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Violence reaches home for Amerikans: What caused it?

By | 06/29/2015

The United States Government sacrificed thousands of its citizens today through its unwillingness to support serious steps toward global peace and economic harmony. After the hijacking and crashing of four jetliners and the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, the U.S. Government could only ask “who?”

The United $tates has accumulated so many serious enemies that it was difficult to answer “who did it?” The Taliban ruling in Afghanistan supposedly giving sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden, who the United States Government has done so much to vilify, issued a statement condemning the bombings and expressing sympathy for the United $tates. Likewise, various Palestinian leaders also denied responsibility.

“Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned the attack, saying he ‘sent his condolences and those of the Palestinian people to Bush and the American people.’”

On the street, the first persyn MIM overheard discussing the bombing was a Black womyn who was talking about the possibility that Israel did it. The conclusion would be that Israel organized the attacks to consolidate U.$. public opinion against the Palestinians.

In any case, the fact that there are so many possible threats in the world is something that should tell the leaders of the United $tates that problems have reached well-beyond the point where they can be managed by keeping track of various peoples and groups. U.$. leaders have failed miserably with their arrogant superpower attitude that denies the simple fact that in this modern world almost anyone can kill anyone with high-tech weapons.

Countless commentators focussed on “security” as if it were possible to stop high-tech weapon use, bribery or mistakes with “security.” With so many plane crashes and explosions, Amerikans should learn the lesson that tighter “security” cannot solve the problem. There will always be fancier weapons that can be hidden in ever fancier ways as long as there is war and someone who can make a profit from making ever more high-tech weapons. The idea that these explosions can be blamed on security guards in Newark, Boston and Washington Dulles airports is ludicrous.

The U.$. people must also learn their lesson, because as Karl Marx said, people only obtain the leaders that they deserve. While the last presidential election hinged on Monica Lewinsky and George Bush’s supposed amiability as someone “to drink a beer with,” the U.S. Government kept up a grinding war against peoples all over the world. The U.$. people have treated politics as a joke, the whole time that multi-billion dollar U.$.-sponsored wars are going on all around the world and people starve to death in eight digit figures annually. The complacency of the Amerikan public reached such a low that arose and surpassed the major mainstream news outlets in the 18–34 male demographic group by using nude news announcers. It is precisely the people of the United $tates who as part of the world’s superpower must be most relentless in the pursuit of global peace, and not get sidetracked with comfortable and arrogant attitudes.

Pearl Harbor comparison

European Union (EU) External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten, Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and television announcers compared the attack to Pearl Harbor. In this way, these people denounce the attackers while playing the role of innocent and peaceful victims. However, if the attackers were motivated by the events in the Middle East, the U.$. people have no business pretending they have been neutral, uninvolved or peaceful.

The United $tates has aided Israel with billions in military aid each year. The latest poll in the United $tates shows that 41% supported Israel and 14% supported the Palestinian side of the conflict there. Since 1988, polls show that support for the Palestinians never reached 20%. Meanwhile, as the recent UN Conference on racism showed, it is the United $tates and Israel almost alone in the world who support their own die-hard racism, including the official and open racism of the Zionist entity known as Israel.

As flames and smoke billowed from the Pentagon where a whole side of the building collapsed, it became clear that whoever the attackers were, they had a very, very clear sense of enemy. They attacked the seat of wealth and the seat of military power. With the Pennsylvania crash seen as an attempted attack on “Camp David” where numerous Mideast and other “peace” talks have been held and the bombing of the State Department, the attackers made it clear that they were not aiming at killing ordinary Amerikans and that they had a clear sense of who is responsible for what in the United $tates.

Communism the only real answer

The world is too small and the weapons are too high-tech for there to be any real solution other than communism. Even the capture of Osama Bin Laden or others would do nothing to alter the fact that the targets attacked today are carrying out multi-billion dollar wars angering millions of people all over the planet. The time has long since passed when the humyn species can afford such an approach to international relations. The longer the U.$. people blame some security guards, make villains out of a handful of people like Osama Bin Laden and talk about “giving up freedoms” to have safety, the more violence will go on, just as it already does go on in the Middle East and the Third World. Achieving communism will be very difficult, but much less difficult than enduring this kind of grinding daily violence which threatens the whole species.

