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A Call to the International Communist Movement Regarding the Birthday of W.E.B. Du Bois

By | 06/26/2015

Celebrate the birthday of W.E.B. Du Bois, February 23, 1868!

If you would like to be a signatory to this statement on the birthday of W.E.B. Du Bois, send a message to . We will continue to accept signatures after the 2001 birthday date.

On this February 3rd, 2001, we mark the birthday in 1868 of W.E.B. Du Bois, pioneering Black leader, Pan-Africanist and communist. As W.E.B. Du Bois made use of his birthday and autobiography for the political issues of the day, it is fitting that we the undersigned signatories come together on an issue that Du Bois raised again and again in his lifetime.

In 1820, the largest gap between any two countries in per capita income was over 3:1, but by 1992 it had steadily increased to 72:1. So it is that what Du Bois called the “color line” has deepened in economic significance. The countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America continue to face brutal exploitation by the Western imperialist countries, even while openly colonial rule has been replaced with other forms of control in most Third World countries.

Since Du Bois died in 1963, Mao also died and the Soviet bloc fell apart. Despite these changes for communists to consider, more broadly, in the world, the class and national struggles of the people focus most sharply in the Third World and with an increasing intensity. All of this is known to the communists especially those most dedicated to rescuing Marx from scientific irrelevance.

What remains more controversial is why the white working class of the imperialist countries persists in its political quietude or outright support of imperialism. Like his contemporary Lenin, Du Bois put his finger on this question exactly. Echoing Engels before him, Du Bois in his 90th year of life said, “There is no European labor party ready to help emancipate the workers of Asia and Africa. On the contrary, all are willing to take higher wages based on colonial profits; and to fight wars waged to defend those profits. Back of this attitude of Western Europe is the United States: ready with funds to help Europe; ready to assist any European power to keep control of colonial peoples, or to supplant it as a colonial ruler.

Nor did this attitude reflect a treacherous leadership by the labor parties of the imperialist countries, because it extends to the masses of the white race oppressor nations. The leaders merely reflect the will of their white followers on this question. That is why, when he was 90, Du Bois said, “Western Europe hopes that without essential alteration in its way of life an accommodation can be made between their demands and the upsurging of the lower classes and peoples. They see this chance in four ways: home labor appeased by elementary education and some political power; with higher wages paid out of profit from investment in foreign lands, which the home labor makes sure by fighting in world wars.

This is not to say Du Bois believed that white people had some biological characteristic that forced them toward imperialism. Du Bois explicitly denied that race had any scientific meaning in that sense. Rather, the underlying basis of racist ideology backing up imperialism is economic.

Shortly before death, Du Bois said, “Today my resentment at the doctrine of race superiority, as preached and practiced by the white world for the last 250 years, has been pointed to with sharp criticism and contrasted with the charity of Gandhi and of the colored minister [Dr. Martin Luther King] who led the recent boycott in Alabama. I am quite frank: I do not pretend to ‘love’ white people. I think that as a race they are the most selfish of any on earth. … I refer to the white world as a whole. We are come to a time when the sins and mistakes of the whole group must be considered and judged, not simply small localities or single individuals.” (“Whites in Africa after Negro Autonomy,” 1962)

Du Bois turned to analysis of national oppression because of the failure of the white man to accept integration, as Du Bois learned through strenuous struggle in his days with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) until 1934. Today his analysis of national oppression and its underlying economic basis is even more relevant than when he wrote it.

For his analysis, he was attacked from various quarters that tried to claim that the white working class of the imperialist countries was as proletarian as the miner in Azania, and maybe more advanced. Today when the international communist movement has at least three different organizations trying to regroup in the name of Mao Zedong, who made Du Bois’s birthday a national holiday, we cannot stand aside and let Marxism die because we did not heed Du Bois’s teachings.

The “dictatorship of the proletariat” is a central idea of Marxism, but the white workers of imperialism are not a proletariat. There are many claiming to work to overthrow imperialism, but few who know how to measure it. Surely those who believe that the white worker of the United $tates is qualitatively the same as the Third World proletariat have no plans to end the plunder of the Third World on the oppressor nation workers’ behalf. They plan only to create social-imperialism, socialism in words and imperialism in deeds. They will continue to rob the Third World to assist with the living standards of the imperialist countries if they come to power, and we will have nothing to do with such alleged communists.

Du Bois criticized Norman Thomas in his day for ignoring the Black man in the call for socialism. Today with the deepening of the economic basis of the color line, there are those who still ignore the Third World worker when talking of socialism. We call on all true proletarian internationalists to criticize all Third World organizations covering for super-exploitation and destroy all imperialist country organizations covering for super-exploitation. Such organizations cannot be said to be opposing imperialism. The oppressed and exploited people on one side of the color line will prevail.

We the undersigned call to the active elements of the international proletariat not to capitulate to another round of unity with the white chauvinist line. It is not we who are isolated. It is the white chauvinists and their would-be comprador props of a new social-imperialist order who are isolated. Unity with them can only lead to more exploitation, national oppression and war. Let us struggle to overthrow imperialism, once and for all.

