Premier Modi without calling for tenders. India has also secured a long lease of oil storage facilities close to the strategic natural harbour in Trincomalee. These are being challenged in court.

Rising US and Indian influence with the Sri Lankan government was visible months after the election of the former US national Gotabaya as President and particularly after the appointment of his brother Basil, a US national, as Minister of Finance in July 2021. Basil resigned in disgrace both as minister and MP in June 2022, but remains a powerful manipulator within the ruling party. But the false impression persists that the Rajapaksa clan is under Chinese influence.

The Crisis and the Components of the Protest

Leaving out the oft repeated details, the crisis can be summed up as the outcome of a combination of global trends starting with the slowing down of the Western economy since 2018, aggravated by the impact of the (even deliberate) mishandling of COVID-19 by lockdowns that reversed global economic growth (notable exceptions being the pharmaceutical and private health care businesses which). The collapse of tourism income and fall in foreign remittances hurt foreign currency earnings to rapidly drain foreign currency reserves. Erroneous government policies compounded the problem to cause shortages, which were the main basis for the ‘Aragalaya’ protest.

The pain of shortages and price hikes were worsened by poor distribution owing to poor planning and domination of transport, storage, processing and distribution dominated by the private sector. An ill-advised devaluation of the rupee worsened the crisis with little benefit for foreign currency reserves. Shortages and ceaseless long queues gave birth to the Aragalaya. But the Aragalaya was not entirely spontaneous. There was organization and media support, with protesters persuaded that Rajapaksa family’s corruption was the main cause of the crisis. The President was the focus of attack, as paraphrased by the slogan ‘Gota go home’, with demands built around the dictatorial ways of the President, corruption of the Rajapaksa family, mismanagement of the economy, cronyism and breach of law and justice. But little went beyond ‘Gota go home’ and its corollaries like ‘Mahinda go home’ and ‘Bring back the loot’.

Aragalaya, however, had a strong spontaneous component comprising members of middle class, very literate in English. Absence of the poorer classes was not by design. The working classes, although supportive, kept a distance. Left and progressive circles noticed foreign hands and a hidden agenda, but considered it inappropriate to censure a campaign with growing popular support, and the only public protest that persistently stood up to a repressive government. Meanwhile, the government ― on a week wicket amid shortages and rising prices and fearful of unforeseen consequences ― held back on use of force to suppress the protest.

Moves by NGOs and other donors to visibly transform the protest into evenings of merriment manifested in providing protesters with holiday camping tents, gas cookers and cylinders of gas, bottled water, portable toilets and accessories, and packets of semi-luxury food. Some who were unimpressed nostalgically quoted Mao: “A revolution is not a dinner party” ― a strong reminder of which was badly needed.

While middle class supporters at home and abroad made fancy comparisons with the Arab Spring and Colour Revolutions (mindless of their eventual outcome), NGOs acted to depoliticize the struggle and narrow its scope to a demand for the resignation of the President while keeping all political parties out, in the name of unity of the struggle. The role of economic liberalization and imperialist meddling received minimal attention unlike the corruption of the Rajapaksas. Little thought was given to the post-crisis economic future.

With support for Aragalaya growing from left leaning trade unions and student bodies, NGOs began to lose grip. Calls emerged for more than resignations. While Aragalaya was content with parliamentary government, political discourse within Aragalaya led to calls for radically changing the constitution and a truer form of democracy.

Attack on the protesters by the Prime Minister’s goons was followed by his resignation, and well-coordinated arson attacks on properties of key ruling party personalities and a few killings. This orgy of violence helped the embattled President to regain composure and offer two leaders from the opposition SJB the post of Prime Minister, which they turned down so that Ranil Wickremesinghe became Prime Minister. His appointment was promptly welcomed by both the US and India.