We mourn those who died in attacks on the World Trade Center. We strengthen our resolve to cast off war-hungry capitalism!

By | 06/29/2015

Sep 11, 2001 – The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) joins people around the world in mourning the civilians killed today in attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Their deaths are as lamentable and were as preventable as the deaths of millions of children who die every year of starvation and disease, victims of militarism and imperialism.

These attacks could not have been prevented by beefing up the Amerikan military and espionage apparatus any more than it already has been. Nor can future deadly attacks be prevented by carrying out reprisal bombings, assassinating putative “terrorists,” invading so-called “rogue states,” or cracking down on civil rights at home. President Bush’s tired old idea of “peace through strength” is bankrupt. In all history, one country has been more powerful than others. That has never stopped war from happening.

These attacks did not happen because former President Clinton was “soft” and “dismantled America’s military,” as the quasi-fascist yahoos are already yalping. Clinton’s international military policy was very aggressive, bombing water-treatment plants in Iraq, aspirin factories in Sudan, bridges in Yugoslavia, and sending troops across the globe, from Albania to Somalia – actions which increased international anger against the united $tates. Republicans even made Clinton’s “activist” military policies an issue in the last election.

Both Democrats and Republicans represent a class of people that profits from world war. Therefore they are afraid to work aggressively for long-range peace. Technical, military approaches to peace and security are doomed to fail. It’s time to break with old thinking to get at the root causes of humyn conflict – production for profit, the class system, conflicts over land etc. These can only be addressed by communism, as difficult as it will be to achieve.

In immediate response to the attack, President George Bush said “freedom was attacked this morning, and freedom will be defended.” Yet the united $tates has run roughshod over the freedom of peoples worldwide for well over 100 years. It carried out a genocidal war in the Philippines at the end of the 19th century. It backed an Indonesian coup which killed ca. one million in the middle of the twentieth century. Its futile aggression in southeast Asia – carried out in the name of “peace” and “freedom” – killed more than three million.

Even today, the united $tates backs sanctions against Iraq which have killed perhaps millions of children. It supplies and tacitly supports Israeli incursions into Palestinian territory, such as the bombing of a refugee camp outside Jenin yesterday. It bombs countries who refuse to toe the u.$. line. It supports low-intensity warfare to keep corrupt and brutal regimes in power, from Columbia to the Philippines to Turkey. Military “accidents” – from the bombing of the Chinese embassy to the sinking of the Ehime Maru – are regular occurrences.

The list of crimes is practically without limit.

We cannot blame the oppressed for attacking the u.$. military and the institutions of Amerikan imperialism, any more than we can blame George Washington for attacking the British, or Nat Turner for attacking slaveholders, or Mao Zedong for attacking the Japanese invaders. Instead, we should work toward a world with the causes of war removed. Public opinion polls show that Amerikans already know that. It is time that they act. They must act ferociously as never before in history, because tolerating even a slight but constant cause of war may mean the end of the humyn species. The Middle East alone and its economic conflicts are reason enough for a global dictatorship of the proletariat.

Even a one percent annual chance of nuclear or biological war destruction caused by capitalist aggressiveness or “greed” as the people call it should not be tolerated by the proletariat. That’s like playing Russian Roulette with 100 chambers and one bullet. After 50 turns the chance of survival is only 60.5%. In other words, a seemingly small one percent annual chance of world war means eventual doom. After 100 years or turns of Russian Roulette, the chances of survival are only 36.6%. After 200 years, survival has only a 13.4% chance.

For the sake of the millions of victims of capitalism and imperialism, for the sake of the future generations of the humyn species, we must sweep away this vile, oppressive, warlike system!

Summing Up… Statement of the Russian Maoist Party in connection with the September 11 attacks in the U.S.

By | 06/29/2015

Let us sum up, in a preliminary way: two skyscrapers have been blown up, another one has fallen down by itself, the Pentagon building has been damaged. The casualties: about a thousand military officers bearing various ranks plus several thousands/tens of thousands of brokers and managers that used to scrape a living by speculating on the stock exchange or selling vacuum sweepers and toothbrushes. World War Ⅲ Now? You’re kidding. In order to inflict irreparable military damage upon a country, one has to destroy 40% of its population and 60% of its industrial potential. It is obvious that what has happened is primarily symbolic. The objects destroyed had been chosen (by whom?) for their symbolic value, as emblems of the American military and economic might. Now one can probably expect bombings of the Statue of Liberty and Disneyland, the spraying of lethal gas over Hollywood and, say, the poisoning of the U.S. President’s pet crocodile (if there exists one – the crocodile, that is, not the President).