Interview with the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)

By | 06/26/2015

On request from the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM), we (the Russian Maoist Party) contacted the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) and asked them the following three questions:

MIM: As you know, the CIA supported Osama bin Laden and other Afghanis with military aid and advisors in a war against the Soviet social-imperialist backed regime in Afghanistan. Do you think that the United $tates can lead a coalition that could possibly win a ground war in Afghanistan to remove the Taliban?

ALO: On the basis of the following reasons, America and its allies are able to topple down the regime of Taliban in Afghanistan:

  1. Dissatisfaction and distrust of our people from Jehadis and Taliban.
  2. Mass poverty at the present situation.
  3. Lack of security for the continuation of a normal life.
  4. Antagonistic and bloody conflict between the Jehadis and the Taliban whose price is paid by our innocent people.
  5. Oppression and atrocity against our women on unparalleled scale.
  6. Mass migration as a result of clashes between two criminal camps and exhaustion and hatred due to the civil war.
  7. Dependence and affiliation of both rival groups to their foreign masters.
  8. 180 degree change in the policy of Pakistan in support of the Western countries.
  9. Hope for the establishment of an interim government under the leadership of ex-king, Zahir Shah, on the basis of the desire of majority of the people of Afghanistan provided that the Jehadis are not included.

And finally due to the inexistence of two conditions – lack of a sound and capable leadership and lack of mass support from the “leaders” engaged in war – U.S. and its Western allies will be able to, by reinstating Zahir Shah, defeat the Taliban and take political and military leadership in their own hands.

Today’s situation is entirely different from the time when Russians directly invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Thus, we shouldn’t assess on the basis of the past situation and therefore the possibility of a resistance war and mass uprising against the U.S and its allies seems very vague and almost unpractical.

MIM: Major so-called feminist leaders here including Eleanore Smeal have called for “liberating Afghanistan” from the Taliban on behalf of wimmin’s equality in addition to the reason of getting revenge. What would you say about wimmin’s interests in this matter?

ALO: If America and the international community instead of Taliban and Jehadis want to bring Zahir Shah on the power and establish a government based on relatively democratic values, women can be benefited from this change. During the last two decades of war women of Afghanistan have been the first and easiest targets of every crime and misery.

Fundamentalism, no matter what kind, is misogynist to the core and is not willing to give women their due rights. The Islamic fundamentalists are of the opinion of imprisoning women inside the boundaries of the house. That’s why during the last 22 years of their treacherous “leadership,” women have suffered in all grounds and had become the victims of political, economic and cultural oppressions.

At the present situation, as the left forces are not enjoying the power and the leadership of the masses and thus are not in a position to play an effective role by directing the present condition in favor of their political interests (of course due to the treason of Khalq and Parcham and as well as the imperialism and reactionary governments of the region), the change of situation, i.e. the coming of Zahir Shah and disarmament of Taliban and Jehadis and non-interference of the neighboring countries in the political and military affairs would be in the interest of the whole nation particularly women. The choice of our people lies between the bad and worse form of leadership. This choice represents the sensitive situation of our country. From the historical point of view, the change of the present situation – the influence and bare interference of the external forces and the religious-fascist domination of the fundamentalists – will give more pace to the development of internal situation for the future mass-uprising for the sake of socialism and people’s government. Our class and national interest would be secured when the leadership of the future mass movement develop and strengthen by the left forces while relying on the masses without any kind of external dependence and bullying. The assessment of the situation by the intellectual women of Afghanistan cannot be out of current realities. Women need peace and security under the government which could at least respect the democratic values not only in word but in action as well.

MIM: Would you say that the war in Afghanistan1 changed Afghanistan?

The war of resistance against the Russians changed Afghanistan to a great extent. It has shattered its political and economic stability and gave the “leadership” – during and after the war – to the hands of religious-fascist forces. Under the government of fundamentalists, the immigration of intelligentsia got momentum. No importance was given to the education and work of the women. Schools and universities were closed and unbearable blow has been struck on our material and spiritual heritage. The establishment of maddrassas and the spread of obscurantism and medieval thinking, maintenance of an atmosphere terror panic, execution and imprisonment of innocent people without any excuse, assault on the honor of women and girls and in brief the strengthening of the fundamentalists’ power with the participation of Arab, Pakistani, Chechen and others and the flood of arms and ammunitions to the Jehadis (Northern Alliance) by the Russia, Iran and certain European countries, changed our country to a bloody battlefield to the regional and international powers. At that time America and its allies used the opportunity to drag defunct Soviet Union to a war and later on shattered it into pieces. Now the pendulum has swung and it seems that Russians want to take the revenge by engaging America in another frustrating war in Afghanistan.

There are some points which include the positive aspects of this change. A historical lesson has been gained by the future generations to clearly distinguish between the friends and enemies. The two decades of war has raised their political awareness. Their closed eyes have been opened due to the permanent or temporary migration and they are now in a acquired the necessary knowledge to regard the Jehadi and Taliban leaders as the servants of the foreign powers. It is crystal clear that due to the 22 years of war the country has been bent to its knee and its political integrity and economic stability has been struck hard. Therefore we cannot compare the last two decades with any period of our history.