The massive protest of 9th July expedited the President’s resignation that was over the horizon. The occupation of the President’s House, Presidential Secretariat and Prime Minister’s official residence intimidated the President to flee the country, resign his post, and name the Prime Minister as interim president as per constitutional provisions. The unforeseen election of Ranil as President by parliament was in fact a coup by the Rajapaksa family that marked Aragalaya’s change of fortune.

The lack of a clear plan, poor organization and uncertain aims led to serious tactical errors. Protesters at every level were blissfully unaware of the nature of the state. Some interpreted the rather restrained (but least of all supportive) posture of the police and the army as signs of weakness.

Ranil used occupation of state residences and offices as a pretext to unleash avoidable violence on the protesters. It was only a sign of things to come. The Army’s attack, that carefully avoided use of firearms, was designed as a warning to Aragalaya protesters. That intimidated a sizeable section of the comfortable middle class protesters and their supporters, who later found comfort in the gradual restoration of distribution of petroleum fuels and its benefits.

The US found itself in an awkward situation. Although the net outcome was to its pleasure with a very much pro-US politician as President, who is amenable to reactivating the bid to impose the Millennium Challenge Corporation project that has been rejected several times besides projects like the Status of Forces Agreement that fell by the wayside in the past several years. President Wickremasinghe is perhaps the keenest to oblige the IMF to secure a loan to tide over the debt problems by inflicting any harsh condition that the IMF may impose. He has already set in motion price increases of food, electricity and water supply based on the devaluation of the rupee early this year and the global rise in prices. Despite the heavy increase in price of food and fuel, urban public anger is yet to boiling over, as the middle class tends to compare the Wickremasinghe regime with what immediately preceded him.

Observations on the Aragalaya

Aragalaya started as a middle-class protest movement, deluded into imagining that an apolitical urban protest could put the country on track to economic recovery.

Its identification of abuse of power, corruption and mismanagement by government leaders as things that hurt the economy is valid. But that is an incomplete picture, as the country owes its present plight to the open economic policy since 1978 that destroyed the national economy, wasteful consumerism, and heavy borrowing for non-productive purposes, including an avoidable war. Aragalaya’s notable omission of imperialism as a source of the economic woes points to the say the US-funded NGOs had in it

It had faith in the parliamentary system, and blamed the failure of the economy on the corruption of a handful. Even at the stage when it suggested that all MPs should resign, it did not reject the parliamentary system. Realization that the parliamentary system as it exists cannot address the problems of the country, however, began to sprout within the Aragalaya, but needed time to mature into a policy alternative. But Aragalaya was derailed well before that could happen.

The Aragalaya was commendable for its secular and inclusive stand, call for rule of law free of state intervention, fair elections, freeing of political prisoners, defiance of threat by the arms of the state as well as by pro-government forces. But it was naïve to believe that transformation was attainable through a bourgeois parliament.

Discussion of the national question was eschewed by inadequate political debate. That became an excuse for Tamil nationalists to persuade Tamils to keep a distance. Only the Tamil left, especially the NDMLP, saw potential in the Aragalaya to address core issues.

Aragalaya ignored the class nature of the state (thanks to NGO activism), and mistook the tactical reserve shown by the armed forces and the police as fear of public wrath and hoped that they could be neutralized.

Political Attitudes

Parliamentary political parties that backed the Aragalaya saw in it a ladder for electoral uplift in what may follow the collapse of the government. Some explicitly desired that Aragalaya stopped with getting the President and at most the cabinet to resign. They saw in the crowds that gathered votes for themselves besides campaigners in the elections to come.

Those once associated with the SLPP-led government but parted company recently had less hope in the Aragalaya, and were thus critical supporters.

There were hard right wingers, including Ranil, whose endorsement of Aragalaya was nominal and limited to a democratic right to protest.

The collapse of the Aragalaya in the face of violence unleashed by Ranil exposed the vacillating nature of the urban middle class, of whom many quickly distanced themselves from the Aragalaya on pretext of undemocratic and unlawful conduct that let down the side. The NGOs are embarrassed, and at best denounce Ranil but stop short of mobilization against the oppressive state.