Let us sum up: for as long as there exists a gap, a difference that is not just enormous, but practically insurmountable, between the incomes of the Third World countries and the countries of the Metropolis, for as long as the well-being of the latter is based on the misery of the former, for as long as the Metropolis is prepared to defend its “historic mission” by any means whatsoever, from military to political and economic ones – for so long there will be periodic (not very frequent, but not very rare, either) bombings of houses in the U.S. and Europe, assassinations of presidents and the richest bankers, as well as fresh and fresh rounds of what both sides choose to call pathetically “acts of retaliation.”

Let us sum up: we condemn (one is almost tempted to repeat the words of the Russian President – “…together with all the civilized humankind…”) the attacks carried out in New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11. Revolution is not a war of sabotage and subversion units in the rear of the enemy. For us, the Putin regime in contemporary Russia is a much more real and immediate enemy as compared to American (or any other) imperialism. We believe that true revolutionaries always want a revolution first and foremost in their own country. The proletarian is faced with a long, long chain of bourgeois – a chain whose farthest end lies, as a rule, somewhere beyond the ocean. Every bourgeois in the above-mentioned chain is the proletarian’s enemy, but the most formidable and powerful foe is that bourgeois which is immediately above the proletarian. Beginning with the far end of the chain means simply misunderstanding the dialectic of the development of today’s world. Other symbols of capitalism will be erected in place of the ones that have been so successfully destroyed and so on ad infinitum. Therefore, let us repeat ourselves: the revolutionary’s real struggle is concentrated within his/her own country and s/he is waging that struggle not against any symbols (no matter how imposing they may look, immortalized in stone, concrete or glass), but against the oppression of classes and social groups by other classes and social groups and for conditions of existence that are worthy of humans.

In connection with the events that took place in the USA on September 11, 2001, the Russian Maoist Party would like to express its concern over the possibility that the Russian state may intensify its harassment of those elements it considers or might consider terrorists or simply undesirable elements. A government that is incapable of solving economic and political problems in civilized ways inevitably looks for an enemy on whom it may shift the blame for its own theoretical and practical impotence in governing the country. Now, after the senseless explosions in the U.$., the “punishing sword” of the Russian “justice” may well come down upon the heads of any extraparliamentary political forces here. The pretext has already been found: “combating international terrorism.”

Workers and oppressed nations of all countries,
unite against the international terrorism of the U.$., Europe and your own countries!
Long live socialist revolution!

William Go Home!

By | 06/29/2015

RMP representatives carried this text to the United Kingdom Embassy in Moscow on September 11, 2001

His Excellency
Sir Roderic Lyne, KBE, CMG,
Her Majesty’s Ambassador in the Russian Federation
Richard Turner,
Head of the Press and Public Affairs Section (PPAS),
British Embassy in the Russian Federation
Russian Maoist Party (RMP)

Your Excellency!

We always put a very strong emphasis on the ideals of academic freedom and therefore cannot but respect the right of students from any country in the world to receive higher education wherever they want. However, the decision to send the English prince William to study the history of art at the Scottish University of St. Andrews this September 24 has much less to do with the principles of academic freedom than with the state policies of the British Cabinet. This is an obvious propaganda move, an action by the “Great” British government that is aimed both at encouraging the most reactionary prejudices in your society and at exacerbating national strife between the peoples of the British Isles.

The institution of the English monarchy is far from being simply an archaic tradition or a sentimental relic of times past. The royal House of Windsor concentrates immense influence, political power and riches in its hands – both in your country and in all the member-states of the British Commonwealth. It may seem that many of the practically unlimited constitutional rights vested in the royal family have become mere formalities by now. However, there is nothing to prevent these formalities from becoming reality – if such is the wish of the ruling élite in your country. In that – certainly hypothetical, but not impossible – case, all the parliamentary and other democratic institutions of England may disappear overnight. So long as a country (any country!) remains a monarchy, genuine democracy – majority rule – remains an illusion there.