  1. I. e. the war with the Soviet social-imperialists — RMP.

Fraternal Russian Maoist Party (RMP) Arises

By | 06/26/2015

September 9, 2000 is the 24th anniversary of the death of Mao Zedong, a most bitter day for us communists. Yet while we think of the fateful struggle that happened in September and early October, 1976 in China that restored capitalism there, we also recall dialectics and the truth that the cause of the international proletariat is ever vibrant. In this September of 2000 we call the world’s attention to the birth of a MIM-affiliated vanguard party in Russia. It has been 24 years; yet, still new parties and newspapers arise to defend and carry forward the true revolutionary legacy of Mao Zedong.

The Maoist Internationalist Party of Amerika hails the formation of the Maoist internationalist party of Russia, called the Russian Maoist Party. The action of the Russian comrades is a resounding and historical step toward reconstituting the international communist movement on a genuine and scientific basis, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist basis. Already the RMP has started building public opinion organs, through numerous web pages and by spreading articles through traditional means used by Lenin and Stalin themselves when they built their revolutionary movement. The MIP-Amerika calls on all to assist the Russian Maoist comrades in getting onto the road of having a regular publication as Lenin prescribed.

The RMP has proved in previous practice that is capable of grasping and applying the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It has propagated work opposing the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union and China; it has upheld the Cultural Revolution in China 1966 – 1976; it has started class analyses of Russian society and it has aided the struggle against the labor aristocracy of the Western imperialist countries that is completely preventing the rebirth of communism in those countries. For these reasons alone, the achievements of the RMP are great.

We say RMP’s work on these questions is great not because these historical events are a matter of simple fond wishes. Quite the contrary, the greatest lessons to the communist movement are in its most bitter defeats. These questions are a matter of looking at history, concretely occurring events and being able to say accurately what happened and how. This is a matter of science and cannot be left to leaders with the slightest sentimentality or feel-good political orientation. The truth of this has already demonstrated itself in MIM’s short existence. While the idea that the Soviet Union was capitalist and experiencing a capitalist downturn was widely scoffed at in the 1980s by those subjectively considering themselves communist, by now it is unavoidable to declare as Mao did that there has been a bourgeoisie right in the communist party in state power. It was not imperialists or landlords or former factory owners who killed socialism in the Soviet Union. It was the bourgeoisie in the party. The ability to examine this historical reality, acknowledge it and connect it with theory is no less important than being able to look at a fossil and connect it to the theory of evolution. In the case of the theory of evolution, there will be those Christians unable to break with preconceptions to look at the fossils or facts of geology dating the earth in the millions of years. Likewise, there will be those attempting the science of Marxism who will not be able to face the truth of a bourgeoisie in the party in the Soviet Union and the need for continued class struggle under socialism to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Some of us unable to face the truth will nonetheless go so far as to call for armed struggle and bloodshed on behalf of their half-baked ideas incapable of leading society forward to communism. There may be proletarians with such subjective ideas, and we must ally with them through whatever tactics necessary to yoke them to the proletarian movement, but such proletarians with foggy ideas must not be allowed to lead the communist movement. Any attempt by those with such foggy ideas to lead the movement must be pitilessly rebuffed, if necessary through methods used against enemies.

The road forward in the ex-Soviet Union is perilous. On the whole, those social-democrats and national chauvinists calling themselves communists still outnumber genuine communists. The weight of history and sentimentality also conspire to produce favorable memories of traitors to the communist movement Khruschev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev, though the latter is already much degraded in the eyes of many considering themselves subjectively communist. The increasing repression and exploitation of the Yeltsin years and the capitalist cyclical downswing of the economy in Russia have left many wishing for the bad old days of social-imperialism under Brezhnev.

Within the ranks of those calling themselves defenders of Stalin, we find many who believe the true meaning of Stalin is the increased geopolitical power of Russia. Some scatterbrained so-called communist leaders even tend to anti-Semitism and other strange formulas playing with the fire of the national question, like children who have recently discovered matches.

The wreckage of the communist movement in the ex-Soviet Union is no less than that faced by us in the Western imperialist countries ever since World War I when a majority of those calling themselves socialists sided with their national bourgeoisie in a war for profits and colonies at the expense of proletarian bloodshed. To this day, the majority calling themselves socialist and communist or anti-imperialist in the Western imperialist countries have no objective plan for overthrowing imperialism, because there is no way to be done with imperialism without a thorough calculation regarding superprofits. Claiming to overthrow imperialism without knowing how much superprofit is being sucked in by the imperialists and the labor aristocracy is like saying we will nationalize the factories without knowing where or how many there are. We must be pitiless toward the worthless expressions of imperialist militarism and chauvinism in the movement of those calling themselves communist – no matter how popular such imperialist militarism or chauvinism.

As Lenin proved in taking an unpopular stance regarding World War I and as Mao proved in defeating superior reactionary, Japanese and Amerikan enemies through protracted warfare, it is possible to apply Marxist-Leninist-Maoist science steadily and overcome temporary disadvantages in popularity and the disorientation of those calling themselves communist. Such a rebirth of the communist movement is possible only by paying the closest attention to science, the study of cause and effect, with the tools of dialectical materialism. It is neither enough to have determination nor detailed knowledge of conditions and the requirements of the proletarian movement. The two must be combined.

In the RMP, MIP-Amerika recognizes its fraternal comrades, comrades fully capable and proven in struggle. We look forward to its continued success.