The US and its allies too were embarrassed as they had to retreat from their endorsement of the protest through secret funding for the NGOs.

Some have yet to reconcile to the turn of events that to their surprise if not shock brought Ranil to ‘power’.

The Future following the Great Reversal

The Ranil Wickremesinghe presidency has to be understood as a presidency with its executive power trimmed to suit the Rajapaksas. Ranil’s posturing as a tough leader maintaining law and order, cannot dare hurt the Rajapaksas or their cronies.

The President’s measures to address fuel shortage by a fuel rationing scheme was well received, although users of hiring vehicles are forced to buy most of their fuel in the back market, including petrol stations. Prices of all food items have soared and the level of child malnutrition is like to escalate. Removal of subsidy for small scale consumers of electricity has delivered a blow to the poor and lower middle class households. Removal of subsidies seems to be in anticipation of the grant of an IMF relief.

Enthusiasts for IMF credit seldom reveal that IMF loans are designed to keep the country indebted but able to service loans by burdening the toiling masses. It will take some months after the IMF deal for the pain to be felt.

Foreign policy will be tailored to suit US imperialist and Indian expansionist regional interests, but likely to avoid offending China, as the economy is likely to rely on the Colombo Port City to boost foreign investment.

Early economic recovery is unlikely, and even if shortages are eliminated, rising prices will deny access of goods, including essentials, to a large section of the population. While the state apparatus is being readied for a confrontation in the event of mass protests, legislation has been enacted to limit the scope of public protest and could be widened in scope in the face of growing mass agitation.

It is too soon to forecast a fascistic rule by an alliance of pro-Western imperialist forces and local reactionaries. But the danger drifts closer to realization, with no parliamentary political party showing the will, desire or capability to act against it.

The Response to be

  • In an immediate sense, the residual Aragalaya offers the most hopeful rallying point for the revival of resistance to state oppression.

    While building a democratic anti-imperialist movement for national unity and social justice is the challenge facing the genuine left and progressive forces, defence of democratic and legal rights of all citizens will need to be the immediate and central battle cry against state repression.

    Economic demands and call for social justice will inevitably enter the campaign as the Aragalaya evolves into a mass-based progressive anti-imperialist movement.

  • There is a great need to learn from the experiences of the seven months of struggle.

    Dangers of adventurism are manifold, and the very persons who hailed some of the ill-conceived actions as heroic were quick to denounce them as lawless after the protest collapsed.

    Caution is important against infiltration by vested interests through agencies such as NGOs.

  • Political education is urgently needed in:

    • Understanding imperialism and the importance of struggle against imperialism, its hegemonic allies and local partners.
    • Redefining development in ways that it will free the country from the imperialist economic grip
    • Appreciating that delivery of economic liberation demands the resolution of the national and democratic crises facing the country.
  • The genuine Left needs to take a realistic and flexible attitude towards Aragalaya to avert its being hijacked by narrow, opportunist interests. Reactionary thought and deed can be overcome only through a democratic process.

  • Freeing the country from the Western Credit Trap is central to economic recovery and that has to be accompanied by directing economic activity away from consumerism, rationalizing the service sector and reindustrializing the country based on a national economic policy.

  • The struggle has to transcend protest to activation of the masses in social and economic work towards devolution of political and economic power.

  • Resolution of the national question needs recognition as one concerning four nationalities with steps to eliminate hostility between nationalities as well as religions.

  • Liberation is also liberation from dominant reactionary ideology, and a proactive approach is essential towards gender and caste equality to eliminate hierarchy.

  • Most importantly, the struggle, to advance towards mobilization of the masses for national economic recovery and social justice, has to be firm in an anti-imperialist, anti-hegemonic stand. In short the struggle in the process of growth should undergo an educational process to remould itself as a revolutionary vanguard.