Members of the royal House of Windsor are treated like living gods. Any movements, any actions or utterances by any of these persons are eagerly seized upon by the media and immediately become the property of the public. The real and imagined personal virtues of members of the royal family are exaggerated out of all proportion and offered to the public as models to be imitated. This is a perfect way of diverting the attention of the English, Scottish and other peoples from the very real political, economic and social problems faced by your society, of stifling critical thinking in the population, of emotionally tying it to the existing régime and of nipping in the bud the very idea of any alternatives to the latter.

The cult surrounding the future king, prince William, a figure that has not yet shown himself in anything except for the fact of his “noble” birth; the hype blown up around a routine event in his life, entering a university – all this perfectly fits the above-mentioned pattern and is clearly directed at giving a boost to the recently falling popularity of the English monarchy.

The place where the prince is planned to receive his education has been chosen far from accidentally. The fact that he is entering a Scottish university, moreover, one of the oldest and most venerable ones in that country, is evidently intended to symbolise the “national unity” of the “United Kingdom,” to emphasise the allegedly not simply English, but “British,” including “Scottish,” nature of royal power. Prince William’s projected stay at St. Andrews University is part of a series of carefully thought-out political actions by the British authorities that are calculated to make the Scottish people resign itself both to the monarchical form of government and to Scotland’s lack of national freedom.

The “British nation” is a myth. The concept of the “United” Kingdom of “Great” Britain and “Northern Ireland” is used to cover up a regime long since founded on the supremacy of the English nation and the oppression of the other nations in the British Isles. The centuries-old history of Ireland’s struggle for independence and the contemporary heroic resistance in the Occupied Six Countries illustrate this perfectly. The Scottish people has fully tasted all the “joys” of life under the English crown. The entire history of Scotland since its absorption by the English State has been a history of the economic exploitation, political subjugation and national, linguistic and cultural suppression of its people. The Scots are understanding better and better that the “British” State and the “British” Monarchy are in fact nothing else than an English State and an English Monarchy – institutions that have nothing Scottish in them and that are in contradiction to the fundamental interests of the Scottish people. Consequently, we can observe a growth of separatist feelings and an upswing of national liberation movements in Scotland. The attempts by the British authorities to contain this process via various measures such as “devolution” or convening a Scottish Parliament have no possibility of succeeding. Creating an independent Republic of Scotland has been on the agenda for a long time.

We believe that the decision concerning prince William’s stay at St. Andrews is a national insult to the Scottish people. The events of the recent months show that this people will never understand or accept this decision. Its protest manifests itself in the most varied forms, from eccentric actions to outright political extremism. On the whole, we express our solidarity with the actions of the Scottish people in the struggle for its independence and are convinced that the English government will show enough state wisdom to cancel its decision to send William Windsor to study at St. Andrews University. If the prince is interested in the history of art, he may well study it at any of the English universities – for which your country is justly famous – or in any foreign country where his stay will not have the nature of a political propaganda move. We are also certain that any university in Russia will gladly accept prince William as its student.

Sincerely yours,
Chairperson of the Russian Maoist Party
September 11, 2001

Greetings to the Seventh Congress of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD)

By | 06/29/2015

In the homeland of Marx and Engels, a country that has now unfortunately turned into one of the citadels of world imperialism, there will gather together people that are sincerely convinced in internationalism, brotherhood of peoples, democracy, revolution and Communism. Convinced in the things that constitute the essence of the teachings of the thinkers of genius, the founders of the truly scientific view of the world and humankind: Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

We hope that the Seventh Congress of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) will become one of those historical landmarks that are bringing nearer the time when the red sun of Communism will shine brightly over all the peoples of the Earth.

The Russian Maoist Party sends its warmest and sincerest greetings to the Seventh Congress of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany.

The revolutionary movements of Germany and Russia have very close relations whose history goes back a long time.

Together with Lenin, the leaders of the German working class, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg exposed Bernstein, one of the earliest revisionists. When the First World War began in 1914, they formed a united front to oppose the “defense of the motherland” and the treachery of the proletariat by the parties of the Second International.

After the victory of socialist revolution in Russia, German workers and Communists unreservedly stood up in defense of the first socialist state in the world against imperialist aggression.