The resolution on the Maoist Internationalist Movement

By | 06/26/2015
  1. MIM’s accusations against the RCP-USA of work for the CIA are unreasonable and foolish. The importunate aspiration to substitute a political question for a questions of espionage and recruitment is a mistake disorienting the Left. The RMP essentially rejects such style of polemic.

  2. The RMP recognizes fidelity and high value of the MIM’s position on workers aristocracy, however believes that the criticism against RCP on this question is sharpened in a sectarian manner. In their Draft Program RCP bring up the question of workers aristocracy and directly points out its danger. This favourably distinguishes it from almost all Russian left and very many of the Maoist parties.

  3. The RMP recognizes and protects the right of revolutionaries of the Third world to independently determine a moment for launchings and suspensions of the armed struggle. Accordingly the RMP estimates brawls around so-called “peace letters” as the unhealthy phenomenon.

  4. The RMP recognizes that criticism of actions against the Iranian dictatorship in the Euro-American centers is justified. Such actions are promoting the justification of imperialistic aggression against Iran (though struggle against a patriarchy inside Iran itself is justified and pertinent). For RCP-USA it was a heavy mistake and manifestation of flippancy to take part in these actions. However the MIM exaggerates the fault of RCP, falsely assertin that these actions have not been directed also against USA&EU imperialism. Besides the MIM has not presented weighty proofs to the statements about a linkage CP of  Iran (MLM) with these actions.

  5. The RMP agrees with MIM’s condemnation of the 4/30/2006 action against the Iranian nuclear program, however doesn’t see clear proofs that the MEK concerns it and doesn’t see any MEK’s linkage with the RCP-USA or CPI(MLM). On the contrary, Iranian Maoists responded about MEK negatively.

  6. The MIM dictates to Iranian Maoists how they should assert independence of their country. This is a manifestation of arrogant First-world hegemonism which should be condemned. Even more so the MIM commits free interpretation (actually distortion) of CPI(MLM) stands.

  7. The RMP believes that the MIM, having refused any correspondence and having armed itself with unintelligible style of hints and allegories, dooms the former allies to mistakes because of undercomprehension.

  8. The RMP sees three circles of allies abroad (from the widest up to the closest):

    1. The groups proclaiming the proletarian revolution as their purpose, rejecting old and modern revisionism, not being active conductors of workers-aristocratic and Euro-centrist ideology. It can be Maoist, Hoxhaist, neo-Stalinist and even Trotskist, Left Communist etc. groups. We put the MLPD to this category because mutually advantageous cooperation with it has historically developed and should proceed.

    2. The groups on the Chinese Marxists side in the Great Polemics against the Soviet revisionism, recognizing progressiveness and importance of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (and accordingly personally Mao and “the Shanghai four”), pointing out non-revolutionary character and danger of workers aristocracy (the recent criterion is not necessarily applied to the countries of the Third world). We put the MIM, the RCP-USA, the RCP Canada and the CP Aotearoa in the First world to this category.

    3. The groups satisfying the previous criteria, maintaining constant contact with us and having been enlisted in the nearest circle with the special decision of our party. We put now GCR Red Wedge (Belarus), CSWM (Ukraine) and Maoist Anti-Imperialistic Circle (Moldova) to this category.

Resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001 – Gary Prado – murderer!

By | 06/26/2015

Gathering in Assisi we learnt about the symbolic revolutionary action of comrade Alberto Hijar during the presentation of a book where the Major Gary Prado was present. He is the one responsible for the murder of the immortal commander Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. We firmly unite behind this elementary revolutionary attitude and we demand the an immediate halt to the persecution against the comrade.

Hasta la victoria siempre!

  • ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
  • BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe
  • Block for People’s Power, Mexico
  • Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia
  • Confederation of Sard Communists
  • D17, Direction 17, Italy
  • DHKC, Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, Turkey
  • European Movement for a Tribunal against NATO, Germany
  • FEUV, Federation of University Students of Venezuela
  • GUPS, General Union of Palestinian Students, Austria
  • IDP, Popular Democratic Left, Mexico
  • ILC, International Leninist Current
  • Loyalty to Men and Earth, Movement of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
  • MIGRANTE, Organisation of Philippine Immigrants in Europe, the US and Japan
  • Molon, Movement for the Liberation of Nigeria
  • PCMLE, Communist Party Marxist Leninist, Ecuador
  • PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Friends in Europe
  • Red Action, Duisburg, Germany
  • RKL, Revolutionary Communist League, Austria
  • RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League Thuringia, Germany
  • Russian Maoist Party
  • Senideak, Association of support to the Basque political prisoners
  • Support Group “Colombia never again,” Switzerland
  • Youth and Human Settlement Development Network, Senegal

Resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001 – Free the political prisoners

By | 06/26/2015

Those are the demands of the political organisations and social movements signed below:

