Category Archives: Без рубрики

Interview with the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)

By | 06/26/2015

On request from the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM), we (the Russian Maoist Party) contacted the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) and asked them the following three questions: MIM: As you know, the CIA supported Osama bin Laden and other Afghanis with military aid and advisors in a war against the Soviet social-imperialist backed regime in Afghanistan.… Read More »

Resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001 – Free the political prisoners

By | 06/26/2015

Those are the demands of the political organisations and social movements signed below: The liberation of all revolutionary prisoners in the world. The recognition of the political status of the revolutionary prisoners in the world; and end of the criminalisation against them. An end to the annihilation politics (as the F-type isolation cells in Turkey,… Read More »

Russian Maoist Party greets Santa Barbara Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) on W.E.B. Du Bois’ birthday

By | 06/26/2015

The Russian Maoist Party extends its warm fraternal greetings to the MIM and RAIL comrades at Santa Barbara and wants to congratulate you this February 23, 2001, on two dates, one connected with North America and the other with Russia, but both extremely important to all true communists worldwide. The first is, of course, the… Read More »

Russians Help Tartan Terrorists Target Wills

By | 06/25/2015

Russian terrorists are backing Tartan extremists plotting chaos to arrangements for guarding Prince William when he studies at a Scottish university. Electronics experts in Russia have already helped organise a series of computer attacks targeting police forces, government agencies and St. Andrews University where the Prince will study the history of art. The Reds stepped in… Read More »

The Thorny Way to Freedom (The Chechen Problem, the Recent Attack in Moscow and the Contemporary Russian State)

By | 10/14/2014

By Dar ZHUTAYEV and Denis SELIVYORSTOV, Russian Maoist PartySpecially for Umut Yayıncılık To the memory of the hundreds of innocent Russian civilians,including women and children,as well as Chechen freedom fighters,butchered in cold blood by the semi-fascist Russian regimein the early morning of October 26, 2002 This article is sadly underdocumented. Before the October 23 attack in Moscow, there was quite a developed Chechen Internet culture, with a lot of various Web sites in different languages, some… Read More »