Hand in hand, Soviet and German antifascists fought Hitler in the Second World War and worked to rebuild Germany after the victory over the Nazis.

We are extremely pleased to know that, at the time when “those in power taking the capitalist road” started restoring capitalism in the USSR, German workers and Communists stood up together with the workers and Communists of China and other countries and gave a correct assessment of the nature of the Khrushchevite-Brezhnevite Soviet Union.

And now, when imperialism is once again demonstrating its bestial and antihuman nature, there is the utmost necessity for the solidarity and united front not only of the proletariat of Russia and Germany, but also of the peoples of all the world in the struggle for democracy, freedom and socialism.

It is impossible to forget the founder of the MLPD, Will Dickhut, a brilliant publicist and important Marxist theoretician who was able, despite the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking prevalent in the Leftist and Communist movement of the 1970s, to find the right road, to unite theory and practice at the new stage of class struggle and to carry on the traditions of the genuine Marxist-Leninist workers’ movement in Germany. Under the leadership of Willi Dickhut, the Communist Workers’ Union of Germany (KABD) was able to avoid slipping either into the opportunism and revisionism of the pro-Moscow “communist” parties or into the voluntarism and ultraleftism of the petty bourgeois “New Left” groups. It is due to this that the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, founded in 1982, is now resolutely matching towards the victory of revolution in Germany and of socialism around the world.

Chairman Mao said in 1948:

“If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. Without a revolutionary party, without a party built on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and in the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the working class and the broad masses of the people to defeat imperialism and its running dogs.“

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany is exactly such a revolutionary party. That is why we are certain that the MLPD will continue to hold high and to firmly carry forward the great proletarian red banner of Marxism-Leninism.

In this way we shall win!
Workers and oppressed peoples of all countries, unite!

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Russian Maoist Party,
Chairperson of the RMP

MIM’s greetings to our seminar in Moscow commemorating the birth of Mao Zedong 110 years ago

By | 06/29/2015

Greetings from inside the belly of the beast – u.$. imperialism. We are thrilled to hear of your seminar commemorating the birth of Mao Zedong 110 years ago.

It was Mao’s teachings that best point the way out of the current morass of the international communist movement. We must pay special attention to his teachings on the bourgeoisie in the party itself. There is no explanation for how capitalism came about in the USSR and China other than the bourgeoisie in the party that Mao instructed all communists and masses to attack during the Cultural Revolution.

Under Kruschev, the Soviet Union took a wrong turn that restored capitalism. It only took a generation of bureaucrats raised in his era – Gorbachev and Yeltsin types – for full-fledged free-market capitalism to appear. It is not enough to wish now that dictatorship had been exercised over Gorbachev. We must look at the whole climate in the party itself that allowed such a character to appear and who created that climate. That is why we are glad to see increased attention to Mao in the land that initiated the era of Bolshevik revolutions.

Down with the Amerikkkan war-mongers!
Victory to the Iraqi freedom-fighters!

Solidarity Message to the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) in Connection with its Martyrs’ Day (November 12, 2001)

By | 06/29/2015

Dear Comrades!

The Russian Maoist Party extends its profoundest condolences to, and warmest fraternal solidarity with, the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) on occasion of its Martyrs’ Day November 12 – the anniversary of the tragic events when the ultra-fundamentalist Hezb-e Islami of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar abducted and cruelly butchered the ALO leader Dr. Faiz Ahmad along with a number of his outstanding comrades-in-arms. Despite the loss of its leader and many revolutionary comrades from its ranks, despite the tremendous difficulties that the ALO has faced in its growth, development and struggle, it has survived, preserved its potential and now stands as the most consistently democratic, patriotic and progressive force of Afghan society.