  1. The liberation of all revolutionary prisoners in the world.
  2. The recognition of the political status of the revolutionary prisoners in the world; and end of the criminalisation against them.
  3. An end to the annihilation politics (as the F-type isolation cells in Turkey, Stammheim in Germany, mistreatment and separation) by different imperialist states and institutions like NATO or the European Union and their collaborating fascist regimes. Furthermore we demand the introduction of a process of dialogue with the different representatives of the collectives of the prisoners.
  4. An immediate halt to the systematical application of torture against the revolutionary political prisoners by the imperialist governments and collaborating regimes; an end to the international silence in front of this brutal attack on the basic rights.
  • Adaamer, Germany-Palestine
  • ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
  • BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe
  • Block for People’s Power, Mexico
  • Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia
  • Confederation of Sard Communists
  • D17, Direction 17, Italy
  • DHKC, Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, Turkey
  • European Movement for a Tribunal against NATO, Germany
  • FEUV, Federation of University Students of Venezuela
  • GUPS, General Union of Palestinian Students, Austria
  • IDP, Popular Democratic Left, Mexico
  • ILC, International Leninist Current
  • International Forum, Denmark
  • Loyalty to Men and Earth, Movement of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
  • MIGRANTE, Organisation of Philippine Immigrants in Europe, the US and Japan
  • Molon, Movement for the Liberation of Nigeria
  • PCMLE, Communist Party Marxist Leninist, Ecuador
  • PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Friends in Europe
  • Red Action, Duisburg, Germany
  • RKL, Revolutionary Communist League, Austria
  • RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League Thuringia, Germany
  • Russian Maoist Party
  • Senideak, Association of support to the Basque political prisoners
  • Support Group “Colombia never again,” Switzerland
  • TAYAD, Turkey
  • Youth and Human Settlement Development Network, Senegal

Resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001 – Support the demands of the revolutionary prisoners in Turkey

By | 06/26/2015

Today, in the name of globalisation the imperialist forces have opened a total war against the worker’s class and the oppressed people of the world. With their decisions which they hide from the people a handful of exploiters decide on the fate of milliards of people. Without caring about any rules it tries to bend down the countries and people’s movements whom they see as dangerous. Today imperialism can apply embargos against any country it wants. To avoid a possible revolution troups are sent and they try to make interventions, throw bombs on peoples who want to protect their independence, and continue their politics of plunder and destruction through institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.

As it is the case everywhere, imperialism tries to break the people of Turkey with economical, military and ideological attacks, and even in a very open way. For instance, the second man of the World Bank was assigned to the minister of economy of Turkey. To protect their interests in the Balkans, in Caucasia and the Middle East, the NATO forces use our country as a military base. On the other hand they try to liquidate the revolutionary forces whom are fighting for tens of years for independence, democracy and socialism, at the front of the prisions. This annihilation attempt is called F-type prisons.

This prison system that is based on total isolation is a war which was opened against the revolutionaries’ rights of thoughts, organizing and resisting. This was answered by the revolutionary prisoners with a death fast in order to protect their political dignity. On the 60th day of the death fast, on 19th of December 2000, the fascist state forces have committed a massacre in which 28 prisoners died and hundreds were injured. They deported the revolutionary prisoners into the F-type prisons who were still under construction.

While each kind of oppression, torture, lie and maneuver continues the restistance which almost reaches its 300th day has been continuing both inside and outside by 280 political prisoners, prisoner’s families and conditionally released prisoners of the DHKP-C. The recent balance of the resistance are 60 martyrs and 100 living deaths who were mainly caused by forced medical intervention.

We call upon all parties, organisations, magazines and people to support the following main demands of the revolutionary prisoners:

  1. Immediate and unconditionally end of isolation
  2. Immediate end of forced medical intervention
  3. Immediate and direct negotiations between the representations of the organisations who were selected by the prisoners and the governmental bodies
  • ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
  • BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe
  • Block for People’s Power, Mexico
  • Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia
  • Confederation of Sard Communists
  • D17, Direction 17, Italy
  • DHKC, Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, Turkey
  • European Movement for a Tribunal against NATO, Germany
  • FEUV, Federation of University Students of Venezuela
  • GUPS, General Union of Palestinian Students, Austria
  • IDP, Popular Democratic Left, Mexico
  • ILC, International Leninist Current
  • Loyalty to Men and Earth, Movement of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
  • MIGRANTE, Organisation of Philippine Immigrants in Europe, the US and Japan
  • Molon, Movement for the Liberation of Nigeria
  • PCMLE, Communist Party Marxist Leninist, Ecuador
  • PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Friends in Europe
  • Red Action, Duisburg, Germany
  • RKL, Revolutionary Communist League, Austria
  • RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League Thuringia, Germany
  • Russian Maoist Party
  • Senideak, Association of support to the Basque political prisoners
  • Support Group “Colombia never again,” Switzerland
  • Youth and Human Settlement Development Network, Senegal

Final resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, Assisi, 2001 – Global Intifada against globalisation

By | 06/26/2015

The struggle against globalisation must become a popular and anti-imperialist one – a global Intifada is necessary

The Anti-imperialist Camp schedules international actions to support the Palestinian and Colombian peoples in their just struggle against imperialism

At Assisi, representatives of popular anti-imperialist forces have been meeting from July 28 to August 4 with the support of more than a hundred organisations from all around the world. This genuine counter-summit of the oppressed and exploited peoples together with anti-imperialists of the West took place only one week after the massive anti-globalisation mobilisation against the G8 in Genoa. As an integral part of the movement, we, the anti-imperialist forces of the world, insist that our movement has to remain unified against the massive repression of the capitalist state and has to defend all the protesters. Therefore the camp has been dedicated to the first martyr of our movement, Carlo Giuliani, assassinated by the police in Genoa. The capitalist class is intending to split our movement and to integrate one part in the capitalist system trying to use it as a fig leaf camouflaging the devastating impact of capitalist globalisation. They fear that the continuation of the global social massacre caused by savage neo-liberalism will sooner or later evoke turmoil and resistance which will in turn seriously threaten imperialist domination. We express our concerns about slogans calling for a “globalisation from below” and for the “control of the civil society over globalisation,” slogans which neither question capitalism nor imperialism. On the contrary, they could be used to give capitalist globalisation a social cover. The Anti-imperialist Camp will concentrate all its forces to develop the movement against globalisation into one directed against capitalism and imperialism and to form step by step, a solid international anti-imperialist front with the final aim to defeat and overthrow capitalism and to establish popular power.

