Mao Zedong, ‘We Hope the Arab Countries Will Unite’

By | 05/04/2023

This is the main part of Mao Zedong’s talk with a visiting Syrian goodwill delegation. All revolutionaries and political parties in Asia should unite against imperialism. The strength of one or two countries is insufficient, but they can become a formidable force by uniting together. The entire Arab world is confronting imperialism. We hope the Arab countries will unite. The hands of the Americans stretch very far, committing aggression everywhere.… Read More »

By | 03/29/2023

The victory or defeat of the revolution can be determined only over a long period of time. If it is badly handled, there is always the danger of a capitalist restoration. All members of the party and all the people of our country must not think that after one, two, three, or four great cultural revolutions there will be peace and quiet. They must always be on the alert and must never relax their vigilance. (18-5-67) The present… Read More »

On the Revision of the Party Constitution

By | 03/17/2023

Comrades! As entrusted by the Central Committee of the Party, I will now give a brief explanation of the revision of our Party’s Constitution. In accordance with the instructions of Chairman Mao and the Party’s Central Committee concerning the revision of the Party Constitution, a working conference of the Central Committee which was convened last… Read More »

Reply to a message of greetings from Ranadive

By | 02/04/2023

The Indian people is one of the great Asian peoples with a long history and a vast population, her fate in the past and her path to the future are similar to those of China in many points. I firmly believe that relying on the brave Communist Party of India and the unity and struggle… Read More »

Historical Overview of the Marxist Revolutionary Movement in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)

By | 01/29/2023

The Years of “Royal Democracy” The first revolutionary Marxist organisation in Afghanistan was founded in 1966 under the name of Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO). The revisionist Moscow-directed “People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan” (PDPA) had been founded some time earlier by a number of intellectuals with suspicious links to a faction of the ruling elite. (Prince… Read More »

‘Banderstadt’ must be abolished!

By | 10/14/2022

Why should the modern Ukrainian regime be abolished? There are four crucial reasons for this, which significantly distinguish it from those ugly who rule other countries. It corrupts its own nation with fascism, incites chauvinism and militarism, and spreads a genuine cult of evil. Posing as a liberator from the colonial legacy, it sold the country to the imperialists and kowtow to its masters, forcing its miserable citizens to do the same. It severely punishes… Read More »

Trans gender liberation

By | 08/26/2022

Only the first chapter of the pamphlet is published here. Read in full in FB2 format. This pamphlet is an attempt to trace the historic rise of an oppression that, as yet, has no commonly agreed name. We are talking here about people who defy the “man”-made boundaries of gender. Gender: self-expression, not anatomy.… Read More »