Chairman Mao said: “the truth of Marxism-Leninism is universally applicable.” The strongest point about the ALO throughout these tumultuous decades has been its staunch adherence to the revolutionary science of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and its unshakeable resolve to implement its principles in practice. In the 1960s and 1970s, the ALO’s precursors, the Sholayees, were the only progressive forces in Afghan society that saw through the ruses of Soviet social-imperialism that was masquerading as a sincere “friend” of Afghanistan allegedly offering it “disinterested aid.” Having been the first to point to the danger of Islamic fundamentalism in your country and having begun struggling against it as early as 30 years ago and lost valuable comrades as victims in that struggle, the ALO did not hesitate to rise up in arms against the Soviet occupation of your country and fight a terrible battle on two fronts: against the Soviet invaders and their Khalqi and Parchami stooges for national independence on the one hand, and against the Islamist mojahedeen for a secular democratic Afghanistan on the other. Russian veterans of the Afghan war know full well the valor and courage of the ALO fighters: even now, they say that the “red dushmans“1 – as they style the Sholayee revolutionaries – were much more formidable opponents in battle than ordinary “dushmans” – i. e. Islamist bandits. After the moribund Soviet social-imperialism relinquished its hold on Afghanistan and the country became a bloody battleground where the various rivaling religious-fascist forces, such as the Taliban and the Northern Alliance, were fighting for domination, the ALO comrades shifted the emphasis of their struggle to getting rid of the Islamist authoritarian scum – each and every of those groups being a faithful slave to its foreign master – and to working for the achievement of genuine liberty for your long-suffering country. And, no matter what the balance of forces in Afghanistan may be at the present moment, you will eventually succeed. The truth cannot be eradicated. “The correctness or otherwise of the political and ideological line decides everything,” our great teacher, Mao Zedong, said. We know that one day we will witness the formation of a People’s Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, led by the ALO and engaged in the construction of a socialist and genuinely democratic society in your country.

We, Russian communists, owe a special debt to Afghanistan. For it was under pretext of Communist slogans that the Soviet “socialist” army invaded Afghanistan and established a puppet regime there. Needless to say, the peoples of the Soviet Union had not been consulted in this matter at all. There were numerous protests against it among the Soviet public that were mercilessly crushed by the authorities. Tens of thousands of proletarian lives were lost by our people in that war. Unless the Communist movement of the ex-USSR lands thoroughly reassesses recent history, unless it conducts merciless criticism and self-criticism, detailing exactly how, by whom, and why the ideals of October were betrayed in this country, how it happened that the state that used to be the beacon of freedom and emancipation for all peoples in the world turned into an imperialist power bringing nothing but death, destruction and totalitarian dictatorship to its own people and those outside the USSR Empire (Afghanistan, Czechoslovakia and others) – until that day the Communist movement in the ex-USSR will be utterly incapable of leading our proletarian masses to successful socialist revolution.

Right now, the people of Afghanistan are caught between the hammer and the anvil. On the one hand, you have the tyranny of the Taliban, nipping in the bud any aspirations for a more just and humane society, committing bloody genocide against the peoples of Afghanistan. On the other, you are being subjected to a U.$. aggression that is utterly denying the national independence of Afghanistan and perpetrating unspeakable crimes against the people of your land. It is our belief that you, comrades, are, ultimately, the only force capable of restoring peace and tranquillity to your very, very, very long-suffering country.

The Russian Maoist Party mourns the Afghanistan Liberation Organization martyrs that have fallen in the struggle for a democratic and socialist Afghanistan. We also assert that the blood of these martyrs has not been shed in vain. Together with you, comrades, and together with the Communist and progressive forces of the whole world we will certainly achieve a world without oppression, war and greed – a Communist world!

Workers and oppressed peoples of all countries, unite!
Long live socialist revolution in Afghanistan!
Down with reactionaries of all brands!

  1. Dushman is the Dari for “enemy” – RMP.

Statement of the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) “Death to terrorism of all brands!”

By | 06/29/2015

At last the day approached for the Islamist terrorist monster to devour its creator. However, it is not the creator but the innocent American people that are paying the price for the bloody act of the monster. The horrible criminal attack of 11th Sep. on New York and Washington struck thousands of Americans and non-Americans and made them mournful. Afghanistan Liberation Organization which has been struggling against the most rabid section of these forces and has lost its leader and tens of its outstanding cadres and members in the plots and terrorist attacks of the mentioned criminals, understands well the dimensions of the11th September horrific incident. And for this, it expresses its deep sympathy with the families and friends of the victims and with the US people as a whole.

In response to the attack, the US government is preparing for an unprecedented war, a war with Osama and Taliban as its foremost targets. But do the majority of the American people know that the creator and trainer of the dirtiest Afghan terrorist groups as well as Osama since 20 years is no one else but the US government itself? Do they know that US government could destroy all these terrorists and heroine-kings exactly the way it did with Noriega of Panama if it paid the least attention and concern about the far-reaching interests of the American and Afghan people and democratic values and human rights? The US didn’t do because it wanted to use them as its running dogs during the cold war.