The driving force for this struggle will be the peoples most affected by globalisation, which is nothing else than the savage tyranny of imperialism. The anti-imperialist forces in Assisi have decided to take common exemplary action on the most outstanding examples of popular resistance. Victories in these places will be heavy blows to the common enemy:

We reaffirm our full support for the Palestinian revolution and its new heroic Intifada for self-determination against imperialism and Zionism. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Intifada, September 28, we will organise solidarity actions all around the world and we will send a solidarity delegation to the occupied territories. We call for a halt to the massacre committed by the Zionist occupation forces. We fight for the legitimate right to return of all Palestinian refugees and the withdrawal of the Zionist occupation forces from all Arab territories. We support the right of the Palestinian people to build their own state with Jerusalem as the capital, which must lead to a democratic and secular state in entire Palestine for all people living there.

The anti-imperialist forces are supporting the popular and armed movements of the Colombian people in their struggle for a just and social peace. We denounce the daily massacres carried out by the paramilitary forces and the army against the poor peasants, the workers and all those who defend their rights in the social, political and military struggle. We will do whatever we can to fight the increasing aggression of US imperialism under the pretext of “fighting drug trafficking” which finds its expression in the Plan Colombia that supports the paramilitary forces and the army of the capitalist oligarchy (who as a matter of fact is the main drug dealer). At the same time we denounce the “Andean initiative” and the Plan Puebla-Panama as an instrument for the political, military and economic control of Latin America. The anti-imperialist camp regards the struggle of the Colombian poor masses as our own struggle. It is a driving force of the popular struggle from Ecuador to Venezuela, from Argentine to Peru. We are calling for a common international day of action whose date is still to be announced.

As the so-called democratic world represses all those forces fighting for popular democracy and social equality we are calling for a day of action dedicated to those hundreds of thousands of our comrades and prisoners of war who are incarcerated, tortured and killed by imperialism and their allies or have “disappeared.” It will be hold on the first anniversary, October 20, of the death fast of the political prisoners fighting against the NATO stronghold Turkey, a struggle in which already more than 60 prisoners have given their lives for the cause of revolution. A second common international action is scheduled for December 10, the day of human rights.

The Anti-imperialist Camp is determined to heighten the awareness that imperialism is responsible for the genocide in Africa. While the West is using this genocide as a pretext to intervene, they keep instigating fratricidal wars and massacres thus increasing the ongoing exploitation, looting and devastation of the continent. We are supporting the struggle of the Congolese people for sovereignty against the occupation forces backed by the US. We firmly believe that only African popular unity will be able to liberate the continent from imperialist domination and will provide development, peace and social equality.

We are condemning the vicious anti-Islamic campaign conducted by the Western media which is steadily providing a pretext for the imperialist aggression trying to smash the resistance of the Islamic world and the Arab peoples against imperialist domination. We are supporting all popular forces fighting against imperialism no matter what political, cultural and religious affiliation they might have. At the same time we grant support to the left and communist forces fighting against reactionary regimes like the Taliban in Afghanistan who serve imperialism under the guise of Islam.

Again we firmly denounce the prolonged aggression against Yugoslavia which has led to the installation of a Western puppet regime. In order to legitimise their criminal bombardment and embargo, NATO has set up an infamous inquisition “tribunal” against all people refusing to subordinate to the “New World Order.” We call for the dissolution of The Hague’s “tribunal.” The NATO war criminals have no right to put anybody to trial! It’s them who must be brought before a popular trial for their crimes against humanity.

The anti-imperialist forces pledge to fight by all possible means the genocidal embargos against Iraq, Cuba and all those countries and peoples who are not willing to accept the imperialist dictate.

We support the struggle of all peoples for national, social and cultural self-determination against imperialism which is not only exploiting and oppressing but also trying to impose neo-liberal American culture on us. We also grant solidarity to the Basque, the Irish, the Corse, the Sard, the Scottish and many other peoples who are fighting against the imperialist fortress of the European Union from inside for their national and social self-determination.

We condemn in the strongest term the activities of the so-called Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the oppressed countries who are basically used by the imperialist establishments to divert the serious popular struggle movements in place of “sustainable” exploitation backed by the Western “civil society.” The NGOs are used to pacify revolutionary conditions of nations oppressed by imperialism. The NGOs are spies and agents of imperialist, illegitimate buy-outs of the people struggle.

All the participants commit themselves to strengthen the mutual exchange and co-operation for example by contributing to our common web site We will at the same time search for co-ordination with other initiatives striving for the same aim (like for example the annual Quito seminary). A new anti-imperialist camp has been scheduled for summer 2002. The place is yet to be announced.

Rebellion is legitimate – organisation is necessary!

  • ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
  • BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe
  • Block for People’s Power, Mexico
  • Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia
  • Confederation of Sard Communists
  • D17, Direction 17, Italy
  • DHKC, Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, Turkey
  • European Movement for a Tribunal against NATO, Germany
  • FEUV, Federation of University Students of Venezuela
  • GUPS, General Union of Palestinian Students, Austria
  • IDP, Popular Democratic Left, Mexico
  • ILC, International Leninist Current
  • Loyalty to Men and Earth, Movement of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
  • MIGRANTE, Organisation of Philippine Immigrants in Europe, the US and Japan
  • Molon, Movement for the Liberation of Nigeria
  • PCMLE, Communist Party Marxist Leninist, Ecuador
  • PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Friends in Europe
  • Red Action, Duisburg, Germany
  • RKL, Revolutionary Communist League, Austria
  • RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League Thuringia, Germany
  • Russian Maoist Party
  • Senideak, Association of support to the Basque political prisoners
  • Support Group “Colombia never again,” Switzerland
  • Youth and Human Settlement Development Network, Senegal

Russian Maoist Party greets Santa Barbara Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) on W.E.B. Du Bois’ birthday

By | 06/26/2015

The Russian Maoist Party extends its warm fraternal greetings to the MIM and RAIL comrades at Santa Barbara and wants to congratulate you this February 23, 2001, on two dates, one connected with North America and the other with Russia, but both extremely important to all true communists worldwide.

The first is, of course, the anniversary of W.E.B. Du Bois – one of the most prominent Black leaders in u.$. history, a political thinker of no small caliber, educator, Pan-Africanist, a leading figure in the Communist Party-USA at the time it was still on the proletarian road and, last but not least, a prolific and gifted writer. In many aspects of his political thought, he was the precursor of the current line of MIM (and RAIL) on the so-called “proletariat” in the imperialist countries – a line we of the RMP fully share and believe to be the only truly revolutionary one in contemporary “leftist” politics. That is why we were among the first to become signatories of MIM’s Du Bois anniversary statement, a text seeking to reorganize the international Communist movement along genuinely scientific Marxist lines.

Du Bois’ name and work were extremely popular in the Soviet Union, especially in the Stalin times, and are still fondly remembered by Communists in the ex-USSR. Many of his works, especially his brilliant autobiography, were extensively published here, both in the original and in Russian translation, and formed an essential part of the curriculum of college and university courses in American literature. If one were asked about three figures most readily identifiable in the mind of Communists and anti-imperialists here with the North American revolutionary tradition, one would name John Reed, Albert Rhys Williams and, of course, W.E.B. Du Bois.

It is really a shame that the ultra-revisionist CPUSA of today (no more than a puppet in the hands of the Democratic Party) is trying to claim the name and heritage of Comrade Du Bois as its own. Within the u.$. borders, it is you, comrades, that are the true successors to the legacy and cause of Du Bois and the early CPUSA. It is both your prerogative and responsibility to, as Stalin said, “lift up that banner and proudly carry it onwards. Except you, there is no one to do it.”

The second – and no less important – anniversary that Communists worldwide are celebrating today is Red Army Day, the day on which the Soviet Army was founded by Lenin and Trotsky in 1918. We deliberately mention the name of Leon Trotsky in this connection, as an example of the dialectics of revolutionary development. A progressive figure in 1918, a close comrade-in-arms of Lenin and one of the founders of the Red Army, he later fell victim to his idealist illusions (of which one of the principal ones was overestimating the revolutionary nature of the Western proletariat of his day) and eventually became no better that an enemy of the USSR and of the international proletariat – and Trotskyism is still continuing to exercise its harmful influence both here in Russia and in your country. His example shows us how we should ever be on our guard against revisionism – an extremely potent poison that may turn even the best revolutionary cadres into traitors to the proletarian cause. “The correctness or otherwise of the political and ideological line decides everything.”

As Lenin correctly remarked, “any revolution is worth something only in case it can defend itself.” The Red Army was the first proletarian army in the world. It committed many heroic deeds, chased out the White Guards and their numerous foreign allies in the Civil War of 1918–1921, smashed fascism, defended the Soviet Union’s national independence and brought liberation to the Eastern European peoples in the Second World War. It became the model for all the subsequent revolutionary armies, including Mao’s People’s Liberation Army. The secret of the invincibility of the Red Army lay in its extremely close ties to the people (in the 1930s, it was considered a shame for any Soviet man not to have served in the Army, which was at that time formed on a voluntary basis) and in its being firmly led by the Communist Party, the exponent of Marxism-Leninism.

All of this was reversed by the Khrushchev revisionist régime and its successors. Nikita Khrushchev went as far as to use regular troops to drown in blood a perfectly legitimate workers’ demonstration in Novocherkassk in 1962. The Soviet Army became a typical imperialist army of aggression, as exemplified by the cases of Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, etc. The current fascist army of the Putin regime, committing genocide in Chechnya and so authoritarian in the relations between officers and men (and among the men themselves) that it is often a danger to a persyn’s health and even life to go serve in that army, is a direct successor of the late Soviet armed forces.