Now as the religious terrorism has reared its degusting head and slap in the face of its yesterday’s mentor, the US government shouldn’t take the revenge of the appalling attack from the people of Afghanistan, the people who have already been terrorized, looted and impoverished by the Northern Alliance, Taliban and Osamas.

None of the media in the West explains when, how and by whom the Islamist terrorists were created, trained and equipped, because in this way the one who has to be held responsible by the people of America in nobody else but those at the very helm of the US.

Apparently America, at first thought that through fostering the fundamentalist groups in Afghanistan it could obtain a base in the heart of Asia for achieving its political and economic aims. But it seems that the control of most of these religious hired murderers is no longer in the hand of the US. And they, possessing vast financial sources and a safe haven such as Afghanistan are going to wage a “crusade,” to which Mr. Bush has also indicated

The ruling classes of America, without considering the interests of the majority of the US people, are not taking the incident of 11th September as a warning to completely wash its hands off the fundamentalist organizations and regimes, let alone their elimination. On the contrary, they want to exploit it as a favorable opportunity to suppress the oppressed nations and anti-imperialism and anti-reactionary liberation movements. And by doing so, it not only will solve its domestic quarrel with the Islamist fundamentalists in its favor but also strengthen and stabilize its undisputed domination on the world and whitewash its vulnerability.

In addition, US, through this new pretext, tries to suppress and hold back the ever-increasing of anti-war and anti-globalization movements within America and in its Western allies which brings under question the very principle of capitalist system.

Though even in Muslim countries, most people don’t support the fundamentalist Islamists, the US blind retaliatory act could change the situation in favor of the fundamentalist forces. Nonetheless, we hope that with the fading of today’s emotions, the US government, under the pressure of people, especially the powerful working class of the US, won’t find it possible to add fuel to the religious contradictions in the world and as a consequence further vitalize the religious and non-religious reactionary forces by its militaristic policies.

Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) which has been engaged in struggle against the dirty religious creatures of US, Iran, Pakistan and some other Islamic countries for years, now too will continue its struggle against the Taliban and other reactionary bands till the end. Liberation of Afghanistan is not possible unless the setups dependent to Pakistan and criminal regimes of Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. are overthrown.

Cooperation of the Afghan and other people of the world is the only way for a successful and effective struggle against religious terrorism. And it is the task of all proletarian and revolutionary movements of America and other developed capitalist countries to practically demonstrate their inspiring impact and presence in the current showdown of religious terrorists and their yesterday’s masters by securing a militant solidarity with the progressive movements in underdeveloped and backward countries and in the first place Afghanistan.

Reply of the Russian Maoist Party to the Call for the Anti-Imperialist Camp 2003 “Resist the Attack of the New American Fascism”

By | 06/26/2015

The Russian Maoist Party sincerely greets all the genuine revolutionary, anti-imperialist, progressive and democratic forces that have gathered in Assisi, Italy, this September to take part in the Anti-Imperialist Camp 2003. At the same time, we regret to state that we are unable to sign the Call for this Camp and, therefore, to take part in this international forum.

The declaration «Resist the Attack» is based on the most harmful delusion of the allegedly “peace-loving” nature of the U.N., as well as of some imperialist powers: France, Germany, Russia, etc. In reality, all of these are as integral a part of world imperialism as the United States. This truth is not invalidated and cannot be invalidated by the fact that, on the issue of the war in Iraq, they have taken a position that is in many respects the opposite of the American one. The imperialism of European countries or Russian imperialism are no better and no worse than their U.S. counterpart. The fact that U.S. imperialism acts as the main imperialist predator on the planet today can in no way serve as a justification for France, Germany or Russia. It is sufficient to recollect the atrocities of the Russian army in Chechnya, perpetrated with the tacit approval of the European Council.

Marxism-Leninism has long ago and quite convincingly proven that inter-imperialist contradictions are caused by the objective laws of economic development. Differences between imperialists in dividing up the world are nothing but quarrels in the camp of our enemies. These differences can never become a basis for a truly anti-imperialist movement for peace. That is why those pacifists who are trying to base the strategy and tactics of the peace movement on differences among the imperialists are making a big mistake. The same mistake was committed by many Social-Democrats during World War I, when they came out in support of “their own” bourgeois governments.

The imperialism of the U.S.A. is indeed one of the most powerful enemies of the proletariat and and the peoples of the world. But communists must never allow themselves to be fooled by bourgeois propaganda and they must always remember the words of Karl Liebknecht that the principal enemy of the workers is in their own country. These words were true 100 years ago, they are still true today.

A similar mistake is the fetishization of Zionism – the imperialism of the Israeli state. While such feelings can be understood in the Arab national liberation movements, they can never be laid as a cornerstone of the politics of an international movement that is marching forward under the red flag of proletarian struggle.

We must state that the slogans of abstract, “non-class” (in reality, bourgeois) anti-Americanism in Europe and Russia are the rallying cry for the most reactionary forces in those countries. These social-chauvinists are trying to turn the proletariat away from the path of class struggle and onto the path of struggling for redividing the world in the interests of the local imperialists.

In these condition, putting forward a declaration that accuses exclusively U.S. imperialism and thereby absolves and whitewashes the policies of the European states and Russia means playing into the hands of the bourgeoisie, confusing the proletariat, renouncing Marxism-Leninism. We regard the slogan of uniting «all those fighting against the new American fascism» as a counterrevolutionary one, as these ranks include the fascists and the bourgeois in our countries.

In conclusion, we would like to express our sincere regret that this document has been signed by some genuine revolutionary forces, first and foremost our comrades of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) and the Philippine BAYAN. We also hope that the Camp organizers will bring our critique of the declaration to the attention of all the member-organizations of the Anti-Imperialist Camp.

Down with U.S. imperialism! Down with imperialism of all brands! Down with capitalism!
Long live the red banner of Marxism-Leninism!

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Russian Maoist Party,
Dar Zhutayev,
Chairperson of the RMP
Moscow, September 1, 2003

Declaration of Intent of the Anti-Imperialist Camp

By | 06/26/2015

The Anti-Imperialist Camp is a coordination that was constituted in August 2000 by organisations and movements from all continents. Political differences did not prevent these organisations from coordinating in order to give strength to the common struggle against the common enemy: imperialist globalisation.

We respect all forms of struggle used by all organisations and movements in different countries and different circumstances in order to put an end to exploitation and oppression.

The Camp advocates the highest unity in the struggle against the common enemy, declaring that imperialism is the most cruel of all capitalist systems. Thus, it cannot be overthrown without putting an end to national, social and class injustice and inequality. The struggle against imperialist globalisation can only be an International one. Thus, it needs the broadest and most unitarian and radical mass mobilisation, in the South as well as in the North, in the East just like in the West.

We consider it as our aim to help this coordination through communication, information and unity in action on a world scale. We want to play this role following the best traditions of the revolutionary international movement of this century, which despite its big mistakes has always fought imperialism and capitalism. Our defeat does not allow us neither to deny our roots nor to reduce our struggle to pure and simple resistance. Recently, we have noticed new conflicts coming up on a world scale, people’s struggles being aggravated. In fact, the peoples are not willing anymore to accept neo-liberalism and globalisation as the overall form of life. Poverty is growing also in the so-called rich countries, while it is becoming dominant in the peripheral countries. New inventions in the field of nutrition will make impossible any kind of commercial exchange of the underdeveloped countries. Thus, there are the preconditions to reopen the struggle against this imperialist system. Also, there are the preconditions for the creation of a new international current reaching Latin America as well as Asia, Africa as well as Europe. Thus, we are not only a component of the movement against globalisation, we want to coordinate and give voice to its most consequent part: to the proletarians, the peasants, the unemployed, to all those who are exploited and marginalized by this system. Only the exploited and oppressed masses do have the power to overthrow capitalism, thus paving the way to the more difficult but inspiring aim: the liberation and emancipation of mankind. We appeal to all revolutionary movements and all organisations struggling in the defence of the exploited and peoples, the persecuted, the political prisoners and all those who every day suffer from this system’s injustice which considers profit to be the only possible form of progress. We appeal to all these movements and organisations to unite in a common front against the imperialist system, which is bringing only destruction and death to this planet.