Our current stand for Russia is (exactly like MIM’s and RAIL’s for Amerika) strongly anti-militarist. We oppose the draft, we oppose the recent attempts at military buildup, we strongly come out against the war in Chechnya, we want to do our best to weaken and demoralize the Russian army. This distinguishes us from most post-Soviet “Communists,” who campaign to “support the Army and the Navy” and wax nostalgic about the times of the military might of Brezhnev’s USSR. What we need is not the current, bourgeois, army – a tool for suppressing the masses. What we need is our own, proletarian, army – a tool of the masses for their self-liberation. And when such an army is built in the ex-USSR, it will be certainly modeled upon the Red Army of Lenin and Stalin, the PLA of Mao and other revolutionary examples.

We are also certain that the day will come when a People’s Liberation Army, fighting for the interests of the international proletariat, will arise in North America. And we believe that you, comrades, with your propaganda of the correct ideological line, are paving the way for it.

All the best to you in your revolutionary work!

On behalf of the Russian Maoist Party,
Dar ZHUTAYEV (Chairpersyn)

Tartan Hate Group Links With IRA For Terror Plot

By | 06/25/2015

The anti-English campaign to frighten Prince William from St Andrews University has active backing from other terror groups.

On the eve of his arrival to begin art history studies they are already determined to make him quit his four-year course. A major News of the World investigation has raised serious concerns over the safety of the 19-year-old heir whose first term begins on September 24.

Behind the plot to create major disruption to Wills and his 6,000 fellow students is the outlawed Scottish National Liberation Army.

Fanatic members led by 51-year-old founder member Adam Busby – a distant relative of football legend Sir Matt – want the Prince driven from Scotland just because he is English.

The tiny group of tartan terrorists, with cells in Dundee and Dumfries, would have little chance of success on their own.

But former Argyll and Sutherland Highlander Busby and his followers have formed a series of potentially lethal links.

We can reveal they have support from the Real IRA – blamed for the Omagh bomb outrage that killed 29 people – the Russian Maoist Party, animal rights campaigners and an American-based pro-Celtic group dedicated to damaging English business interests.

From his Dublin home Busby is in regular contact with the Real IRA and was at one time arrested on suspicion of being a member of the extremist organisation.

Irish police were forced to release him through lack of evidence.

The SNLA which uses its political wing, the Scottish Separatist Group, as a front for terror tactics has warned: “We can kill William should he attend, and we will.

And in a horrifying new move the terrorists have set up a special website, The Assassin’s Guide to St Andrews, which promises maniacs intent on harming Wills: “Here is all the info you will need to kill him.

It gives details of his movements, including a map of the town, suggests a spot for planting a car bomb which will “kill him and everyone else in the vicinity” and says “no claim of responsibility must be made immediately as separate organisations are involved and this will confuse the investigation.

During his terms at St Andrews Prince William will be protected by an armed personal bodyguard who will be able to call on a tiny unit from Fife police and members of the University’s own security staff.

But there are fears that police are not taking the danger seriously enough.

The SNLA has spent two years developing expertise in poisons and infiltrating electronic systems.

Two years ago a detailed threat to cause mass murder in the Birmingham area by poisoning water supplies was discussed by Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Cabinet.

The warning came in a series of letters posted in the Midlands by a Real IRA cell and animal rights volunteers.

Busby was arrested in Dublin and later released.

Since then the SNLA has made the most of help from highly educated sympathisers belonging to the other terror groups.

The American FBI now has a file on the SNLA after a series of frightening packages were sent in December to companies selling English-made goods and offices promoting business and tourism in Britain.

Claims that they were filled with a powder containing killer anthrax spores – there is no cure – were taken seriously until analysts discovered the substance was harmless.

FBI agents traced the packages to Phoenix, Arizona.

They were unable to discover the senders but we can reveal SNLA members and Real IRA supporters posted them.

Both organisations have members actively fund raising in the USA.

Money to fund the Scottish Separatist Group and SNLA comes through the California-based William Wallace Society.

Since then the tartan terrorists with the help and guidance of the other groups have concentrated on attacking e-mail systems used by police forces in Scotland, the Scottish Executive, airlines, offices involved in promoting trade and tourism, St. Andrews University and media organisations.

Electronic mail purporting to come from senior Metropolitan police officers, University staff and even Scotland’s First Minister Henry McLeish has been so convincing it has fooled police and businesses.

Further packages falsely alleged to contain anthrax have been delivered to the heart of the University.

Details of security arrangements for the Prince have been posted on a Real IRA website. And when the Home Office ordered server company Angelfire to remove the Scottish Separatist Group website the madcap Russian Maoist Party stepped in and is now hosting the site.

The Maoists have handed in a protest note to the British Embassy in Moscow complaining at the Prince being given at place at St. Andrews.

Irish Special Branch officers have recently been shadowing Busby, checking at any shops and offices visited by him.

At his Dublin home Busby said: “I have absolutely nothing to say to you or your f****** paper.

But a former SNLA member said: “It’s obvious the police don’t realise Busby has organised tie-ups with people like the Real IRA.

“He has recruited younger, university-educated people who have studied the effects of neuro-toxins, which were used as germ warfare weapons by the Russians in Afghanistan, and Dimethyl Sulfoxides which are safe on their own but can be highly dangerous when mixed with other chemicals.

“And disrupting police and other emergency service e-mail systems could be disastrous in an emergency situation.”